TeamLiquid S3 Hamachi StarLeague Qualifiers Latest News: Finished!
[s]The group match schedule
Each player will be responsible for scheduling and finishing his matches on or before the deadline of Tuesday, February 19 (TL.net/Kor Time). Please get into contact with other member in your group to organize matches. The time given should give you plenty of time to get in some practice if you need it, but not so much time as to drag the tournament out too long.
Everyone plays on every map twice, sometimes three times in the larger groups. The map order was picked at random. Top two in each group advance. Tiebreakers will be settled if they need to be when we get to that point.
[spoiler=GROUP A]DragoonPK v YanGpaN on Troy DragoonPK < Blind on Katrina DragoonPK v Payt on Blue Storm DragoonPK < Littlechava on Zodiac DragoonPK > o3.power9[shield] on Troy DragoonPK v Nova-The-Feared on Katrina DragoonPK v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm DragoonPK < MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac YanGpaN v Blind on Blue Storm YanGpaN v Payt on Zodiac YanGpaN < Littlechava on Troy YanGpaN v o3.power9[shield] on Katrina YanGpaN v Nova-The-Feared on Blue Storm YanGpaN v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac YanGpaN v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Blind v Payt on Troy Blind < Littlechava on Katrina Blind > o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Blind > Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Blind > zulu_nation8 on Troy Blind v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac Payt v Littlechava on Katrina Payt v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Payt v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Payt v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Payt v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy Littlechava > o3.power9[shield] on Zodiac Littlechava v Nova-The-Feared on Troy Littlechava v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm Littlechava > MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm o3.power9[shield] v Nova-The-Feared on Troy o3.power9[shield] v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac o3.power9[shield] v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm zulu_nation8 v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group A//Team Liquid
[spoiler=GROUP B]Wonders > clazziquai on Troy Wonders > sMi.FakeSteve on Katrina Wonders v Zerg..HerO on Blue Storm Wonders > Arcology on Zodiac Wonders v LegendaryDreams on Troy Wonders < nullmind on Katrina Wonders < Ret on Blue Storm Wonders v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac clazziquai > sMi.FakeSteve on Blue Storm clazziquai > Zerg..HerO on Zodiac clazziquai < Arcology on Troy clazziquai < LegendaryDreams on Katrina clazziquai < nullmind on Blue Storm clazziquai v Ret on Zodiac clazziquai v Lyra.Morph on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v Zerg..HerO on Troy sMi.FakeSteve > Arcology on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve > LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm sMi.FakeSteve v nullmind on Zodiac sMi.FakeSteve > Ret on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Arcology on Katrina Zerg..HerO v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm Zerg..HerO v nullmind on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Ret on Katrina Zerg..HerO v Lyra.Morph on Troy Arcology v LegendaryDreams on Zodiac Arcology < nullmind on Troy Arcology < Ret on Blue Storm Arcology v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm LegendaryDreams > nullmind on Troy LegendaryDreams v Ret on Zodiac LegendaryDreams v Lyra.Morph on Katrina nullmind < Ret on Katrina nullmind v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm Ret v Lyra.Morph on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group B//1
[spoiler=GROUP C]Storchen > LumberJack on Troy Storchen < NeaX on Katrina Storchen v ZZangDreamjOy on Blue Storm Storchen > ShaLLoW[baY] on Zodiac Storchen v Avius on Troy Storchen v Sadist on Katrina Storchen v XCetron on Blue Storm Storchen < TS-Rupbar on Zodiac LumberJack v NeaX on Blue Storm LumberJack v ZZangDreamjOy on Zodiac LumberJack > ShaLLoW[baY] on Troy LumberJack v Avius on Katrina LumberJack v Sadist on Blue Storm LumberJack > XCetron on Zodiac LumberJack > TS-Rupbar on Katrina NeaX v ZZangDreamjOy on Troy NeaX > ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina NeaX > Avius on Blue Storm NeaX v Sadist on Zodiac NeaX > XCetron on Troy NeaX v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v Avius on Blue Storm ZZangDreamjOy v Sadist on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v XCetron on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v TS-Rupbar on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v Avius on Zodiac ShaLLoW[baY] v Sadist on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v XCetron on Blue Storm ShaLLoW[baY] < TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm Avius v Sadist on Troy Avius v XCetron on Zodiac Avius v TS-Rupbar on Katrina Sadist v XCetron on Katrina Sadist v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm XCetron v TS-Rupbar on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group C//1
[spoiler=GROUP D]Chill > Dewis on Troy Chill v Seraphim on Katrina Chill > nAi.Cyrax on Blue Storm Chill > InfeSteD]i[ on Zodiac Chill v Anihc on Troy Chill v masami.sc on Katrina Chill > Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm Chill v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Chill v GiTM.Dante on Troy Dewis v Seraphim on Blue Storm Dewis < nAi.CyrAx on Katrina Dewis v InfeSteD]i[ on Troy Dewis v Anihc on Zodiac Dewis v masami.sc on Blue Storm Dewis > Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina Dewis v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Dewis v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac Seraphim v nAi.CyrAx on Troy Seraphim < InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina Seraphim v Anihc on Blue Storm Seraphim v masami.sc on Zodiac Seraphim v Art.Oshibori_probe on Troy Seraphim v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Seraphim v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm nAi.CyrAx v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina nAi.CyrAx v Anihc on Blue Storm nAi.CyrAx v masami.sc on Zodiac nAi.CyrAx > Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac nAi.CyrAx v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy nAi.CyrAx v GiTM.Dante on Katrina InfeSteD]i[ v Anihc on Zodiac InfeSteD]i[ v masami.sc on Troy InfeSteD]i[ > Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v GiTM.Dante on Troy Anihc v masami.sc on Troy Anihc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac Anihc v 7c.nEptuNe on Katrina Anihc v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac masami.sc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina masami.sc v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm masami.sc v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm Art.Oshibori_probe v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy Art.Oshibori_probe v GiTM.Dante on Katrina 7c.nEptuNe v GiTM.Dante on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group D//1
[spoiler=GROUP E]ForTT v HellAngel on Troy ForTT v Smorrie on Katrina ForTT v OneOther on Blue Storm ForTT v vGl-RaGe on Zodiac ForTT v Darkmole on Troy ForTT v SuperJongMan on Katrina ForTT v G5 on Blue Storm ForTT v Saracen on Zodiac ForTT v BluzMan on Troy HellAngel > Smorrie on Blue Storm HellAngel < OneOther on Katrina HellAngel v vGl-RaGe on Troy HellAngel v Darkmole on Zodiac HellAngel v SuperJongMan on Blue Storm HellAngel v G5 on Katrina HellAngel v Saracen on Zodiac HellAngel v BluzMan on Zodiac Smorrie < OneOther on Troy Smorrie v vGl-RaGe on Katrina Smorrie v Darkmole on Blue Storm Smorrie v SuperJongMan on Zodiac Smorrie v G5 on Troy Smorrie v Saracen on Zodiac Smorrie v BluzMan on Blue Storm OneOther < vGl-RaGe on Katrina OneOther > Darkmole on Blue Storm OneOther > SuperJongMan on Zodiac OneOther < G5 on Zodiac OneOther > Saracen on Troy OneOther > BluzMan on Katrina vGl-RaGe v Darkmole on Zodiac vGl-RaGe > SuperJongMan on Troy vGl-RaGe < G5 on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe > Saracen on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v BluzMan on Troy Darkmole v SuperJongMan on Troy Darkmole < G5 on Zodiac Darkmole v Saracen on Katrina Darkmole v BluzMan on Zodiac SuperJongMan v G5 on Katrina SuperJongMan > Saracen on Blue Storm SuperJongMan v BluzMan on Blue Storm G5 v Saracen on Troy G5 v BluzMan on Katrina Saracen v BluzMan on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group E//1
[spoiler=GROUP F]deALmeYOurHAnd v YoUr_KiLLeR on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v MasterReY on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v xBTx on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v 2p.Kaolla on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v SoMuchBetter on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v SamachKing on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v yenta on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v stalife on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v MasterReY on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v xBTx on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v 2p.Kaolla on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR > SoMuchBetter on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v SamachKing on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v yenta on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v stalife on Zodiac MasterReY v xBTx on Troy MasterReY v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina MasterReY v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm MasterReY v SamachKing on Zodiac MasterReY v yenta on Troy MasterReY v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac MasterReY v stalife on Blue Storm xBTx v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina xBTx v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm xBTx v SamachKing on Zodiac xBTx v yenta on Zodiac xBTx v randomKo_Orean on Troy xBTx v stalife on Katrina 2p.Kaolla v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac 2p.Kaolla v SamachKing on Troy 2p.Kaolla v yenta on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v stalife on Troy SoMuchBetter > SamachKing on Troy SoMuchBetter v yenta on Zodiac SoMuchBetter v randomKo_Orean on Katrina SoMuchBetter < stalife on Zodiac SamachKing v yenta on Katrina SamachKing v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm SamachKing v stalife on Blue Storm yenta v randomKo_Orean on Troy yenta < stalife on Katrina randomKo_Orean v stalife on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group F//Team Liquid
The groups:
group A
Littlechava 5-0 Blind 4-1 MoNKeYSpanKeR 1-1 DragoonPK 1-3 zulu_nation8 0-1 YanGpaN 0-1 o3.power91 0-3 Nova-The-Feared 0-1
group B
Ret 4-1 Wonders 4-1 sMi.FakeSteve 3-2 Nullmind 3-2 LegendaryDreams 2-1 clazziquai 2-4 Arcology 1-4 Zerg..HerO 0-1
group C
NeaX 4-0 LumberJack 3-1 TS-Rupbar 2-1 Storchen 2-2 Avius 0-1 XCetron 0-2 ShaLLoW[baY] 0-4
group D
Chill 5-0 nAi.CyrAx 3-1 InfeSteD]i[ 2-1 Dewis 2-2 Anihc 1-0 Art.Oshibori_probe 1-4 Seraphim 0-8
group E
OneOther 6-2 G5 3-0 RaGe 2-1 HellAngel 1-1 SuperJongMan 1-2 BluzMan 0-1 Darkmole 0-2 Smorrie 0-2 Saracen 0-2
group F
stalife 2-0 YoUr_KiLLeR 1-0 SoMuchBetter 1-2 yenta 0-1 SamachKing 0-1 randomKo_Orean 0-0
Blue Storm
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/maps/168_Troy.jpg)
Player list:
Terran - Pride of War (5)
sMi.FakeSteve YanGpaN LegendaryDreams Darkmole intrigue
Zerg - Overcame All (12)
NeaX Chill ShaLLoW[baY] YoUr_KiLLeR MoNKeYSpanKeR Wonders DragoonPK nullmind littlechava Saracen Smorrie yenta
Protoss - Victory After Victory (18)
Storchen Arcology clazziquai Avius HellAngel SuperJongMan LumberJack Zerg..HerO o3.power91[shield] Art.Oshibori_probe G5 Seraphim XCetron OneOther TS-Rupbar stalife BluzMan Dewis
Random/Race-picker (7)
Blind zulu_nation8 - ZvT ZvP TvZ PvZ SoMuchBetter - ZvT, ZvP, PvZ ret - Z/T InfeSteD]i[ - TvZ, ZvP, TvT nAi.Cyrax - TvZ, PvT, ?vP randomKo_Orean
Never participated in something like this so I guess it's time! Username: Cyberspace2 Race: Protoss
could someone please shorten the title to TL S3 HSL Qualifiers? thanks in advance.
