Dark + Show Spoiler +On my brother's 8th birthday he got a brand new Looney Tunes bike, it was so cool looking. A friend walked over and for whatever reason I stuck a tack through both tires. I don't know why I did it, but I always feel bad about it to this day.
Darker + Show Spoiler +When I was 11, my brother 10 we moved into a condo and our neighbor was a complete bitch. There were some stray cats around and my mom let my brother and I leave some food/milk out there. The woman put glue in the milk, so my brother and I bombed her front door with eggs and flour. I guess I don't regret this, she did a lot of other things but I won't go into that here.
Darkest + Show Spoiler +I used to go the a Pokemon card league at a book store every Saturday and there wsa this really, really spoiled kid. He used to flaunt his rare cards his mom bought him on eBay and all the japenese cards that weren't in the US yet. My friend and I stole his tin can of cards and left them in the bathroom sink. I shouldn't have done this.
+ Show Spoiler + I used to draft Magic: the Gathering at a local comics shop. A single booster of MTG consists of 15 cards: 1 rare, 3 uncommons, and 11 commons. A draft is where each person brings 3 boosters, opens one, picks a card out, and passes it down in a rotation until all the cards everyone brought have been distributed. In a finished draft deck, your total cards will consist of 45... If 8 people draft, the total amount of cards in your groups pool will be 360 cards: 24 rares, 72 uncommons, and 264 commons.
I cheated many times using this knowledge. I'd build my finished draft deck quickly, and go to the bathroom with my cards in a backpack (where I keep my collection). From my collection, I would swap out some of the more powerful commons there for some of the weaker picks I had made during the draft, basically taking the randomness out of what your deck can become. I would make first place in these tournaments (typically 20-30 people) maybe 80% of the times I went.
One particular time, this Asian dude, the former top dog (before I showed up), got so mad after I beat him in the first (of three) round with my near impossibly well-drafted deck, that he requested a card check. The judge, his close friend, was VERY thorough in auditing my deck. They smelled cheater, and they smelled right. I had been doing this for months, and there was no hole they could find in it. Another judge, out of policy, had been checking the asian guy's deck, and found a minor discrepancy of one extra card than he should have had. If I had so wished, they said I could get him disqualified and win first place.
The guy was a douche to a lot of people openly. I wanted to make him look bad. I declined the penalty win and went on to beat him in the following game easily. In the end, no one liked him, and no one had ever caught me cheating.
I eventually had an epiphany that the wins I was experiencing weren't really that fulfilling. I stopped the cheating, and started really ENJOYING the game. I dropped to maybe 50% of the tournaments ending in me as the legitimate first place. I eventually lost interest in MTG when I got into WoW then Starcraft 2. Every once in a while, I'll play a draft online.
I took a sick pleasure in knowing that Asian kid and his judge friend *KNEW IN HIS HEART BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT* that I was going to win that illegitimately, but couldn't do a damned thing about it.
+ Show Spoiler +I also eat fast food about 3x a week. That alone is dark. For me it's like a craving, before lunch I absolutely have to have it. Finally when I start eating the meal I'm reminded of how horrible it is. Lots of half-eaten burgers and cups of fries get trashed by me because I completely lose my appetite halfway through the meal.
On the bright side I have an ectomorph frame and never gain a lb. I don't work out regularly. At best I jog a 5k once a week and do my pushups, pullups every other day. That isn't a real workout it's barely enough to keep my guilt for not truly being in shape at bay. When people comment on how in shape I am and ask what I do I exaggerate greatly to feed my ego.
oh god, zatic and eu.exodus
those stories were great
Dark + Show Spoiler +Punched a kid who was bullying me (He was asking for it.) i gave him a bloodnose and a kick in the nuts, It got me 10pages of handheld writing with the good old pen. (After the teacher was complaining about "Not being used to it" I said "Yeah whatever, I do somthing and i get punishment, While the other guys piss you off and nothing is done about it." Darker + Show Spoiler +I kicked a football in someones window and ran away, Never got found. Window got refunded. I'm too much of a pussy to tell anyone. Darkest. + Show Spoiler +Er... Nothing comes in my mind.
Darkest + Show Spoiler + Back in highschool I held a piece of metal under a flame until it was red hot and pushed it into my arm a bunch of times. Insomnia, depression, isolation, and obessing over a girl you could have had but shot down because she was your best friend's ex can make a teenager do crazy things. One time I did it with a screw driver. I still have 3 dime sized scars on my arm and a bunch of smaller ones.
