On July 07 2010 03:13 Nefra wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 03:02 789 wrote: Let's make this interesting. Everyone who thinks this lack of privacy isn't an issue: post your full name, phone number, and address. If you really don't think it's an issue you would be willing to do it, since when blizzard starts handing full names out it will be easy enough to discover this information. Oh yeah ... any random jerk off can run a full background check on you too if he wants to pay a few bucks. If you're stupid enough to put personal information on the internet anything further than your name you deserve all you get to be honest, I'm more than happy for people to know my name, it does not bother me, good luck trying to glean any further information from knowing it - even if you can get as far as figuring out which one of the many people I share my name with.
Maybe you missed the any number of posts made by myself and other that point out not all of us are lucky with names that are common. All of the information I asked for in my post can be found by a simple search of my name on any of the hundreds of website that do searches. Am I expected to go to each one of them and remove myself from the listing.
I also noticed that you responded saying its not a big deal without divulging any information. Hypocrite.
I hope that 4chan becomes bound by law to do the same thing so that you can all rest easy about the internet boogeyman. :---(
I don't think I'll ever post on the Blizzard forums then. I like my privacy thank you very much. I can understand the change from Blizzards POV though. The WoW forums especially are disgusting - spammers and trolls and haters are present in such numbers that the forums have become practically useless.
Lets hope communities like TL don't suffer all those trolls that will leave Bnet forums.
On July 07 2010 03:12 Pokebunny wrote: What the fuck?
What the fuck.
Edit - Opinion modified.
On July 07 2010 02:58 vesicular wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 02:53 ikkyixo wrote: The denial of employment would need to always be based on a specifc aspect in which the employer finds that either, you are not qualified for the position in which you are applying for or the position you are applying for is no longer open due to a sudden or non sudden change in business needs or the position was filled.
You've never actually worked in the real world have you?
I work for a popular web hosting company, here in the real world. I'm sorry to bust your bubble but, can you even put up a solid arguement to the point I have specified?
i don't really care about posting on blizz forums, nor am i convinced that masses of posters would get huge problems, however, you sir are really living in a world of your own: "potencial employers..." sue them if bla bla weew you've never had to face hardcore employers, or perhaps (like most us of a citizens) you feel that there are no other countries concerned or that it works there the same way than in the us of a (sue sue sue and get rich, that only works in the us of a, most countries don't encourage or reward suing nor should they) "report to the proper authorities..." so they can help humongous bullllllllll, like they could do anything even if they deemed it a priority "can mess up your life... they would need proof" : what about mistakes made and their long lasting effects... you sir are happy going, hope it's gonna stay that way and that you will remain that lucky... but please, just be thankful... cause a bunch of people are just not that lucky scapegoats or fall guys will always be used by bent and criminal people trolling is a small price to pay not to help hacks to get their way
I cannot speak to those in other countries as I do not have experience with the laws in those countries.
In regards to reporting to the proper authorities, what makes you say that they cannot do anything? Go ahead and send me a death threat. ikkyixo@hotmail.com. If you live in America, we'll see who's laughing at the end.
In regards to mistakes made and long lasting effects, please clarify the mistakes you are referring to in detail and I will reply back with information in detail if what you state is not true.
There's nothing lucky about me. I experience the real world, not the world you see on TV or read about from someone's speculation. I can post my name here: Gregory S. Dodd. That's how 100% I'm sure of the information that's spewed from my mouth. I've worked in HR for a sales call center which gives me the HR experience I'm telling you. If you can't argue my points with valid points, then I'm sorry, I don't see you.
It sucks that we even have to worry about this, it should be obvious that the real name does NOT belong in a forum.
I have made a couple of posts on there until I realized that the forums and the moderation are crap. So now can you please tell me if they are going to put up my real name next to my old posts?
I am certainly NEVER AGAIN posting there but will my old posts have my name in them??
On July 07 2010 03:17 SexyBimbo wrote: It sucks that we even have to worry about this, it should be obvious that the real name does NOT belong in a forum.
I have made a couple of posts on there until I realized that the forums and the moderation are crap. So now can you please tell me if they are going to put up my real name next to my old posts?
I am certainly NEVER AGAIN posting there but will my old posts have my name in them??
Once again, please read the whole thread before asking questions that have already been answered.
On July 07 2010 03:17 KillerPlague wrote: haha so at first i was ok with this. really what is the downside to just showing your name on a forum? but then i tried a few things using my own name. the online yellow pages yielded the exact location of my house as well as phone number. when i googled my name the first link i got was another person with the same name as mine and their facebook account. apparently he is more popular than me =[. and when i switched google to images on the first page i found some old pictures of me from high school (they are actually kinda flattering =].) so overall this will definitely deter me from posting, but i still will probably post stuff that i really think deserves changing
Well, welcome to the real world. Anyone who has ever seen your name could have done the exact same thing, and that's literally thousands of people. I wouldn't be too worried if I were you. Unless you're Ann Coulter or something.
On July 07 2010 03:09 Backpack wrote: If you are concerned about it, simply don't post in their REALID FORUMS.
Problem solved.