New York City13113 Posts
Username: GrandInquisitor Race: Protoss
Username: zulu_nation8 Race: ZvT ZvP TvZ PvZ
Calgary25963 Posts
Put me in coach.
Art.Agalloch Zerg
Valhalla18444 Posts
username: Yang Terran
Q: Does all the games have to be played at a certain time, or can we set up the times for the games?
Username: MellowFellow Race: Zerg
Username: deALmeYOurHAnd Race: Terran
Username: Arcology Race: Protoss
username: NovaBossa race: protoss
username: Darkmole race: Terran
Username: Dewis Race: Protoss
Username: Avius Race: Protoss
Username: Blind Race: Random
ShaLLoW[baY] / Art.ShaLLoW Zerg
Username: sMi.Aurious Race: Protoss
Belgium9944 Posts
vGl-RaGe Race: whatever i feel like playing
Username: masami.sc Race: Terran
Name: 2p.Kaolla Race: Random
nick: aussiescum race: zvt, zvp, pvz
Username: MoNKeYSpanKeR/sOnatA(OD) Race: Zerg (i ZvZ and PvZ)
Username: Dyllyn(OD) Race: Terran
omg monkeyspanker = sonata lol sup
Username: SoYuBomb Race: Prozerrangss
Valhalla18444 Posts
On January 22 2008 18:47 SuperJongMan wrote: Username: SoYuBomb Race: Prozerrangss
u ded
Username: LumberJack Race: Protoss
Username: Lyra.Morph Race: Zerg
Username: tenax.gagrush Race: Random
Username: DieRomantic Race: Protoss
so there's two pages worth of hamachi players, clan art hamachi server is almost always 2-3 people? where do you guys play? :o
Username: CJ_DrAgOn[gm] Race: Zerg
It's easier to find players outside hamachi. My guess is that many people have hamachi installed but only play there when they are sure they've somebody to play with...
Osaka27125 Posts
On January 22 2008 05:58 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: sMi.FakeSteve Terran
Username: o3.power91[shield] Race: Protoss
SamachKing Random
It depends on when this will be set, to see if I can show up or not
Username: nAi.ReY Race: Protoss
Username: sMi.KeeN Race: Zerg
Username: Art.Oshibori_probe Race: Protoss Only if I can play on weekends.
Username: G5 Race: Protoss
Hamachi works for me like 50 of the time so I might be able to play in this and might not lol
Netherlands4511 Posts
Username: Payt Race: Protoss
Username: xBTx Race: Protoss
Username: InfeSteD]i[ Race: TvZ, ZvP, TvT
Username: KarMa Race: Protoss
Username XCetron Race: Protoss
Valhalla18444 Posts
On January 22 2008 22:56 Manifesto7 wrote:BWAHAHAHAHA
guardian rush more newb
Username: By.Ah Race: Terran
Username: Art.Tetra Race: Zerg
when are we gonna be playing? gotta check if i can make it
Wow, let's just skip the whole tourney, have ret and G5 play a bo5, and call it good ^^ lol
Cyberspace2 (aka Storchen) HWAITING!
United States10774 Posts
U: Smorrie R: Zerg Utterly Rusty
Username: AsMoonliteFalls (aka 7c.nEptuNe) Race: Zerg!
we've reached the deadline, so no more registration requests please (edit - I'll be leniant Rupbar ).
Is it too late to register?
If not:
Username: tenax.Rupbar-TS Race: Protoss
The groups:
group A
DragoonPK YanGpaN Blind Payt Littlechava o3.power91[shield] Nova-The-Feared zulu_nation8 MoNKeYSpanKeR
group B
Wonders clazziquai sMi.FakeSteve Zerg..HerO Arcology LegendaryDreams Nullmind Ret Lyra.Morph
group C
Storchen LumberJack NeaX ZZangDreamjOy ShaLLoW[baY] Avius Sadist XCetron TS-Rupbar
group D
Chill Dewis Seraphim GrandInquisitor InfeSteD]i[ Anihc masami.sc Art.Oshibori_probe 7c.nEptuNe GiTM.Dante
group E
ForTT HellAngel Smorrie OneOther vGl-RaGe Darkmole SuperJongMan G5 Saracen BluzMan
group F
deALmeYOurHAnd YoUr_KiLLeR MasterReY xBTx 2p.Kaolla SoMuchBetter SamachKing yenta randomKo_Orean stalife
We have six groups with nine participants each, and three groups with ten. In each group, all participants will play each other once (round-robin) in a bo1. The top two in each group will advance into the elimination round. The map pool is in the op.
My group is the suck... - -;; I hope you die rage.
hmmm dont know anybody here so ima be practicing like hell and try to win :D are u saying this is single elimination? or whoever has the most win in that group gets in?
Edit: uhhh can u put wat race they are? so we know wat race we gonna be facing against
Five Protosses in my group I play Zerg Katrina is in the pool.
hmmm im facing against 4 Protoss 2 Zerg 2 Terran and 1 Random 0_0 hmmmm dont know map Troy, never played Blue Storm.... Katrina only played once and Zodiac played quite few..... this is bad for me T.T hope i dont lose all my games i dont want to be 0-8
51342 Posts
On January 24 2008 10:47 LegendaryDreams wrote: Why Troy as a map?
it's a good map
On January 24 2008 11:02 Darkmole wrote: hmmm im facing against 4 Protoss 2 Zerg 2 Terran and 1 Random 0_0 hmmmm dont know map Troy, never played Blue Storm.... Katrina only played once and Zodiac played quite few..... this is bad for me T.T hope i dont lose all my games i dont want to be 0-8 pretty sure ur gonna have time to play them in between now and then
On January 24 2008 11:02 Darkmole wrote: hmmm im facing against 4 Protoss 2 Zerg 2 Terran and 1 Random 0_0 hmmmm dont know map Troy, never played Blue Storm.... Katrina only played once and Zodiac played quite few..... this is bad for me T.T hope i dont lose all my games i dont want to be 0-8 not gonna happen... you're in my group ^_^
On January 24 2008 06:14 SuperJongMan wrote: My group is the suck... - -;; qft i'm predicting a 0-8 for me
at least i get to play g5 though ^_^ ^_^
I'm going to be mangled, especially by Sadist.
Calgary25963 Posts
ahaha grinq your ass is grass fool
The match schedule will be posted soon by semioldguy.
I just got raped by Art.MilK someone help me practice, jesus.
Art.MilK is good, don't worry about it 
My group: Chill Dewis GrandInquisitor InfeSteD]i[ Anihc masami.sc Art.Oshibori_probe 7c.nEptuNe
I don't know half of these guys
On January 24 2008 11:37 Saracen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 24 2008 11:02 Darkmole wrote: hmmm im facing against 4 Protoss 2 Zerg 2 Terran and 1 Random 0_0 hmmmm dont know map Troy, never played Blue Storm.... Katrina only played once and Zodiac played quite few..... this is bad for me T.T hope i dont lose all my games i dont want to be 0-8 not gonna happen... you're in my group ^_^ qft i'm predicting a 0-8 for me at least i get to play g5 though ^_^ ^_^
im guessing u think ur worse than i am.. but who knows anytthing can happen. btw who is G5?
New York City13113 Posts
On January 24 2008 11:53 Chill wrote: ahaha grinq your ass is grass fool
unless i TvZ vs you mr. my three sunks ain't shit against syncquisitor
United States10774 Posts
On January 24 2008 06:14 SuperJongMan wrote: My group is the suck... - -;; I hope you die rage.
i hope to destroy you SJM
On January 24 2008 15:34 OneOther wrote:Show nested quote +On January 24 2008 06:14 SuperJongMan wrote: My group is the suck... - -;; I hope you die rage. i hope to destroy you SJM i hope to destroy both of u :D but big chance i wont
Well my only concern is the timing cuz im +3 GMT along with samachking and o3.power >.>
hey i've been left out! put me in please
Any idea about the schedule? Will all the games of one group be played on the same day or several?
F T deALmeYOurHAnd P MasterReY P xBTx P SoMuchBetter P stalife Z yenta Z YoUr_KiLLeR R 2p.Kaolla R SamachKing R randomKo_Orean
So many randoms O_O
United States11390 Posts
On January 24 2008 14:10 Darkmole wrote: btw who is G5?
some nub toss
he'll prob try to mass scouts or something~
Hehe. We're in the same group, Logan. Good luck
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Fuck did I miss the fun again?
I wanna play!
If there's an opening spot, NyRe: P
wtf stalife is in my group qq.
when the schedule's up, can you mention the elimination round spots as well for top 2's ? for example group A 1 st vs group F 2nd, group B 1st vs group E 2nd,,, etc.
anyone wanna do some practice games on these maps? pm me if interested
Calgary25963 Posts
So.. are we waiting for more people or why hasn't this started yet?
I thought it was too late to register otherwise I would have yesterday
Melbourne5338 Posts
waiting for maps and deadlines i'd guess
just deadlines...although i'm probably gonna have to reschedule some matches :O
WTF! I hate you Chill ! >_< lol <3
Some create an opening for us LOL. I cant imagine how it would be >.>. XD
Melbourne5338 Posts
You guys don't deserve an opening yet, its only the qualifiers.
On January 26 2008 01:54 pachi wrote: You guys don't deserve an opening yet, its only the qualifiers. I meant when the round of 16 comes
United States10774 Posts
can i change my race to random please
If you could post how we're deciding on maps for this round, we could get started on our first few games
Alternatively you could just chill until the schedule comes out.
i am a gigantic pussy, but on the other hand randomko_Orean is in my group so that balances it out.
United States7488 Posts
The schedule will be posted tomorrow
Just need to confirm a few last details with Wizard and you guys should be ready to go.
In regards to the schedule: if you have any last requests, comments, concerns, or are just a little lonely, feel free to send me a PM.