On January 26 2011 22:17 eu.exodus wrote:dark and nasty + Show Spoiler +a friend and i used to mix house sets at a shitty club on wednesdays for extra cash and free booze. These 2 girls kinda became our groupies and would be there every week to bug us. One was cute but completely fucked upstairs (she wanted me) and the other was rosey-o'donnel-on-a-diet-like (she wanted my friend) and they were step sisters.
anyway long story short, the one who wanted my friend didnt get the idea that my friend wasnt interested so he asked me to get rid of her. In my drunken state i told her that my friend had a gf (he didnt) so she naturally burst into tears and ran to the bathroom where nobody could see her.
I followed her to try make her feel a bit better, (im a nice guy and i was drunk) without fear and with bear goggles set to night vision i went into the cubicle where she was sobbing.
My stupid mouth and her horny vulnerability led to me removing her undies and playing with things and eventually doing the nasty from behind.
She was really loud. And her moaning attracted attention. Her sister. The one who wanted me took a peak over the wall from the cubicle next door and then waited outside for us to finish.
When we came out, her step sister goldberg speared her and they began beating the shit out of each other. In my drunken state, all i could think about was a beer for my now dry throat.
So i just walked away while they beat each other.
For the rest of the night, my friends kept saying that i smelled funny. Like socks that were worn everyday for a week and laughed so hard.
I felt shit. And i didnt want anyone to know what happened with the hippo in the bathroom. So i went to the car to see what was up. I took off my shoes but smelled nothing.
After 10 mins of searching i realised...
It was my hands that reeked...
And where my hands had been no one i know personally knows this
AAAAAHHHH!!!! LOLOLOL My condolences, you poor soul.
Hmm, I don't have too many dark experiences. The best I can do is:
Dark + Show Spoiler +In a huge argument with my parents, I kicked down a door at my dad in a fit of rage
Darker + Show Spoiler +I was racing my friend on a bike when I was about 12 and took out this old guy going around a bush. He had a bit of trouble getting up, and I booked it home after saying sorry. And now that I'm older I know about how easy it is for an old person to break a hip. Since that, I've been much more careful on my bike.
darky + Show Spoiler +To the people that have killed or tortured animals, I feel they deserve the same treatment as they did to the poor defenseless innocent animals. Especially cats, when I read the thing about the cat with a rope around its neck tied up and going down an elevator, I felt really bad. I have heard stories of little kids that take eyes of cats and collect them. If I find them, I would not feel bad at all to take their eyes out, too. I usually don't get aggressive, I'm not an aggressive person, but animal cruelty is my weakness. Its because they are defenseless for god's sake, pick on someone your own size.
Oh I don't know I think I have something personal with cats, that's the creature that sets me mad. probably because I used to have a pet cat and it was like my best friend, but he died a couple of years ago. I actually don't like dogs because when I was small dogs used to surround me and chase me and bite me and I feel I now have some phobia for dogs.
oops i think I got side-tracked xD
On January 26 2011 15:55 Slow Motion wrote:dark + Show Spoiler +When I was 11 and my grandfather died I practiced crying the day before his funeral cause I didn't really care about him dying. My grandmother died recently and I felt relieved she was finally dead because now I don't have to call her on birthdays and have awkward conversations with her. Both my grandparents were pretty nice to me and helped raise me until I was 7. I think if my parents died I wouldn't feel bad at all, only relieved and feeling like I'm free of a burden. There's not a single person in my life that I think of as irreplaceable. It would suck if my closest friends died because that's a few less people to have fun with, but I know I can always make new friends. I don't think I've ever really cared about another human being aside from his or her utility to me.
I've felt and sometimes still feel the same as you. Dark.
On January 27 2011 07:34 Holdinga wrote:darky + Show Spoiler +To the people that have killed or tortured animals, I feel they deserve the same treatment as they did to the poor defenseless innocent animals. Especially cats, when I read the thing about the cat with a rope around its neck tied up and going down an elevator, I felt really bad. I have heard stories of little kids that take eyes of cats and collect them. If I find them, I would not feel bad at all to take their eyes out, too. I usually don't get aggressive, I'm not an aggressive person, but animal cruelty is my weakness. Its because they are defenseless for god's sake, pick on someone your own size.
Why is there so much judgment in this thread? Someone even threatened to kill some of the posters he didn't like if he saw them on the streets. Not only are you coming off as a dick, you're also discouraging people from sharing their stories. If this thread is to have great and dark stories then I suggest a no-judgment policy. People could say thing like "holy shit", but nobody should make personal attacks against anyone else. If you don't like the content in this thread then why are you reading it?
