lol let's be angry/sad that 14CC-every-game Flash lost to forGG when forGG has been showing interesting, quality SC play this entire tournament, and Flash has... 14CC'd almost every game. Get over it, kid thought it'd be a great idea to 14CC when he was a) one game from elimination against b) someone who is nicknamed the TIMED ATTACKER.
If this is the level of preparation that Flash was going to bring to a critical series, then he doesn't deserve to play in the finals, and nobody should be disappointed that he dropped out.
Nice try Flash, you had a good run, get your head on straight next season.
On July 17 2008 19:49 ctang wrote: its sad to see FlaSh run through the season with so much finesse and then start to play lazy at the end. good strategies by forgg though.
whatever happened to flash being adaptive and being the aggressor? he played conservatively all the way through and went fast expand 3 out of 4, as if he was hoping forgg would eventually switch to scissors after playing three rocks.
why let someone not as good as you dictate the terms?
This semi only proves how unstable is the pro scene in the moment , the competition is so big that no one can establish pure dominance. Respect to Jaedong for reaching the final of a major tournament for a third time. As for Flash, the kid just burned out, because of his PL season so far
On July 17 2008 19:43 VioleTAK wrote: MBC Game managers are crying their eyes off right now. The hype difference between a fOrGG/JD and a Flash/Jaedong finals... is so huge. What a huge freakin' letdown :/
Jeez. Did you even watch the games? The difference in game quality between forgg jaedong and flash jaedong will be quite obvious. I mean come on, you know flash is losing his touch. forgg is a well rounded monster of a player, flash isn't playing the solid game we all associate with him. Yes the hype of the rival bonjwas will be impressive but when the games suck no-one will care. Remember the GOMTV MSL S1 semis with Bisu-Nal_rA. rA and sAviOr were the old rivals and rA was the only Protoss who looked like he could take a game from sAviOr. Bisu was a no-one who would just waste time before the next starleague started. Bisu winning the semis was a big disappointment in terms of hype. Instead of the whole Holy War motif they'd been doing for rA-sAviOr they had to act like Bisu was the next big thing. But guess what, he was.
Fanboys, please stop crying about how lame these wins were. fOrGG clearly studied Flash's play. He summed it up in one word : greedy. Answer : rush, push fast, and keep the pressure on. Honestly, after being proxied THREE TIMES, why didn't Flash open with a safer build? And why would a 5 pool and a drone drill by July be epic OMFG so brilliant and all that, and a proxy 2 fact by fOrGG be pathetic? GJ fOrGG. BTW, come to France one day. We have so many kinds of different cheeses. You would love it...
On July 17 2008 19:49 HaXxorIzed wrote: Nice form Forgg, gave me a clear impression that Forgg studied this game very seirously - took to it with a strong plan, and got the result he deserved.
fOrGG definitely thought this whole series through much more than Flash. His proxies and semi-proxies basically opened brief timing windows which he exploited extremely well. Flash was counting, as usual, on his perfect defensive timing to handle any 1base counters to his FEs, but fOrGG anticipated this and adjusted his builds accordingly.
ForGG was definitely the better player this time. His rushes worked almost every game (well, game 3 was close imo) and the proxy of Flash just totally failed. I am looking forward to the Jeadong / ForGG final, i think it has the condition for a great final.
On July 17 2008 19:50 Wonders wrote: I doubt that ForGG will be a walkover for JD.
What is with you people ForGG stands the same chance as Flash if not even more vs Jaedong . The people here were excited because of the rivalry going on between the two best players right now . Who said that the gold medal should be handed to Jaedong in a Forgg vs Jaedong final is the same if Flash was in the final. Obviusly Flash didn't leave to the exception of a champion to do a 2 time finals in next season and Jaedong is doing a savior ( when he was reaching his prime ) at this moment . I wouldn't count Flash out next season , but he did not live to the hype this season.
I'm glad Lecaf failing at proleague at least showed their power in the individual leagues , although they were pretty close in geting in playoffs too .Their 2v2 and ace weren't the best but still they did good and i'm happy .
ForGG is making himself a name, his series against Kal were the best in the season so far, and his games vs Flash,showed that he is smart and flexible. Just like BeSt vs July, Flash couldnt play his game, and he should blame only himself for being so predictable in terms of openings.