Something is up with league changes, but we don't know what specifically is the root cause. Blizzard is aware of the issue and are testing a hotfix. -- Excal_Z 6/15 This does not mean that there is a global ladder lock!! There is some bug affecting some players but it is not universal. -- Excal_Z 6/16 Might be fixed. Some of the affected players were promoted. Need more data. -- Excal_Z 6/17
On June 17 2011 16:43 Bro_Stone wrote: Ye lol. I just played a gold player and I am in mid masters :o
that could mean that you are playing someone that blizz thinks should be a lot higher than gold, like diamond, which is not that crazy. I know some Grandmasters play platinum like if the plat is a smurf account. Playing someone higher or lower than you does not mean the ladder is messed up, unless this happens everytime, and your rank is not changing.
I just started playing recently, bombed my placement matches. I have won 152 games and im at 2k+ points (not that it matters) Playing silver and mostly gold with a plat mixed in for good measure.. Ladders are definitely bugged.
On June 17 2011 23:30 Nepsilon wrote: Has blizzard released and official answer on this yet and stated and ETA on the fix ?
I ask the same question. I had a week straight of ranked first in plat against master opponents and received no promotion. I'd like to know if it was a bug and if it is then the exact nature of the bug.
I understand that this isn't global in that it doesn't affect all players, but is is global in that it affects all leagues? As in, are team rankings affected by this?
yeah well I thought I was bugged, as I was still ranked first in platinum, almost 1400rating, had around 70-75% win rate for the last 2 weeks and over 200games, mostly VS high diamond players, even sometimes some masters, ...
But I finally got promoted to diamond yesterday...
So I don't know if the bug was fixed or if I simply wasn't bugged, but yeah.... finally...
What sucked, is that when I was losing before getting promoted, even VS people in masters, I was losing something like 18-20points, and only 6-8 for winning...
I hope this is fixed soon. I made a bet with 2 friends for $10 a piece that I could get into masters in the next 4 weeks. Everyone I've played (like 10-15 matches) have been against "favored" opponents and I've won every one.
On June 18 2011 00:30 Trig wrote: meh just got a mate to buy me a new sc2 so i can win 5 placement matches np
i dont think you can get promoted to masters just from placements in 1v1.. i know you can in team games but ive yet to see it in 1v1, and ive had afew 5-0 accounts in the past month.
On June 16 2011 05:28 Trig wrote: Sold my old masters SC2 acc (cause of WoW) and I'm using my mates SC2 acc which he hasn't played on since the previous season. Did a placement match and got in Bronze. I've gone like 55-4 and i'm still not getting promoted. I've faced 7 Diamond players (beat them all) and 15 platinum players before that (lost to two of them). Anyone know what could be the problem? Mates win los was kinda bad before season two. But the MMR should be fixed now cause I'm meeting Diamond players, right?
Thanks in advance.
The reason is because you're continually imporving. In order to get promoted your ladder needs to equalibriate meaning you need to stop winning so many games if you want to get promoted to diamond. If you want to get promoted to masters keep winning until you get to masters.
msv was a guy i played beta with and he just started playing again on a new ID and he did the same thing, he went 36-0 starting in platinum until he was playing masters players but was still platinum.
Once he started playing grandmasters players he started losing games and when he started losing games it promoted him to masters with 1100 points. This is how it's always worked. There is an entire thread about this.
On June 18 2011 03:08 Sif_ wrote: won my 5 placements and got into plat..
been playing masters and high masters (those about to get promoted i believe)...they're always Favored and im getting 42-46 points per win..
im like 22/7 by now...
29 games player isn't very many. I'm 99% sure if you get 70+ games player you will have been promoted by then.