Yeah I'm sorry I just got pretty emotional you are right. I apologize
giving death to an allready broken company + Show Spoiler +I used to grow up with many other kids near an industrial side. one day we where playing at a small hall of a chemical company when everything was closed because we knew it got insolvent. we went totally crazy. 3 little boys smashing doors and windows, destroying the office just everything. then we found some chemicals, brang them to the hall put some chairs and stuff into the middle of the hall and BURNED it because someone of us got a lighter. 3 minutes later we where crying because the fire in the hall got realy big, bigger as ourselfes. Luckily i found a big big carpet and we managed to kill the fire with that. we have been REALY luck.
anyway we left the fieldof the small company totally destroyed and burned. one day later my grandma was reading the newspaper and telling me that a lot some riot-boys around my home destroyed the company-building making it impossible for the owner to have a healthy insolvent-procedure. "imagine how bad thoose boys are" whe was telling me. i felt realy bad. the next weeks i was stunned when the phone or the door was ringing in my home. but the police never visited my parents. somehow we kept this successfully hidden.
ruining someones education + Show Spoiler + in schooltime we had a boy in our class who was just a little bit strange. at first we made him our friend. he had a computer and he invited us to be with him there. after a while we realized that he could not counter-argue our small jokes about him. how he looks, how he act. it turned out that we where making jokes about him every day. and everyday a bit harder and more evil. we where laughing about his hair, we where joking that he is not washed, that he smells and so on. that aliens are living in his hair, controlling him, thats why he is not washing bla bla.. sometimes he was at home - sick. the sick-days at home got more. until the day our teacher told us that he wont come back anytime soon. he told us that our "friend" is in therapy, that he is not beeing able to go to school anymore because he is too much afraid of going there. he was good at mathematics, i dont know what happend exactly after that, but i saw him a few years ago and he looked very shocked as he saw me on the street. anyway it does not looked like that he made something out of his life. it was clear that our jokes about him made strong impact on his career and his life.
luckily since i am grown up i can honestly say that i became a good person =)
Dark + Show Spoiler +My neighborhood about 10 years ago used to be so cool. Every day after school all the guys would hang out and play video games and sports. There was about 7 of us within 3 years of age and we were almost inseparable. Well the street over from us was the exact same way and we HATED eachother. We'd play games of road hockey that would always end up in a 7 on 7 kid brawl within 15 minutes, we'd have water gun fights that always resulted in pinning kids down and hitting them with power washers.
There was this one time when they knocked down our awesome tree fort so we took the youngest kid hostage, tied him to a tree and left him there. The poor kid was there for 5 hours until his parents got home from work and started worrying where he was and eventually found him
On January 27 2011 07:40 Hyperbola wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2011 07:34 Holdinga wrote:darky + Show Spoiler +To the people that have killed or tortured animals, I feel they deserve the same treatment as they did to the poor defenseless innocent animals. Especially cats, when I read the thing about the cat with a rope around its neck tied up and going down an elevator, I felt really bad. I have heard stories of little kids that take eyes of cats and collect them. If I find them, I would not feel bad at all to take their eyes out, too. I usually don't get aggressive, I'm not an aggressive person, but animal cruelty is my weakness. Its because they are defenseless for god's sake, pick on someone your own size.
Why is there so much judgment in this thread? Someone even threatened to kill some of the posters he didn't like if he saw them on the streets. Not only are you coming off as a dick, you're also discouraging people from sharing their stories. If this thread is to have great and dark stories then I suggest a no-judgment policy. People could say thing like "holy shit", but nobody should make personal attacks against anyone else. If you don't like the content in this thread then why are you reading it?
Well the purpose of the good deed thread is specifically to provoke a reaction, albeit a happy and pleased one, and there's nothing wrong with people saying 'wow you people are so nice!' is there?
So by the same token there's nothing wrong with saying half the people in this thread are fucking garbage and I wouldn't brake if they fell over in front of my car.
On January 27 2011 08:45 sc4k wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2011 07:40 Hyperbola wrote:On January 27 2011 07:34 Holdinga wrote:darky + Show Spoiler +To the people that have killed or tortured animals, I feel they deserve the same treatment as they did to the poor defenseless innocent animals. Especially cats, when I read the thing about the cat with a rope around its neck tied up and going down an elevator, I felt really bad. I have heard stories of little kids that take eyes of cats and collect them. If I find them, I would not feel bad at all to take their eyes out, too. I usually don't get aggressive, I'm not an aggressive person, but animal cruelty is my weakness. Its because they are defenseless for god's sake, pick on someone your own size.
Why is there so much judgment in this thread? Someone even threatened to kill some of the posters he didn't like if he saw them on the streets. Not only are you coming off as a dick, you're also discouraging people from sharing their stories. If this thread is to have great and dark stories then I suggest a no-judgment policy. People could say thing like "holy shit", but nobody should make personal attacks against anyone else. If you don't like the content in this thread then why are you reading it? Well the purpose of the good deed thread is specifically to provoke a reaction, albeit a happy and pleased one, and there's nothing wrong with people saying 'wow you people are so nice!' is there? So by the same token there's nothing wrong with saying half the people in this thread are fucking garbage and I wouldn't brake if they fell over in front of my car.