United States7488 Posts
Schedule Information
Each player will be responsible for scheduling and finishing his matches on or before the deadline of Tuesday, February 19 (TL.net/Kor Time). Please get into contact with other member in your group to organize matches. The time given should give you plenty of time to get in some practice if you need it, but not so much time as to drag the tournament out too long.
Everyone plays on every map twice, sometimes three times in the larger groups. The map order was picked at random. Top two in each group advance. Tiebreakers will be settled if they need to be when we get to that point.
+ Show Spoiler [GROUP A] +DragoonPK v YanGpaN on Troy DragoonPK v Blind on Katrina DragoonPK v Payt on Blue Storm DragoonPK v Littlechava on Zodiac DragoonPK v o3.power9[shield] on Troy DragoonPK v Nova-The-Feared on Katrina DragoonPK v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm DragoonPK v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac YanGpaN v Blind on Blue Storm YanGpaN v Payt on Zodiac YanGpaN v Littlechava on Troy YanGpaN v o3.power9[shield] on Katrina YanGpaN v Nova-The-Feared on Blue Storm YanGpaN v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac YanGpaN v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Blind v Payt on Troy Blind v Littlechava on Katrina Blind v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Blind v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Blind v zulu_nation8 on Troy Blind v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac Payt v Littlechava on Katrina Payt v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Payt v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Payt v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Payt v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy Littlechava v o3.power9[shield] on Zodiac Littlechava v Nova-The-Feared on Troy Littlechava v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm Littlechava v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm o3.power9[shield] v Nova-The-Feared on Troy o3.power9[shield] v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac o3.power9[shield] v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm zulu_nation8 v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy
+ Show Spoiler [GROUP B] +Wonders v clazziquai on Troy Wonders v sMi.FakeSteve on Katrina Wonders v Zerg..HerO on Blue Storm Wonders v Arcology on Zodiac Wonders v LegendaryDreams on Troy Wonders v nullmind on Katrina Wonders v Ret on Blue Storm Wonders v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac clazziquai v sMi.FakeSteve on Blue Storm clazziquai v Zerg..HerO on Zodiac clazziquai v Arcology on Troy clazziquai v LegendaryDreams on Katrina clazziquai v nullmind on Blue Storm clazziquai v Ret on Zodiac clazziquai v Lyra.Morph on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v Zerg..HerO on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Arcology on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm sMi.FakeSteve v nullmind on Zodiac sMi.FakeSteve v Ret on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Arcology on Katrina Zerg..HerO v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm Zerg..HerO v nullmind on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Ret on Katrina Zerg..HerO v Lyra.Morph on Troy Arcology v LegendaryDreams on Zodiac Arcology v nullmind on Troy Arcology v Ret on Blue Storm Arcology v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm LegendaryDreams v nullmind on Troy LegendaryDreams v Ret on Zodiac LegendaryDreams v Lyra.Morph on Katrina nullmind v Ret on Katrina nullmind v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm Ret v Lyra.Morph on Troy
+ Show Spoiler [GROUP C] +Storchen v LumberJack on Troy Storchen v NeaX on Katrina Storchen v ZZangDreamjOy on Blue Storm Storchen v ShaLLoW[baY] on Zodiac Storchen v Avius on Troy Storchen v Sadist on Katrina Storchen v XCetron on Blue Storm Storchen v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac LumberJack v NeaX on Blue Storm LumberJack v ZZangDreamjOy on Zodiac LumberJack v ShaLLoW[baY] on Troy LumberJack v Avius on Katrina LumberJack v Sadist on Blue Storm LumberJack v XCetron on Zodiac LumberJack v TS-Rupbar on Katrina NeaX v ZZangDreamjOy on Troy NeaX v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina NeaX v Avius on Blue Storm NeaX v Sadist on Zodiac NeaX v XCetron on Troy NeaX v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v Avius on Blue Storm ZZangDreamjOy v Sadist on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v XCetron on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v TS-Rupbar on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v Avius on Zodiac ShaLLoW[baY] v Sadist on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v XCetron on Blue Storm ShaLLoW[baY] v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm Avius v Sadist on Troy Avius v XCetron on Zodiac Avius v TS-Rupbar on Katrina Sadist v XCetron on Katrina Sadist v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm XCetron v TS-Rupbar on Troy
+ Show Spoiler [GROUP D] +Chill v Dewis on Troy Chill v Seraphim on Katrina Chill v GrandInquisitor on Blue Storm Chill v InfeSteD]i[ on Zodiac Chill v Anihc on Troy Chill v masami.sc on Katrina Chill v Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm Chill v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Chill v GiTM.Dante on Troy Dewis v Seraphim on Blue Storm Dewis v GrandInquisitor on Katrina Dewis v InfeSteD]i[ on Troy Dewis v Anihc on Zodiac Dewis v masami.sc on Blue Storm Dewis v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina Dewis v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Dewis v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac Seraphim v GrandInquisitor on Troy Seraphim v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina Seraphim v Anihc on Blue Storm Seraphim v masami.sc on Zodiac Seraphim v Art.Oshibori_probe on Troy Seraphim v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Seraphim v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm GrandInquisitor v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina GrandInquisitor v Anihc on Blue Storm GrandInquisitor v masami.sc on Zodiac GrandInquisitor v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac GrandInquisitor v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy GrandInquisitor v GiTM.Dante on Katrina InfeSteD]i[ v Anihc on Zodiac InfeSteD]i[ v masami.sc on Troy InfeSteD]i[ v Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v GiTM.Dante on Troy Anihc v masami.sc on Troy Anihc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac Anihc v 7c.nEptuNe on Katrina Anihc v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac masami.sc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina masami.sc v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm masami.sc v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm Art.Oshibori_probe v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy Art.Oshibori_probe v GiTM.Dante on Katrina 7c.nEptuNe v GiTM.Dante on Troy
+ Show Spoiler [GROUP E] +ForTT v HellAngel on Troy ForTT v Smorrie on Katrina ForTT v OneOther on Blue Storm ForTT v vGl-RaGe on Zodiac ForTT v Darkmole on Troy ForTT v SuperJongMan on Katrina ForTT v G5 on Blue Storm ForTT v Saracen on Zodiac ForTT v BluzMan on Troy HellAngel v Smorrie on Blue Storm HellAngel v OneOther on Katrina HellAngel v vGl-RaGe on Troy HellAngel v Darkmole on Zodiac HellAngel v SuperJongMan on Blue Storm HellAngel v G5 on Katrina HellAngel v Saracen on Zodiac HellAngel v BluzMan on Zodiac Smorrie v OneOther on Troy Smorrie v vGl-RaGe on Katrina Smorrie v Darkmole on Blue Storm Smorrie v SuperJongMan on Zodiac Smorrie v G5 on Troy Smorrie v Saracen on Zodiac Smorrie v BluzMan on Blue Storm OneOther v vGl-RaGe on Katrina OneOther v Darkmole on Blue Storm OneOther v SuperJongMan on Zodiac OneOther v G5 on Zodiac OneOther v Saracen on Troy OneOther v BluzMan on Katrina vGl-RaGe v Darkmole on Zodiac vGl-RaGe v SuperJongMan on Troy vGl-RaGe v G5 on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v Saracen on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v BluzMan on Troy Darkmole v SuperJongMan on Troy Darkmole v G5 on Zodiac Darkmole v Saracen on Katrina Darkmole v BluzMan on Zodiac SuperJongMan v G5 on Katrina SuperJongMan v Saracen on Blue Storm SuperJongMan v BluzMan on Blue Storm G5 v Saracen on Troy G5 v BluzMan on Katrina Saracen v BluzMan on Troy
+ Show Spoiler [GROUP F] +deALmeYOurHAnd v YoUr_KiLLeR on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v MasterReY on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v xBTx on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v 2p.Kaolla on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v SoMuchBetter on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v SamachKing on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v yenta on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v stalife on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v MasterReY on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v xBTx on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v 2p.Kaolla on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v SamachKing on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v yenta on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v stalife on Zodiac MasterReY v xBTx on Troy MasterReY v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina MasterReY v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm MasterReY v SamachKing on Zodiac MasterReY v yenta on Troy MasterReY v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac MasterReY v stalife on Blue Storm xBTx v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina xBTx v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm xBTx v SamachKing on Zodiac xBTx v yenta on Zodiac xBTx v randomKo_Orean on Troy xBTx v stalife on Katrina 2p.Kaolla v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac 2p.Kaolla v SamachKing on Troy 2p.Kaolla v yenta on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v stalife on Troy SoMuchBetter v SamachKing on Troy SoMuchBetter v yenta on Zodiac SoMuchBetter v randomKo_Orean on Katrina SoMuchBetter v stalife on Zodiac SamachKing v yenta on Katrina SamachKing v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm SamachKing v stalife on Blue Storm yenta v randomKo_Orean on Troy yenta v stalife on Katrina randomKo_Orean v stalife on Troy
Good Luck!
can we add this to the OP? who do we PM with results? do you want us to host the replays or? do you want individual game results as they happen, or whenever the player is finished with all of his games? are there disc rules and things like that?
United States7488 Posts
Wizard will add it to the OP whenever he gets online. I just thought getting it up as early as possible would be good. Actually a mod could probably add it into the OP as well.
PM Wizard with the results, preferably as they happen so we can get on people's backs if they aren't playing against anyone.
Host the replays if you want, there are 243 games to be played and I sure don't intend to watch them all, but people will always be interested at least in the better games. Definitely save each replay in case there is a dispute.
There haven't been problems with disconnects in the past HSL's we've done. I don't expect there to be, it's a friendly/competitive tournament so I'd hope no one would go so low as to abuse that. If there is a problem, please let Wizard or myself know about it. We will deal with it on a case by case basis and will not hesitate to disqualify players who abuse.
