On August 01 2009 15:00 Avidkeystamper wrote: Okay, the appears JD went for overpool while Effort 12 pooled.
Yesh, they even showed EffOrt's 2hatching drone (after ovy pops) morphing into gas and pool respectively.. how the hell will ppl equate that to 12hatch?
Wow Iris... Schooling Bisu with a perfect (no pun) 2 fact timing push, trashing EffOrt a few days later, and then... losing to an OZ B-teamer. This sounds as ridiculous as if, say, a Protoss would own LetaOnly to lose to Justin the following day. GJ OZ, though. I was really not expecting this.
On August 01 2009 14:56 Avidkeystamper wrote: Once again, Oz's fate rests in the hands of Backho. Thank god there are no wraiths in PvP.
LOL so true... its way harder to shuttle fail in PvP... still possible though.
I think it's probably easier to fail shuttle micro in PvP, there are so many PvP games where shuttles get sniped by goons like the game Jangbi took off Bisu in the MSL final.
Please BackHo. Show them what you got ~ Remember... Samsung did the same kinda start and EffOrt Entus won everything... Will it be same ? is there one player from CJ who can make the same thing ~
On August 01 2009 14:55 hideo wrote: lol...didn't have enough apm to properly clear mines with goon obs
...what does this have to do with anything?
Did he even have obs?
Not when he first went with goons no I dont think he did
Hideo doesnt make much sense.
ok let me put it this way..
He put down observatory the instant he detected the FD, so i assumed he would wait for the observer to pop before he pushed with goons. He ended up using 1 zeal and 1 goon to defuse the mines though. I guess he felt the timing was critical or something.