On August 09 2009 02:38 OreoBoi wrote: To all JD/Oz fanboys saying that "FANTASY SO GAY, CHESSE WTF!" Remember that Jaedong went 9 pool, but failed because fantasy caught him off guard with killing that overlord. Jaedong wasn't exactly playing standard either.
9pool? Are you blind or just stupid? It was a 12-pool, and it was a bit delayed, too. Probably went down at like 250 minerals.
On August 09 2009 02:38 OreoBoi wrote: To all JD/Oz fanboys saying that "FANTASY SO GAY, CHESSE WTF!" Remember that Jaedong went 9 pool, but failed because fantasy caught him off guard with killing that overlord. Jaedong wasn't exactly playing standard either.
9pool? Are you blind or just stupid? It was a 12-pool, and it was a bit delayed, too. Probably went down at like 250 minerals.
Shikyo is... correct. *cringe*
But OreoBoi is right in the part about Jaedong not playing standard. Jaedong was going 12pool, gas, hatch, and lair before ling speed.
That's not the typical 2 hatch muta build. Normal 2 hatch muta you make hatchery before pool.
People feeling bad about Jaedong losing 2 finals? Fantasy lost 2 OSL finals straight..Fantasy completely deserve the win. 8rax is a standard strategy for Terran is just how the way you play it, speaking of cheese..Backho and Hiya did that to..progamers play to win, not to entertain the audience..their life depends on it.. Congratulation to SKT1..
On August 09 2009 02:38 OreoBoi wrote: To all JD/Oz fanboys saying that "FANTASY SO GAY, CHESSE WTF!" Remember that Jaedong went 9 pool, but failed because fantasy caught him off guard with killing that overlord. Jaedong wasn't exactly playing standard either.
9pool? Are you blind or just stupid? It was a 12-pool, and it was a bit delayed, too. Probably went down at like 250 minerals.
Shikyo is... correct. *cringe*
But OreoBoi is right in the part about Jaedong not playing standard. Jaedong was going 12pool, gas, hatch, and lair before ling speed.
That's not the typical 2 hatch muta build. Normal 2 hatch muta you make hatchery before pool.
The 12pool variant gets mutas out faster than the 12hatch variant. I don't really see what's the big deal.
On August 08 2009 19:48 TheFoReveRwaR wrote: To be honest I dont even fault jaedong for losing twice.
Its pretty rediculous when an entire team is preparing against JUST YOU.
its all his fault, going 12 hatch in such situation is simply stupid, knowing that your game sense and micro are way better, yet denying to play safe
Its a complicated mind game going on.
Jaedong is thinking to himself..what is the least likly thing they will expect from me?
12 hatch..because they will assume I will be cocky and neglect the macro advantage. So he choses that. Its understandable. But it back fired here badly. An equally likely scenario is that the opponent assumes jaedong will use an aggresive confident build and chooses 12 gas 11 pool. In that case jaedongs build would seem brilliant. Here we see the small coinflip aspect of zvz come into play. In this situation it was the most extreme case possible and jaedong was on the losing end. Bound to happen sometimes...bad luck for jaedong to have it happen here.
Don't read too much into the loss. Its not all that big of a deal. Even if it is an important game..its not a bo5
Every little kid knows what you said. And teamliquid knows that it is a shitty excuse. Jeadong doesn't have any reason to take such a risk. His team is in dangerous situationr and he is definitively way better than Hyuk.
On August 07 2009 03:07 On_Slaught wrote: If 2 scrubs on JDs team can pull out a win (which is possible on day 1), SKT needs to start getting scared.
Ofc everything said by Oz fans (like myself) hinges on the idea that JD can and will not lose a game on the first day. If he loses a single game in this series then OZ loses. Simple as that.
how high are the chances that jd goes 3-0 against a mix of fantasy and bisu to win the regular game, the ace and lateron the superace?
Apparently he forgot that yesterday was opposite day. Well shucks.
Oh well. Jaedong needed an ego check any way, after his ridiculously arrogant Jaedong Week boast. He can win both the OSL and MSL now for all I care, but at least now he realizes that he can't win everything by himself.
On August 09 2009 02:38 OreoBoi wrote: To all JD/Oz fanboys saying that "FANTASY SO GAY, CHESSE WTF!" Remember that Jaedong went 9 pool, but failed because fantasy caught him off guard with killing that overlord. Jaedong wasn't exactly playing standard either.
9pool? Are you blind or just stupid? It was a 12-pool, and it was a bit delayed, too. Probably went down at like 250 minerals.
Ok I'm sorry, I didn't watch the watch the games live, and I saw ppl talking about 9 pool in the LR so I wasn't paying attentino to that.
On August 08 2009 23:08 Alsar wrote: I love how every time a lesser liked player cheeses a well known player in any tournament/league etc to eliminate them, everyone whines and bitches about it and hates the player who cheesed, but then all of a sudden when fantasy or boxer or anyone who has a huge bandwagon following does it, it's magically all of a sudden okay to do.
The game is Starcraft Broodwar, the manliest game in the world. They aren't playing No Rush 15 Minutes like you seem to think they should.
On August 08 2009 23:08 Alsar wrote: I love how every time a lesser liked player cheeses a well known player in any tournament/league etc to eliminate them, everyone whines and bitches about it and hates the player who cheesed, but then all of a sudden when fantasy or boxer or anyone who has a huge bandwagon following does it, it's magically all of a sudden okay to do.
Yes, people are biased, this is nothing new. Just look at Bisu vs Iris, and BeSt vs Lomo. Losers said things like "worst game ever, this was so crap" and winners said things like "wow great game, epic!".
And I was right about them sending Fantasy in first before Bisu. Fantasy plays much better when there's not an overwhelming amount of pressure on him and he's able to execute his strategies. Bisu's the more clutch player with more experience under pressure.
YEAH! Fantasy is the man! Didn't get to watch any games yet, was on the plane to Vegas, and spent yesterday and last night out. Ah, all the Jaedong fans took it where the sun don't shines and now they're whining and making excuses, eh? JAEDONG FTL!!!!! hehe
Poor Jaedong. He must feel like shit for not being able to come through at a critical moment. Just concentrate on the individual leagues now, Lee Jae Dong. Keep your head high.