On January 27 2008 01:29 semioldguy wrote:Each player will be responsible for scheduling and finsihing his matches on or before the deadline of Tuesday, February 19 (TL.net/Kor Time). That should give you plenty of time to get in some practice if you need it, but not so much time as to drag the tournament out too long. Everyone plays on every map twice, sometimes three times in the larger groups. The map order was picked at random. Top two in each group advance. Tiebreakers will be settled if they need to be when we get to that point. + Show Spoiler [GROUP A] +DragoonPK v YanGpaN on Troy DragoonPK v Blind on Katrina DragoonPK v Payt on Blue Storm DragoonPK v Littlechava on Zodiac DragoonPK v o3.power9[shield] on Troy DragoonPK v Nova-The-Feared on Katrina DragoonPK v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm DragoonPK v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac YanGpaN v Blind on Blue Storm YanGpaN v Payt on Zodiac YanGpaN v Littlechava on Troy YanGpaN v o3.power9[shield] on Katrina YanGpaN v Nova-The-Feared on Blue Storm YanGpaN v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac YanGpaN v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Blind v Payt on Troy Blind v Littlechava on Katrina Blind v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Blind v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Blind v zulu_nation8 on Troy Blind v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac Payt v Littlechava on Katrina Payt v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Payt v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Payt v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Payt v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy Littlechava v o3.power9[shield] on Zodiac Littlechava v Nova-The-Feared on Troy Littlechava v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm Littlechava v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm o3.power9[shield] v Nova-The-Feared on Troy o3.power9[shield] v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac o3.power9[shield] v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm zulu_nation8 v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP B] +Wonders v clazziquai on Troy Wonders v sMi.FakeSteve on Katrina Wonders v Zerg..HerO on Blue Storm Wonders v Arcology on Zodiac Wonders v LegendaryDreams on Troy Wonders v nullmind on Katrina Wonders v Ret on Blue Storm Wonders v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac clazziquai v sMi.FakeSteve on Blue Storm clazziquai v Zerg..HerO on Zodiac clazziquai v Arcology on Troy clazziquai v LegendaryDreams on Katrina clazziquai v nullmind on Blue Storm clazziquai v Ret on Zodiac clazziquai v Lyra.Morph on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v Zerg..HerO on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Arcology on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm sMi.FakeSteve v nullmind on Zodiac sMi.FakeSteve v Ret on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Arcology on Katrina Zerg..HerO v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm Zerg..HerO v nullmind on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Ret on Katrina Zerg..HerO v Lyra.Morph on Troy Arcology v LegendaryDreams on Zodiac Arcology v nullmind on Troy Arcology v Ret on Blue Storm Arcology v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm LegendaryDreams v nullmind on Troy LegendaryDreams v Ret on Zodiac LegendaryDreams v Lyra.Morph on Katrina nullmind v Ret on Katrina nullmind v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm Ret v Lyra.Morph on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP C] +Storchen v LumberJack on Troy Storchen v NeaX on Katrina Storchen v ZZangDreamjOy on Blue Storm Storchen v ShaLLoW[baY] on Zodiac Storchen v Avius on Troy Storchen v Sadist on Katrina Storchen v XCetron on Blue Storm Storchen v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac LumberJack v NeaX on Blue Storm LumberJack v ZZangDreamjOy on Zodiac LumberJack v ShaLLoW[baY] on Troy LumberJack v Avius on Katrina LumberJack v Sadist on Blue Storm LumberJack v XCetron on Zodiac LumberJack v TS-Rupbar on Katrina NeaX v ZZangDreamjOy on Troy NeaX v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina NeaX v Avius on Blue Storm NeaX v Sadist on Zodiac NeaX v XCetron on Troy NeaX v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v Avius on Blue Storm ZZangDreamjOy v Sadist on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v XCetron on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v TS-Rupbar on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v Avius on Zodiac ShaLLoW[baY] v Sadist on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v XCetron on Blue Storm ShaLLoW[baY] v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm Avius v Sadist on Troy Avius v XCetron on Zodiac Avius v TS-Rupbar on Katrina Sadist v XCetron on Katrina Sadist v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm XCetron v TS-Rupbar on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP D] +Chill v Dewis on Troy Chill v Seraphim on Katrina Chill v GrandInquisitor on Blue Storm Chill v InfeSteD]i[ on Zodiac Chill v Anihc on Troy Chill v masami.sc on Katrina Chill v Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm Chill v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Chill v GiTM.Dante on Troy Dewis v Seraphim on Blue Storm Dewis v GrandInquisitor on Katrina Dewis v InfeSteD]i[ on Troy Dewis v Anihc on Zodiac Dewis v masami.sc on Blue Storm Dewis v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina Dewis v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Dewis v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac Seraphim v GrandInquisitor on Troy Seraphim v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina Seraphim v Anihc on Blue Storm Seraphim v masami.sc on Zodiac Seraphim v Art.Oshibori_probe on Troy Seraphim v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Seraphim v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm GrandInquisitor v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina GrandInquisitor v Anihc on Blue Storm GrandInquisitor v masami.sc on Zodiac GrandInquisitor v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac GrandInquisitor v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy GrandInquisitor v GiTM.Dante on Katrina InfeSteD]i[ v Anihc on Zodiac InfeSteD]i[ v masami.sc on Troy InfeSteD]i[ v Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v GiTM.Dante on Troy Anihc v masami.sc on Troy Anihc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac Anihc v 7c.nEptuNe on Katrina Anihc v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac masami.sc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina masami.sc v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm masami.sc v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm Art.Oshibori_probe v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy Art.Oshibori_probe v GiTM.Dante on Katrina 7c.nEptuNe v GiTM.Dante on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP E] +ForTT v HellAngel on Troy ForTT v Smorrie on Katrina ForTT v OneOther on Blue Storm ForTT v vGl-RaGe on Zodiac ForTT v Darkmole on Troy ForTT v SuperJongMan on Katrina ForTT v G5 on Blue Storm ForTT v Saracen on Zodiac ForTT v BluzMan on Troy HellAngel v Smorrie on Blue Storm HellAngel v OneOther on Katrina HellAngel v vGl-RaGe on Troy HellAngel v Darkmole on Zodiac HellAngel v SuperJongMan on Blue Storm HellAngel v G5 on Katrina HellAngel v Saracen on Zodiac HellAngel v BluzMan on Zodiac Smorrie v OneOther on Troy Smorrie v vGl-RaGe on Katrina Smorrie v Darkmole on Blue Storm Smorrie v SuperJongMan on Zodiac Smorrie v G5 on Troy Smorrie v Saracen on Zodiac Smorrie v BluzMan on Blue Storm OneOther v vGl-RaGe on Katrina OneOther v Darkmole on Blue Storm OneOther v SuperJongMan on Zodiac OneOther v G5 on Zodiac OneOther v Saracen on Troy OneOther v BluzMan on Katrina vGl-RaGe v Darkmole on Zodiac vGl-RaGe v SuperJongMan on Troy vGl-RaGe v G5 on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v Saracen on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v BluzMan on Troy Darkmole v SuperJongMan on Troy Darkmole v G5 on Zodiac Darkmole v Saracen on Katrina Darkmole v BluzMan on Zodiac SuperJongMan v G5 on Katrina SuperJongMan v Saracen on Blue Storm SuperJongMan v BluzMan on Blue Storm G5 v Saracen on Troy G5 v BluzMan on Katrina Saracen v BluzMan on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP F] +deALmeYOurHAnd v YoUr_KiLLeR on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v MasterReY on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v xBTx on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v 2p.Kaolla on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v SoMuchBetter on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v SamachKing on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v yenta on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v stalife on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v MasterReY on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v xBTx on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v 2p.Kaolla on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v SamachKing on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v yenta on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v stalife on Zodiac MasterReY v xBTx on Troy MasterReY v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina MasterReY v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm MasterReY v SamachKing on Zodiac MasterReY v yenta on Troy MasterReY v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac MasterReY v stalife on Blue Storm xBTx v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina xBTx v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm xBTx v SamachKing on Zodiac xBTx v yenta on Zodiac xBTx v randomKo_Orean on Troy xBTx v stalife on Katrina 2p.Kaolla v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac 2p.Kaolla v SamachKing on Troy 2p.Kaolla v yenta on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v stalife on Troy SoMuchBetter v SamachKing on Troy SoMuchBetter v yenta on Zodiac SoMuchBetter v randomKo_Orean on Katrina SoMuchBetter v stalife on Zodiac SamachKing v yenta on Katrina SamachKing v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm SamachKing v stalife on Blue Storm yenta v randomKo_Orean on Troy yenta v stalife on Katrina randomKo_Orean v stalife on Troy Good Luck! Does this mean we will play during our time? There is no scheduled time for each match? Also, do we send the replay file to Wizard or semioldguy or something?
Edit: Also, are we allowed to obs other people's matches?