Patiently waiting for Blizz to announce permanent Real ID use ingame!
i like my name, i don't mind ^.^
On July 07 2010 03:13 Nefra wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 03:02 789 wrote: Let's make this interesting. Everyone who thinks this lack of privacy isn't an issue: post your full name, phone number, and address. If you really don't think it's an issue you would be willing to do it, since when blizzard starts handing full names out it will be easy enough to discover this information. Oh yeah ... any random jerk off can run a full background check on you too if he wants to pay a few bucks. If you're stupid enough to put personal information on the internet anything further than your name you deserve all you get to be honest, I'm more than happy for people to know my name, it does not bother me, good luck trying to glean any further information from knowing it - even if you can get as far as figuring out which one of the many people I share my name with. You live in the UK you should know that you can easily get someones address from their name from the electoral role and many other sources. So were you "dumb enough" to vote in the last election?
Besides its not really that your personal information is out there. It is for everyone already its that its being linked to your gaming activity.
I don't understand how this will deter much, people will just create an online alias in first-name-last-name (fake of course) form. For people like Nony,Artosis, etc. writing with their real name does more for them because then their statements hold more validity and more weight than some average John Smith no one has heard of. I can see why it would help them, but for the rest 99% of us I think it's unreasonable.
but how can I troll if everyone knows its me?!
I think people are overreacting to this change. It's still a local change that affects only one site's forums. If you want to keep your anonymity, you can not post. If you want your voice heard, you can post with your real name. If you want to do both, post elsewhere. I'm not sure why people are like:
What the fuck?
What the fuck.
Get a grip and gain some perspective. Is not posting on the official forums really going to drastically change your life? The way you play? I played World of Warcraft for like 4 years and avoided the official forums like the plague anyway. If their plan works, on the other hand, I might peruse their official forums once in a while.
Either way, my point is that even if it is a bad idea, its effect is fairly minimal in terms of the game. If Blizzard isn't getting the necessary feedback anymore on their official forums, you can bet they'll revisit it or find some other method.
On July 07 2010 03:19 Backpack wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 03:17 SexyBimbo wrote: It sucks that we even have to worry about this, it should be obvious that the real name does NOT belong in a forum.
I have made a couple of posts on there until I realized that the forums and the moderation are crap. So now can you please tell me if they are going to put up my real name next to my old posts?
I am certainly NEVER AGAIN posting there but will my old posts have my name in them??
SB Once again, please read the whole thread before asking questions that have already been answered.
You can't expect anyone to sit back and read a twenty page thread, refresh to post and then have another ~10 pages to read.
To the person that asked, no your previous posts do not get changed to RealID.
United States5162 Posts
On July 07 2010 03:13 Nefra wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 03:02 789 wrote: Let's make this interesting. Everyone who thinks this lack of privacy isn't an issue: post your full name, phone number, and address. If you really don't think it's an issue you would be willing to do it, since when blizzard starts handing full names out it will be easy enough to discover this information. Oh yeah ... any random jerk off can run a full background check on you too if he wants to pay a few bucks. If you're stupid enough to put personal information on the internet anything further than your name you deserve all you get to be honest, I'm more than happy for people to know my name, it does not bother me, good luck trying to glean any further information from knowing it - even if you can get as far as figuring out which one of the many people I share my name with.
Lucky you. I have personally never put ANY personal information on the internet. Yet because I've been in the local news(which is on the internet) you could easily find my general area, and then specific address from there. Yes, anyone in my local area could do the same, but there's a much smaller chance of a psycho hunting me down out of my relatively small city than there is of someone out of the whole internet not liking what I said and googling my name.
If Blizzard wants to stop the trolls, all they do is make the consequences higher or just get a moderator on there. People will moderate for free and if they expect any money you demod them, simple!
Considering a lot of companies will deny you for facebook, I would be pretty worried. I'm curious if this is retroactive.
This is ridiculous. I've got a very unique name, if you google it first thing that comes up is my facebook page, not only that it shows pages from my school clubs and past competitions i've been to. A lot of information about me can potentially be revealed just by searching my name.
I like the anonymity of the internet and value my privacy.
This probably will stop the amount of trolls in the forums but I think other things could've been done instead of sacrificing users' privacy.
Quite frankly, these constant changes by blizzard that are made entirely by their inability to regulate and moderate their own services are getting on my nerves. The issue about posting your real name isn't that all your dumb shit will come back to you, frankly you deserve it imo, the problem is that you're putting your real information and crossing your "gamer persona" (sc profile, steam, whatever) and your "real persona" (facebook, myspace, ...). So for instance, that dude you just 2 gated ans started crying because it's "cheeze" makes a post on the forum cause you maphacked and knew his position (on a 2 player map for example), you post back saying he is dumb and it was a 2 player map. Then the kid gets butthurt, tracks your real information with you're name, then idk, constant spam?, identity steal by hacking facebook or something? I mean, Blizzard gave them the tools to really get at you alot harder than before. I really don't really understand the mental process those guys are going trought but saying FU gamers just cause they can't moderate their own boards is just extremely stupid. I would rather have their forum stay the way it is than getting my mailbox in the same state.
tl;dr: use a fake name/email/Fb account for sc2