There's clearly no difference between a 7 year old you finding out a thing or two about your anal sensations while exploring your body and a 25 year old you taking a cock from behind while grinning into the camera. If you think I am mental because I killed bugs and threw stones at cats and birds when I was a kid you need treatment yourself. You are a nice guy but you are talking about things you've never had to deal with.
dark + Show Spoiler +Dated a girl in highschool for 2 years only for her body. She was probably one of the most stupid, annoying, bitchy girls i've ever known but we had sex pretty often so i didn't break up with her until the end of senior year, and never told her that i secretly had come to despise her
Dark + Show Spoiler + In 8th grade, I had an english teacher that was really short. The class was always fun and she was a fairly dedicated teacher. One day, for some reason (probably because I was the class clown) I decided to walk right up to her in front of the entire class and look over her head yelling "MRS.(name here), WHERE ARE YOU? I DON'T SEE YOU!" or some equally stupid thing. Everyone laughed and she kicked me out of the class for 30 minutes.
In 7th grade i had a horrible stomach ache. I had a hockey practice and as usual i was late. The place where i play the locker rooms are in a separate hallway from the rink so what i was about to do would go unpunished. to relieve my stomach ache before hoppin on the ice, i took one of nastiest dumps ever right in the middle of the locker room. The smell was nasty, the look was nasty, the sound was nasty. and there was a bathroom like 10 ft away
On January 26 2011 21:36 phungus420 wrote:Great thread, can't get into the darkest things I've done, as I don't want to deal with any repercussions. However will share a couple of the lesser dark side moments. Basic Bad Behavior + Show Spoiler +Like many of you, I ended up beating up one of the nerds in our school in 4th grade. Actually felt bad about this, and have never started a fight with someone smaller then me since.
Dark + Show Spoiler +I've always liked spiders, they just seem baddass, and when I was a kid I had no fear of them whatsoever. I used to grab them off their webs, and throw them at other people and kids cause I'd get a kick out of their reactions, especially young adults. Still catch bugs and throw them in spiders' webs to watch them get eaten, also catch spiders and throw them in each others' webs to watch them fight sometimes. Darker + Show Spoiler +Screwed around with a girl who was engaged when I was in Boston. Her fiance found out, and their wedding was canceled and her relationship ruined, this was with her high school sweetheart. I wouldn't consider this super bad, except for the fact I really disliked the girl; just really enjoyed her body, and I know her fiance actually loved her.
1, you're an asshole, seeing as you claim to have done worse then this.
2, I don't have anything to contribute, I'm a good boy. Drowning some ants with my supersoaker at age 6 and thats about it .
On January 26 2011 22:12 zatic wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Our cat dragged a rat into our living room. A big fat ugly one. So big in fact that our cat got scared and ran away once the rat started fighting.
My mom didn't dare to enter the room anymore. I had to take care of this situation.
I went to the garage and got a broom, a hammer, and a shovel. I knew I was going to kill this rat. I wouldn't know how yet though. And it's easier said than done. Those beasts are fast and strong. And our living room was full of furniture.
I tried to chase the rat out from under the cupboards, sofa, piano, etc where it was hiding. But the damn thing was so freaking fast and under the next piece of furniture before I could swing at it.
It just had run to the desk, and I heard movement from inside the desk. I opened the drawers one by one. When I opened the last one, the rat's hideous blank tail swirled right in front of my. I immediately packed it, but the slippery stinking tentacle immediately slid through my hand, and the beast once again escaped.
I went back to the garage to get a pair of flat pliers, with which I hoped to be able to grab the greasy beast the next time.
After another round of chasing the ugly thing through the room I saw it escape from the sofa on to and under a pillow that was laying on the ground. I took a leap forward and stomped real hard on pillow, trapping the screeching rat under my foot. The rats head, ugly mouth and wild eyes stuck out under the pillow, while I was standing firmly on it's rear or tail. It was time.
I pummeled the rat with the broom handle, again and again. The beast screamed and struggled, surprisingly forceful for a creature that size. I hit it on the head again and again, but it wouldn't stop struggling and screaming.
I reached to my back pocket and produced the pliers. While it's wild eyes where looking at me in fear, rage, and desperation, I lowered the pliers around the rat's snout, and squeezed.
With a dry creaking it's snout was squished to a sludge of blood and bone. The rat screeching became a wet rattling.
But it wouldn't stop fighting.
With my second advance I fixed the pliers around the rats eyes. It was difficult. I had to squeeze with all my strength until the beast's skull finally cracked, and it's features became the same sludge it's snout already was. From one moment to the next, it's body went limb.
It's over, I said to my mom, as I carried the remains out.
To this day I am shocked at the merciless and brutal killing I was able to execute so coldly in these last seconds of the creature's life.
Holy shit, I have a very similar story with a gopher, I still think about it with horror.