United States7488 Posts
On January 27 2008 01:51 o3.power91 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2008 01:29 semioldguy wrote:Each player will be responsible for scheduling and finsihing his matches on or before the deadline of Tuesday, February 19 (TL.net/Kor Time). That should give you plenty of time to get in some practice if you need it, but not so much time as to drag the tournament out too long. Everyone plays on every map twice, sometimes three times in the larger groups. The map order was picked at random. Top two in each group advance. Tiebreakers will be settled if they need to be when we get to that point. + Show Spoiler [GROUP A] +DragoonPK v YanGpaN on Troy DragoonPK v Blind on Katrina DragoonPK v Payt on Blue Storm DragoonPK v Littlechava on Zodiac DragoonPK v o3.power9[shield] on Troy DragoonPK v Nova-The-Feared on Katrina DragoonPK v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm DragoonPK v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac YanGpaN v Blind on Blue Storm YanGpaN v Payt on Zodiac YanGpaN v Littlechava on Troy YanGpaN v o3.power9[shield] on Katrina YanGpaN v Nova-The-Feared on Blue Storm YanGpaN v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac YanGpaN v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Blind v Payt on Troy Blind v Littlechava on Katrina Blind v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Blind v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Blind v zulu_nation8 on Troy Blind v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac Payt v Littlechava on Katrina Payt v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm Payt v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac Payt v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Payt v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy Littlechava v o3.power9[shield] on Zodiac Littlechava v Nova-The-Feared on Troy Littlechava v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm Littlechava v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm o3.power9[shield] v Nova-The-Feared on Troy o3.power9[shield] v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac o3.power9[shield] v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v zulu_nation8 on Katrina Nova-The-Feared v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm zulu_nation8 v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP B] +Wonders v clazziquai on Troy Wonders v sMi.FakeSteve on Katrina Wonders v Zerg..HerO on Blue Storm Wonders v Arcology on Zodiac Wonders v LegendaryDreams on Troy Wonders v nullmind on Katrina Wonders v Ret on Blue Storm Wonders v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac clazziquai v sMi.FakeSteve on Blue Storm clazziquai v Zerg..HerO on Zodiac clazziquai v Arcology on Troy clazziquai v LegendaryDreams on Katrina clazziquai v nullmind on Blue Storm clazziquai v Ret on Zodiac clazziquai v Lyra.Morph on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v Zerg..HerO on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Arcology on Katrina sMi.FakeSteve v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm sMi.FakeSteve v nullmind on Zodiac sMi.FakeSteve v Ret on Troy sMi.FakeSteve v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Arcology on Katrina Zerg..HerO v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm Zerg..HerO v nullmind on Zodiac Zerg..HerO v Ret on Katrina Zerg..HerO v Lyra.Morph on Troy Arcology v LegendaryDreams on Zodiac Arcology v nullmind on Troy Arcology v Ret on Blue Storm Arcology v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm LegendaryDreams v nullmind on Troy LegendaryDreams v Ret on Zodiac LegendaryDreams v Lyra.Morph on Katrina nullmind v Ret on Katrina nullmind v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm Ret v Lyra.Morph on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP C] +Storchen v LumberJack on Troy Storchen v NeaX on Katrina Storchen v ZZangDreamjOy on Blue Storm Storchen v ShaLLoW[baY] on Zodiac Storchen v Avius on Troy Storchen v Sadist on Katrina Storchen v XCetron on Blue Storm Storchen v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac LumberJack v NeaX on Blue Storm LumberJack v ZZangDreamjOy on Zodiac LumberJack v ShaLLoW[baY] on Troy LumberJack v Avius on Katrina LumberJack v Sadist on Blue Storm LumberJack v XCetron on Zodiac LumberJack v TS-Rupbar on Katrina NeaX v ZZangDreamjOy on Troy NeaX v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina NeaX v Avius on Blue Storm NeaX v Sadist on Zodiac NeaX v XCetron on Troy NeaX v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v Avius on Blue Storm ZZangDreamjOy v Sadist on Zodiac ZZangDreamjOy v XCetron on Katrina ZZangDreamjOy v TS-Rupbar on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v Avius on Zodiac ShaLLoW[baY] v Sadist on Troy ShaLLoW[baY] v XCetron on Blue Storm ShaLLoW[baY] v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm Avius v Sadist on Troy Avius v XCetron on Zodiac Avius v TS-Rupbar on Katrina Sadist v XCetron on Katrina Sadist v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm XCetron v TS-Rupbar on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP D] +Chill v Dewis on Troy Chill v Seraphim on Katrina Chill v GrandInquisitor on Blue Storm Chill v InfeSteD]i[ on Zodiac Chill v Anihc on Troy Chill v masami.sc on Katrina Chill v Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm Chill v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Chill v GiTM.Dante on Troy Dewis v Seraphim on Blue Storm Dewis v GrandInquisitor on Katrina Dewis v InfeSteD]i[ on Troy Dewis v Anihc on Zodiac Dewis v masami.sc on Blue Storm Dewis v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina Dewis v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Dewis v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac Seraphim v GrandInquisitor on Troy Seraphim v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina Seraphim v Anihc on Blue Storm Seraphim v masami.sc on Zodiac Seraphim v Art.Oshibori_probe on Troy Seraphim v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac Seraphim v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm GrandInquisitor v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina GrandInquisitor v Anihc on Blue Storm GrandInquisitor v masami.sc on Zodiac GrandInquisitor v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac GrandInquisitor v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy GrandInquisitor v GiTM.Dante on Katrina InfeSteD]i[ v Anihc on Zodiac InfeSteD]i[ v masami.sc on Troy InfeSteD]i[ v Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm InfeSteD]i[ v GiTM.Dante on Troy Anihc v masami.sc on Troy Anihc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac Anihc v 7c.nEptuNe on Katrina Anihc v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac masami.sc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina masami.sc v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm masami.sc v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm Art.Oshibori_probe v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy Art.Oshibori_probe v GiTM.Dante on Katrina 7c.nEptuNe v GiTM.Dante on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP E] +ForTT v HellAngel on Troy ForTT v Smorrie on Katrina ForTT v OneOther on Blue Storm ForTT v vGl-RaGe on Zodiac ForTT v Darkmole on Troy ForTT v SuperJongMan on Katrina ForTT v G5 on Blue Storm ForTT v Saracen on Zodiac ForTT v BluzMan on Troy HellAngel v Smorrie on Blue Storm HellAngel v OneOther on Katrina HellAngel v vGl-RaGe on Troy HellAngel v Darkmole on Zodiac HellAngel v SuperJongMan on Blue Storm HellAngel v G5 on Katrina HellAngel v Saracen on Zodiac HellAngel v BluzMan on Zodiac Smorrie v OneOther on Troy Smorrie v vGl-RaGe on Katrina Smorrie v Darkmole on Blue Storm Smorrie v SuperJongMan on Zodiac Smorrie v G5 on Troy Smorrie v Saracen on Zodiac Smorrie v BluzMan on Blue Storm OneOther v vGl-RaGe on Katrina OneOther v Darkmole on Blue Storm OneOther v SuperJongMan on Zodiac OneOther v G5 on Zodiac OneOther v Saracen on Troy OneOther v BluzMan on Katrina vGl-RaGe v Darkmole on Zodiac vGl-RaGe v SuperJongMan on Troy vGl-RaGe v G5 on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v Saracen on Blue Storm vGl-RaGe v BluzMan on Troy Darkmole v SuperJongMan on Troy Darkmole v G5 on Zodiac Darkmole v Saracen on Katrina Darkmole v BluzMan on Zodiac SuperJongMan v G5 on Katrina SuperJongMan v Saracen on Blue Storm SuperJongMan v BluzMan on Blue Storm G5 v Saracen on Troy G5 v BluzMan on Katrina Saracen v BluzMan on Troy + Show Spoiler [GROUP F] +deALmeYOurHAnd v YoUr_KiLLeR on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v MasterReY on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v xBTx on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v 2p.Kaolla on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v SoMuchBetter on Troy deALmeYOurHAnd v SamachKing on Katrina deALmeYOurHAnd v yenta on Blue Storm deALmeYOurHAnd v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac deALmeYOurHAnd v stalife on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v MasterReY on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v xBTx on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v 2p.Kaolla on Troy YoUr_KiLLeR v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v SamachKing on Blue Storm YoUr_KiLLeR v yenta on Katrina YoUr_KiLLeR v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac YoUr_KiLLeR v stalife on Zodiac MasterReY v xBTx on Troy MasterReY v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina MasterReY v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm MasterReY v SamachKing on Zodiac MasterReY v yenta on Troy MasterReY v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac MasterReY v stalife on Blue Storm xBTx v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina xBTx v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm xBTx v SamachKing on Zodiac xBTx v yenta on Zodiac xBTx v randomKo_Orean on Troy xBTx v stalife on Katrina 2p.Kaolla v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac 2p.Kaolla v SamachKing on Troy 2p.Kaolla v yenta on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm 2p.Kaolla v stalife on Troy SoMuchBetter v SamachKing on Troy SoMuchBetter v yenta on Zodiac SoMuchBetter v randomKo_Orean on Katrina SoMuchBetter v stalife on Zodiac SamachKing v yenta on Katrina SamachKing v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm SamachKing v stalife on Blue Storm yenta v randomKo_Orean on Troy yenta v stalife on Katrina randomKo_Orean v stalife on Troy Good Luck! Does this mean we will play during our time? There is no scheduled time for each match? Also, do we send the replay file to Wizard or semioldguy or something?
Yes, matches will be played during your time, there is no way to set specific times for all 243 matches especially since it would require getting detailed schedules from everyone which is impossible. Please get into contact with the other members in your group to organize games. Go ahead and send the replay file and results to Wizard so he can update the OP as results come in.
If both players are okay with someone observing, then I don't see why not. However, if someone doesn't want anyone else observing, please respect his decision.
United States7488 Posts
If you would like to set up a channel/room for you group on Hamachi/IRC/etc, please do so and post the name/location of the channel in this thread for others to see.
For all group group A members, I have created a channel on Hamachi in order to keep everything in one spot. HSL Group A//Team Liquid
P.S. Please everyone in the group P.M. me their time if its whatever GMT. For example mine is GMT+3. This is needed in order to organize our matches. Thank you.
HSL Group C // 1 for all of you group C type folks.
I think I'm GMT-8
HSL Group F // Team Liquid
Lets go Group F!
oh nvm, didn't realize they posted the hamachi channels for us in OP
Put the schedule in the op, as well as the hamachi channels.
Let the games begin!
to masami.sc and gitm.dante!
Are you guys gonna play me TvT? just trying to make sure
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
only one game on katrina YESSS but only 2 on blue storm T.T
whoever is in group E just PM me when u want to play or PM me ur msn and we'll get this going.
United States10774 Posts
yep msg me group E pm hamachi whatever
How do we report results?
Either pm me or post them here - I then update them in the op (the winner is in bold).
ppl in each group should join the hamachi server.....
also, I'd like the winner to report the match (otherwise I get two pm's o_o).
So, group D... Should we set a time for playing games and play as many games at the given time as possible?
Valhalla18444 Posts
Mexico1178 Posts
gl to fakesteve and infested! =D no, gl to all^^ cya next season
NeaX. Get out of my ass. and use lube next time
can anyone play within the next 10 hours?
On January 27 2008 21:34 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: fakesteve > ret
omg serious?
Yes, ret randommed terran, fakesteve went 8 rax bunker rush!
any deadline to finish all the matches?
Please at least read the posts above or the op - the deadline is February 19th.
sorry...my bad! i misread that for Jan 19. <_>
Calgary25963 Posts
Someone please play me from group D -______- PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Would be nice if everyone could join their Hamachi channel so we at least know you're alive. So far only 2 others joined group C
nvm forgot i was supposed to pm
United States7488 Posts
On January 28 2008 07:13 littlechava wrote: nvm forgot i was supposed to pm
You can post the results here too. We'll get them in both cases.
clazziquai < Arcology on Troy
clazziquai > zerg hero on zodiac
gg arcology
Belgium9944 Posts
anyone from group E online?
The group list now contains results (win-loss).
yo wizard NeaX beat me :p
United States10774 Posts
On January 27 2008 02:14 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: HSL Group C // 1 for all of you group C type folks.
Thank you, ill be on all this week to play. And neax is tricky
legendarydreams > clazziquai @ katrina
gogo Sadist / Stalife / NighT ! Light fightingggg
I was playing blind on troy and was doing well till mid game when I thought killing the assimilators would free up my choke but instead I owned myself and gged
United States7488 Posts
On January 28 2008 17:14 zulu_nation8 wrote: I was playing blind on troy and was doing well till mid game when I thought killing the assimilators would free up my choke but instead I owned myself and gged
LOL. It's even funnier because of the name of your opponent!
Maybe we should add a note for that map since it's pretty new. The choke should be able to fit any units through, until you destroy the assimilators which then make it an island.
Wow I completely missed signups.
Any open spots I could fill? =()
Calgary25963 Posts
im at home all day. group d msg me!
Belgium9944 Posts
group e, pm me! ill be on in a few hours
United States10774 Posts
pretty close :/
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
get me on hamachi/pm everyone in Group E
nullmind > clazziquai
i cancelled my FE on accident. LMAO T_T
LegendaryDreams > nullmind on HSL Group B
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
OneOther > Smorrie
Group E
Group C send me a pm or catch me on hamachi, gogogogo :D
Calgary25963 Posts
wtf group d wost bunch of slackers ever
United States7488 Posts
No Chill, I think that designation belongs to Group F
Belgium9944 Posts
United States10774 Posts
rage are u available in like an hour
I can start playing tomorrow
After 5:30pm central(NA)
group E msg me on Qoo)G5 on west when u wanna play
ill be on all night
sorry im pretty busy this week. ill try to get games in this weekend.
Netherlands4511 Posts
I'm up for the games in Group C tonight. I'll be on Hamachi all night and have pm:d everyone in my group. Hope we can set up a time
On January 29 2008 11:11 semioldguy wrote: No Chill, I think that designation belongs to Group F
Busy till the weekend + timezones
TS-Rupbar > Storchen TS-Rupbar > NeaX
There is some controversy about my game vs NeaX. We experienced heavy lag and agreed to save the game to let me reboot my computer. After we began to play again and I won, he said he "wouldn't accept this as a loss" due to the lag. I couldn't save the replay since it was a save game, but I have screen shots of him leaving the game and the score screen.
It didn't lag after we started up the game again.
Don't be such a dick, I told you I thought it was an extremely unmannered way to claim a win, but if all you cared about was the win, I'd give it to you. First you lag the game to oblivion making it unplayable and making me forget/miss Lurker Aspect and Zergling speed, now you go claim random bulshit ? Grats with your win.
Laggers shouldnt be alowed in the league xD
KarMa when do u wanna play ur games? u never answer on hamachi
United States10774 Posts
nobody in group E wants to play
oneother wanna play for fun? :D
I've been away since Friday so i wasn't able to i'm on now anyways.
United States10774 Posts
On January 30 2008 07:12 TS-Rupbar wrote: TS-Rupbar > Storchen TS-Rupbar > NeaX
There is some controversy about my game vs NeaX. We experienced heavy lag and agreed to save the game to let me reboot my computer. After we began to play again and I won, he said he "wouldn't accept this as a loss" due to the lag. I couldn't save the replay since it was a save game, but I have screen shots of him leaving the game and the score screen.
It didn't lag after we started up the game again.
On January 30 2008 07:42 NeaX wrote: Don't be such a dick, I told you I thought it was an extremely unmannered way to claim a win, but if all you cared about was the win, I'd give it to you. First you lag the game to oblivion making it unplayable and making me forget/miss Lurker Aspect and Zergling speed, now you go claim random bulshit ? Grats with your win. Knowing that there would be no replay and given the circumstances (lag), why not start a new game or postpone the game? The decision made here is that with no replay, the result is considered invalid, and a regame will be played.
United States7488 Posts
Wizard and I discussed the situation prior to making the ruling and we are both in agreement that given the circumstances there should be a regame.
United States10774 Posts
On January 30 2008 12:29 Wizard wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2008 07:12 TS-Rupbar wrote: TS-Rupbar > Storchen TS-Rupbar > NeaX
There is some controversy about my game vs NeaX. We experienced heavy lag and agreed to save the game to let me reboot my computer. After we began to play again and I won, he said he "wouldn't accept this as a loss" due to the lag. I couldn't save the replay since it was a save game, but I have screen shots of him leaving the game and the score screen.
It didn't lag after we started up the game again. Show nested quote +On January 30 2008 07:42 NeaX wrote: Don't be such a dick, I told you I thought it was an extremely unmannered way to claim a win, but if all you cared about was the win, I'd give it to you. First you lag the game to oblivion making it unplayable and making me forget/miss Lurker Aspect and Zergling speed, now you go claim random bulshit ? Grats with your win. Knowing that there would be no replay and given the circumstances (lag), why not start a new game or postpone the game? The decision made here is that with no replay, the result is considered invalid, and a regame will be played.
Omg men, please be manner, and accept that, that's fun tourney, and there we like fair play, and manner games/players, we're there only to make fun and make good replays if we can. Nothing more, dont matter if u win or lose, you wont earn anything but a bad feeling.
I hope you understand me, and make good decision in the next games, about regame/complaint, cuz is better talk with your opponent than come here to complaint the admins.
I'll be on the next two days, pretty much all the time. So if anyone in Group C would like to play, let me know
Calgary25963 Posts
Car won't start again. Home all day. Group D play please.
Group D
InfeSteD]i[ > Seraphim Katrina
group F stalife > somuchbetter
Netherlands4511 Posts
ok I PM'd every single person in Group E. Lets hope this goes somewhere.
United States10774 Posts
Group E OneOther > BluzMan
United States10774 Posts
Group E OneOther > SuperJongMan
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
Calgary25963 Posts
Mother fucking DDDDDDDDDDDD
OneOther seems to want to finish everybody off quickly so he can probably practice 0_0 well if he can beat one more person his assure that his in it....
Someone in group C better play me this weekend.
alrite! group F lets go!! PM me if you want to play.
United States10774 Posts
On February 02 2008 12:22 Darkmole wrote: OneOther seems to want to finish everybody off quickly so he can probably practice 0_0 well if he can beat one more person his assure that his in it....
haha I want to finish all my games because I will be really busy next week and on :p
oh yeah...GROUP E!!! hahaha
I won vs MonkeySpanker on Blue Storm
On February 03 2008 03:23 stalife wrote: group F is dead...
On February 02 2008 13:56 YoUr_KiLLeR wrote: alrite! group F lets go!! PM me if you want to play.
GROUP D where the fuck is yall?
I'm in group D but I won't be back home before monday
group F please join the hamachi server instead of relying on pm's
Group B lets get online this weekend. I'll be on a lottt.
I won vs YangPan on Troy.
Me > Saracen/Art.Tetra on Bloo STROM
United States10774 Posts
forTT and RaGe...what the hell are you guys up to
On February 03 2008 07:12 SuperJongMan wrote: Me > Saracen/Art.Tetra on Bloo STROM too bad you bastards wouldnt let me obs
TS-Rupbar > ShaLLoW[baY] @ Blue Storm
On February 03 2008 07:27 littlechava wrote:Show nested quote +On February 03 2008 07:12 SuperJongMan wrote: Me > Saracen/Art.Tetra on Bloo STROM too bad you bastards wouldnt let me obs
Cuz I hack. And you were on a different server. Chitz.
Netherlands4511 Posts
Soyu why are you failing me
Calgary25963 Posts
Man, looking at Group D's results I get so sad act the lack of activity. Did people just forget they signed up?
But then I look at Group F and realize we're not the worst group!
I won vs o3.power91 on Zodiac.
annoying how there is 12~ people in my group channel
edit: i asked the people not playing in the tournament to leave, they gave me flack and left, but without leaving the network, so their still taking up space. Annoying, who has admin of Group C and can kick people who arent playing?
United States10774 Posts
stop AFKing in channel !!
i like ur signature your_killer :D
Group C
LumberJack > TS-Rupbar
Is anyone from F on? I only ever see stalife...
your_killer > somuchbetter
Group C
LumberJack > Xcetron
I'm trying, I'm trying -_-;; But schedules seem desperately 180.
i wish people were on more... i havent even seen 1/2 of my group O o and im on every day 6hrs a day waiting to play : [
United States7488 Posts
I wish more people played too.
I am sending out PM's toward the end of this week to tell people to get their games on or risk being kicked as there are a few people who would still like in and be more likely to complete their games than someone who isn't even bothering to play.
Calgary25963 Posts
If someone from group D doesn't game me by tomorrow I'm banning the whole group (including me)
ooooh, can i sub in for the inactive if at all possibleee? pm me : (
Netherlands4511 Posts
I am as good as done for this tourney. So the rest who need to vs me can just win by default
United States10774 Posts
On February 07 2008 08:21 clazziquai wrote: I am as good as done for this tourney. So the rest who need to vs me can just win by default
..the whole point is to hvae fun
OneOther i am really bad though! lol xD
United States10774 Posts
On February 07 2008 08:36 clazziquai wrote: OneOther i am really bad though! lol xD
good chance to get better than ehhhh :D
On February 07 2008 08:38 OneOther wrote:Show nested quote +On February 07 2008 08:36 clazziquai wrote: OneOther i am really bad though! lol xD good chance to get better than ehhhh :D
lol i guess. ill stick till the end then. ^^
United States10774 Posts
On February 07 2008 08:41 clazziquai wrote:Show nested quote +On February 07 2008 08:38 OneOther wrote:On February 07 2008 08:36 clazziquai wrote: OneOther i am really bad though! lol xD good chance to get better than ehhhh :D lol i guess. ill stick till the end then. ^^
good choice :p
Valhalla18444 Posts
Valhalla18444 Posts
hey my hamachi is fucked up or something
i cant chat to anyone
Valhalla18444 Posts
sMi.FakeSteve > LegendaryDreams
group F sucks big time its been so long and yet some of them have still not taken it upon themselves to even join the hamachi server
Group E please message me on US.West or ICCUP
Qoo)G5 - us.west
Qoo)G5 / G5[sL] - ICCUP
United States10774 Posts
What's with people signing up and not playing a single game? Did they just forget? ForTT has been sitting in Group E channel for the past week and has not played a single game...wtf.
Calgary25963 Posts
Okay just forfeit all of group D versus me please and let's move to RO16. This is fucking retarded. I recognize most of their names as veteran posters, but they don't read this thread, answer their PMs or join the network.
gurqgn;oglgmg fuck you grinq
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
can some of the inactives be removed from group D so i can be subbed in? i miss 1v1s a wee bit and i'd love to rape (most likely get raped by) a few new bees!
Hey Chill my friend masami.sc will play all games by Feb 19! He is just practicing! ^T^
Calgary25963 Posts
Ya okay he doesn't need practise to beat me, I suck ass. What I assume is going to happen is he's going to practise all the way into a forfeit
still a week and a half left to go though ;p
bly/nova/payt pm me when u can play!
On February 08 2008 05:44 Chill wrote:Ya okay he doesn't need practise to beat me, I suck ass. What I assume is going to happen is he's going to practise all the way into a forfeit 
Yeah, it's not like you need any skill to be appointed strategy forum mod.
Calgary25963 Posts
an Group E like set a time where they all meet up and play each other cuss this is getting sad T.T
SOMEONE PLAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Storchen > 1hatch muta just take me out of this and give my opponents wins, noones ever on and when they do come on it's at the worst possible time and i have to leave in 5 minutes
My time is better spent preparing for the Clan Art Seed tourney thing, when I know who I'm playing ahead of time and when people actually seem to be making an effort to play.
Here is what's happening:
It's been almost two weeks, so all people who had a 0-0 record have been removed. We need six new players. Anybody who wants to play can sign up here (the match schedule will be altered as more people sign up).
United States10774 Posts
No I think you just fill up all the teams to at least 5 players, not replace all 20 players.
That's what I was thinking as well. I think that all we need to do is make group D and F a bit bigger, so I'm thinking about ~six additional players overall?
United States10774 Posts
Yeah exactly. Just add two more in group D and three more in group F. The rest are fine :D
the time i've tryed to contact you G5 you were AFK lol
how about just advance two ppl in group F now
On February 08 2008 12:27 stalife wrote: how about just advance two ppl in group F now how about no
wizard told me to post
who knows why
Oh...this may be it:
On February 08 2008 11:40 Wizard wrote: That's what I was thinking as well. I think that all we need to do is make group D and F a bit bigger, so I'm thinking about ~six additional players overall?
Calgary25963 Posts
ahahah group D omg group F is smaller? rofl
On February 08 2008 12:27 stalife wrote: how about just advance two ppl in group F now I LIKE THIS IDEA.
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
sign me up to replace dodging new bees
intrigue on west and europe intrigue on tlnet intrigue on hamachi intrigue on irc
woah just wondering cuz i was gone for a while wat happened to group D and F?
If you still need any players i will play,
PM me if you need me so i know
I am x[BabylOn]x East and West and Art.BabylOn on Hamachi, Let me know if need more players Asap
51342 Posts
poor smbk
Calgary25963 Posts
I mean, to be honest it is kind of gay that you cut people BEFORE the deadline. I was giving people shit simply for the purpose of trying to get them active. But if there were people busy with things that were still planning on playing before the deadline, and now they're cut, that isn't right. Especially the guy who was actually practicing to play in this league.
Just my thoughts, because I would be pissed if something similar happened to me.
I already agreed a time to play Chill etc. so this is kind of sad to be removed... Well, I wouldn't have qualified anyways..
If you still need more sign me up, pm me if accepted.
[17:48:20] [ - Art.ShaLLoW ~ZerG~] is online [17:48:22] << game/ [17:48:23] << ? [17:49:19] << wanna play our game on troy? [20:04:08] [ - Art.ShaLLoW ~ZerG~] is offline
GG, story of this tourny... not intentionally picking on you shallow, just frustrated at everyone : )
United States10774 Posts
somuchbetter > SamachKing on troy
same here, that was my bad, I only played like 2 quick games in my group T_T
I never see anyone on in my group except littlechava (I lost) and monkeyspanker (he never responds).
On February 09 2008 13:11 LumberJack wrote: [17:48:20] [ - Art.ShaLLoW ~ZerG~] is online [17:48:22] << game/ [17:48:23] << ? [17:49:19] << wanna play our game on troy? [20:04:08] [ - Art.ShaLLoW ~ZerG~] is offline
GG, story of this tourny... not intentionally picking on you shallow, just frustrated at everyone : )
The reasoning behind cutting people prior to the deadline, is that those who want to play will post here (or pm me) to complain and I'll put them back, while those who don't post...wouldn't have played anyways.
I would like all those who have played to be patient until the deadline - I apologize that some people have no concept to commit to something or go through with it, making it harder and boring to those who do want to play. However, at this point, there are still some games being played, and once the deadline is reached, I'll come to a decision on how we will advance people [either a) we get more sign-ups, or b) we advance the top two, regardless the group size].
man i cant get the games of my group. shit all inactive
Ok you noob. I'll do it on Bnet.
Op Tl-West. I hate you.
It also helps with an older version of Hamachi. Actually it helps if you have hamachi in a HAMACHI STARLEAGUE. DURRRRRRRRR GO DIE. ... in 1v1 .. i meant - -;
United States1865 Posts
why would you sign up for a hamachi starleague if you didnt know how to use hamachi
i doubt if you win your games and move on people are gonna keep letting you play them on bnet.
Ok whatever, I waited 30 minutes, chatted around with Wizard. Sent Hamachi chats to everyone in my Hama room and couldn't get a game. I can't waste more of my Saturday morning. Sorry.
Yes, I love cartoons THAT much -_-;;. Fack you random korean.
United States10774 Posts
On February 10 2008 01:57 randomKo_Orean wrote: group E. Anyone down for games now?
you are Group F
I'm still here put me on back on Group D -_-
Sorry I've just been really busy lately but procrastinate as I may, I will try to get the games done before the deadline.
Group F Heavens save me please ,someone PM me please
On February 09 2008 13:11 LumberJack wrote: [17:48:20] [ - Art.ShaLLoW ~ZerG~] is online [17:48:22] << game/ [17:48:23] << ? [17:49:19] << wanna play our game on troy? [20:04:08] [ - Art.ShaLLoW ~ZerG~] is offline
GG, story of this tourny... not intentionally picking on you shallow, just frustrated at everyone : )
Well my status was set to away at the time, which in turn implies that I was away.
I sit in the hamachi channel, with nobody on that I havent already played.
[12:12:13] [ - LumberJack (1:1 msg me] is online [12:12:22] << Art.ShaLLoW : hey, want to play our game in a few? [12:12:29] << Art.ShaLLoW : i just want to warmup on west quickly [16:25:25] [ - LumberJack (1:1 msg me] is offline
I'm quitting this tournament
The structure of it is utter bs. Wizard, you did fine when you took over the 2nd season, but replacing the players in the middle of the qualifiers this season is complete shit.
I hope you either improve your managing decisions in the next season or leave it to someone else to do it.
i havent been home all day actually, i accidentally left it on. But i have sat in hamachi for the past week, 6hrs a day every day
edit: do you really intend to copy/paste all the times i leave my hamachi up? how many people play from noon to 4pm anyways? I'll be online for the next 4hours..
On February 10 2008 10:39 Seraphim wrote: I'm quitting this tournament
The structure of it is utter bs. Wizard, you did fine when you took over the 2nd season, but replacing the players in the middle of the qualifiers this season is complete shit.
I hope you either improve your managing decisions in the next season or leave it to someone else to do it.
rolf, thats mature. Or he can just size it down to the people who actually wanna play in it? what's so wrong about that? Why should we have to wait forever for people who obviously dont want to take the time to play?
guys are giving this a bad vibe for no reason
many wanted to play...not all got accepted...the ones who were, some decided not to play, so he took the others that weren't accepted
United States10774 Posts
Wizard did the right thing. Sometimes you have to go out of your way and get the games done, and the people who were kicked were not doing ANYTHING. no response to PMs no presence on hamachi, what else is there to do? not to point fingers at anyone but guys like ForTT were impossible to play. I PMed him multiple times and messaged him even more on hamachi (he was on the channel) What's the point of letting him stay in tournament if he is going to ignore all of the msgs and not play? If someone wanted to keep playing and got kicked, he can just apply again I suppose.
How is it fair at all to kick out players that were signed up in the first place? The due date of the games was Feb 19. Since that is the due date, why is it ok to say, "Oh, kick these fuckers since they're not playing." What if they planned on playing the last week before the due date? Late? maybe. Fair? Perfectly. Wizard was the one who set up the date, not the players. Players probably have planned accordingly to the rules of the tourney - not the other way around.
I'm not saying this is the case, as I know that there are lazy fuckers out there. But if it is, then it is completely unfair to kick them BEFORE the due date of the games.
they are delaying the tournament, stop acting like ur 15
Group E im gonna be playing today if i can but tomorrow for sure i will be playing 3-4 games so i will pm you or msg so make sure u get it :D sry i been busy lately i only had the chance to use comp for like 10min to play and 10 min isnt enough
United States10774 Posts
On February 10 2008 10:58 Seraphim wrote: How is it fair at all to kick out players that were signed up in the first place? The due date of the games was Feb 19. Since that is the due date, why is it ok to say, "Oh, kick these fuckers since they're not playing." What if they planned on playing the last week before the due date? Late? maybe. Fair? Perfectly. Wizard was the one who set up the date, not the players. Players probably have planned accordingly to the rules of the tourney - not the other way around.
I'm not saying this is the case, as I know that there are lazy fuckers out there. But if it is, then it is completely unfair to kick them BEFORE the due date of the games.
For the people who are still 0-0, most of them won't get the games done. Sure there are some people who were just flat out busy and are willing to play soon. They can just sign back up and would have priority over anyone else who was initially not part of the tourney.
it IS fair to kick the lazy fuckers out of the tourney because there are others who actually want to play. If someone was indeed busy, just let him back in. SOMETHING had to be done because the inactivity in some groups was really bad..
its better than holding up the whole tourney so damn slackers can play their matches at the last minute. Wizard is making a decision that anyone whos run tournaments before would make.
If he doesnt remove people, then there'd be mass W.O's if the people don't play their maches, or if they start, it'll likely turn into the group part being extended to accomodate for slackers which is totally unfair to people who played their games in a timely manner.
People who are lazy fuckers shouldnt be signing up to play tournaments.
Lumberjack, don't act like you know shit.
How the hell does this delay the tourney? DQ the players who didn't play their games on time and continue the tournament
On February 10 2008 10:40 LumberJack wrote: i havent been home all day actually, i accidentally left it on. But i have sat in hamachi for the past week, 6hrs a day every day
edit: do you really intend to copy/paste all the times i leave my hamachi up? how many people play from noon to 4pm anyways? I'll be online for the next 4hours..
No I don't, I just did it because you did it first. When you were messaging me, my status was set to Away for a reason :p
And I play from noon to 4pm, what's wrong with that?
United States10774 Posts
On February 10 2008 10:40 LumberJack wrote: i havent been home all day actually, i accidentally left it on. But i have sat in hamachi for the past week, 6hrs a day every day
edit: do you really intend to copy/paste all the times i leave my hamachi up? how many people play from noon to 4pm anyways? I'll be online for the next 4hours..
are you fucking stupid you are the one who posted it first
wow? wtf is with people? I KNOW I SAID IT FIRST!? WTF why WOULDNT i know that? THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!?! and i said in my OP that i was just venting and frustrated at people who didnt want to play.. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 2 WEEKS IN HAMACHI. People need to grow the fuck up and quit being fucking 15yrolds
wow? wtf is with people? I KNOW I SAID IT FIRST!? WTF why WOULDNT i know that? THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!?! and i said in my OP that i was just venting and frustrated at people who didnt want to play.. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 2 WEEKS IN HAMACHI. People need to grow the fuck up and quit being fucking 15yrolds
United States10774 Posts
On February 10 2008 11:37 LumberJack wrote: wow? wtf is with people? I KNOW I SAID IT FIRST!? WTF why WOULDNT i know that? THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!?! and i said in my OP that i was just venting and frustrated at people who didnt want to play.. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 2 WEEKS IN HAMACHI. People need to grow the fuck up and quit being fucking 15yrolds
okay well first of all you sound like a pre-puberty 13 year old ZomG!@#!@#!@#!@WhAt tHE fUcK!!@##
edit: do you really intend to copy/paste all the times i leave my hamachi up? how many people play from noon to 4pm anyways? I'll be online for the next 4hours..
well then why do you ask him if hes going to paste those things when you are the one who did it first? lol it was a dumb thing to do in the first place noon to 4pm hahahah what the fuuck
oh i get it, this is another karma + oneother gang bang of LJ.. ah ok ive got it now. thx for the clearup! ill just start ignoring your guys posts again, thanks for derailing this thread! Oh and why are u even posting if u quit?
United States10774 Posts
On February 10 2008 11:53 LumberJack wrote: oh i get it, this is another karma + oneother gang bang of LJ.. ah ok ive got it now. thx for the clearup! ill just start ignoring your guys posts again, thanks for derailing this thread! Oh and why are u even posting if u quit?
...dude do you know how ironic it is when you tell someone to stop acting like a 15 year old btw i am 3-0 vs you tvp not 3-1 gotta get ur record straight!
On February 10 2008 11:53 LumberJack wrote: oh i get it, this is another karma + oneother gang bang of LJ.. ah ok ive got it now. thx for the clearup! ill just start ignoring your guys posts again, thanks for derailing this thread! Oh and why are u even posting if u quit?
When will you realize that everyone on this forum hates you...stop fooling yourself you arrogant dick.
Lumberjack, one quick question.
Is this your internetz-r-serius-buziness face?
United States10774 Posts
On December 29 2007 08:00 LumberJack wrote: so you lie about records, you falsely accuse me of hacking, and yet im the troll? How does that work? You're the one crying about 3 hatch ling when you only want to make 1 cannon, and im the bm idiot? Wow, look in the mirror kid, seriously
its actually 1-3, but thanks for lying about it again : ) Maybe ill host our games sometime? Cause i actually have the replays ;P
rep of me losing gogo?
Tell me, how is replacing players "complete shit"? I posted above the reason behind the decision to kick the players and then have replacements: to summarize once again, "those who want to play will post here (or pm me) to complain and I'll put them back, while those who don't post...wouldn't have played anyways." I have had several pm's complaining that they had been kicked even though they were planning to play the games: in this situation (and in all similar circumstances) I put the player back into the tournament. I think that the correct decision to make when ~40/~240 games have been played, with the deadline nearing to kick those inactive. Fair? I think so. Was it merited? Absolutely. Joining a tournament should be a commitment: I don't update the standings and results every week or so. I update them within an hour usually. That shows that I have the commitment necessary to run this tournament; what I don't have is the patience and commitment to handle brainless idiots who don't play their games and have no intent to do so. I believe that my decision was correct, and I stand by it.
On February 10 2008 12:14 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Lumberjack, one quick question. Is this your internetz-r-serius-buziness face?
Why dont you hop on hamachi and you can jerk off to my pic while i smash you?
there, is that what you're looking for? :|
Calgary25963 Posts
On February 10 2008 13:07 Wizard wrote: Tell me, how is replacing players "complete shit"? I posted above the reason behind the decision to kick the players and then have replacements: to summarize once again, "those who want to play will post here (or pm me) to complain and I'll put them back, while those who don't post...wouldn't have played anyways." I have had several pm's complaining that they had been kicked even though they were planning to play the games: in this situation (and in all similar circumstances) I put the player back into the tournament. I think that the correct decision to make when ~40/~240 games have been played, with the deadline nearing to kick those inactive. Fair? I think so. Was it merited? Absolutely. Joining a tournament should be a commitment: I don't update the standings and results every week or so. I update them within an hour usually. That shows that I have the commitment necessary to run this tournament; what I don't have is the patience and commitment to handle brainless idiots who don't play their games and have no intent to do so. I believe that my decision was correct, and I stand by it.
Ignore the idiots, I can't believe how quickly this is updated and how well-run it is.
PS Chill > nAi.Cyrax @ Blue Storm (For some reason it doesn't say that we're supposed to play each other, but we assumed we should... =] )
im gonna forfeit since its like too cold for me to walk 20 min to the pc bang and im addicted to dota
On February 10 2008 13:07 Wizard wrote: Tell me, how is replacing players "complete shit"? I posted above the reason behind the decision to kick the players and then have replacements: to summarize once again, "those who want to play will post here (or pm me) to complain and I'll put them back, while those who don't post...wouldn't have played anyways." I have had several pm's complaining that they had been kicked even though they were planning to play the games: in this situation (and in all similar circumstances) I put the player back into the tournament. I think that the correct decision to make when ~40/~240 games have been played, with the deadline nearing to kick those inactive. Fair? I think so. Was it merited? Absolutely. Joining a tournament should be a commitment: I don't update the standings and results every week or so. I update them within an hour usually. That shows that I have the commitment necessary to run this tournament; what I don't have is the patience and commitment to handle brainless idiots who don't play their games and have no intent to do so. I believe that my decision was correct, and I stand by it.
I won't argue with you, but when you set the deadline to Feb 19, you should give the people at least that much time to play their games. What if their replacements have played some games and the original players were about to? Replacing them out before the deadline is just utterly ridiculous.
Those are just my thoughts and we'll end it at that
Calgary25963 Posts
ya you would forfeit. probably better than showing official results of how bad you are :D
Calgary25963 Posts
On February 10 2008 13:29 Seraphim wrote:Show nested quote +On February 10 2008 13:07 Wizard wrote: Tell me, how is replacing players "complete shit"? I posted above the reason behind the decision to kick the players and then have replacements: to summarize once again, "those who want to play will post here (or pm me) to complain and I'll put them back, while those who don't post...wouldn't have played anyways." I have had several pm's complaining that they had been kicked even though they were planning to play the games: in this situation (and in all similar circumstances) I put the player back into the tournament. I think that the correct decision to make when ~40/~240 games have been played, with the deadline nearing to kick those inactive. Fair? I think so. Was it merited? Absolutely. Joining a tournament should be a commitment: I don't update the standings and results every week or so. I update them within an hour usually. That shows that I have the commitment necessary to run this tournament; what I don't have is the patience and commitment to handle brainless idiots who don't play their games and have no intent to do so. I believe that my decision was correct, and I stand by it. I won't argue with you, but when you set the deadline to Feb 19, you should give the people at least that much time to play their games. Replacing them out before the deadline is just utterly ridiculous Those are just my thoughts and we'll end it at that
He said message him and he'll put you back in. What's the big deal? Stop breaking his balls.
I added another line to it in ma ninja edit
On February 10 2008 13:17 LumberJack wrote:Show nested quote +On February 10 2008 12:14 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Lumberjack, one quick question. Is this your internetz-r-serius-buziness face? Why dont you hop on hamachi and you can jerk off to my pic while i smash you? there, is that what you're looking for? :|
Yep, you're the mature one here lol
On February 10 2008 13:20 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On February 10 2008 13:07 Wizard wrote: Tell me, how is replacing players "complete shit"? I posted above the reason behind the decision to kick the players and then have replacements: to summarize once again, "those who want to play will post here (or pm me) to complain and I'll put them back, while those who don't post...wouldn't have played anyways." I have had several pm's complaining that they had been kicked even though they were planning to play the games: in this situation (and in all similar circumstances) I put the player back into the tournament. I think that the correct decision to make when ~40/~240 games have been played, with the deadline nearing to kick those inactive. Fair? I think so. Was it merited? Absolutely. Joining a tournament should be a commitment: I don't update the standings and results every week or so. I update them within an hour usually. That shows that I have the commitment necessary to run this tournament; what I don't have is the patience and commitment to handle brainless idiots who don't play their games and have no intent to do so. I believe that my decision was correct, and I stand by it. Ignore the idiots, I can't believe how quickly this is updated and how well-run it is. PS Chill > nAi.Cyrax @ Blue Storm (For some reason it doesn't say that we're supposed to play each other, but we assumed we should... =] )
amen to that
PS: i pray we were supposed to play on a different map so the win don't count haha
Oh moreso u should pray ;-) hohoho jk <3
well i just played payt and won on katrina but i guess it doesnt count since you took him out  reporting anyway just in case~
On February 10 2008 14:33 littlechava wrote:well i just played payt and won on katrina but i guess it doesnt count since you took him out  reporting anyway just in case~ nono, I PM'ed him asking to get in on this shiiiit.
wow this thread has become like an argument of hating each other 0_0 who started all this fighting on this thread....
Calgary25963 Posts
Group D Chill > Art.Oshibori_Probe @ Blue Storm
On February 10 2008 15:45 Chill wrote: Group D Chill > Art.Oshibori_Probe @ Blue Storm
Do u mean Cyrax?
Cyrax>InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina GROUP D
Calgary25963 Posts
On February 10 2008 15:47 InfesTeD]i[ wrote:Show nested quote +On February 10 2008 15:45 Chill wrote: Group D Chill > Art.Oshibori_Probe @ Blue Storm Do u mean Cyrax?
wtf no I posted that win like 5 posts up. learn to read newb <3
On February 10 2008 16:00 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On February 10 2008 15:47 InfesTeD]i[ wrote:On February 10 2008 15:45 Chill wrote: Group D Chill > Art.Oshibori_Probe @ Blue Storm Do u mean Cyrax? wtf no I posted that win like 5 posts up. learn to read newb <3
On February 10 2008 10:53 OneOther wrote: Wizard did the right thing. Sometimes you have to go out of your way and get the games done, and the people who were kicked were not doing ANYTHING. no response to PMs no presence on hamachi, what else is there to do?
Belgium9944 Posts
I'm back from skiing trip and can start playing the games! pm me for a fix
Belgium9944 Posts
United States10774 Posts
prepare for 2 hour games vs Rage
Belgium9944 Posts
United States10774 Posts
hahahaha I was in rage, rage.
Calgary25963 Posts
Group D Chill > dewis @ Troy
dewis > Art.Oshibori_probe dewis < Chill
group F plz get onhamachi server
Belgium9944 Posts
group E
OneOther 6-1 G5 1-0 HellAngel 1-1 SuperJongMan 1-1 BluzMan 0-1 Darkmole 0-1 Smorrie 0-2 Saracen 0-2
fix this please
i dont see rage in here but hes in the group listings oO
Valhalla18444 Posts
sMi.FakeSteve > sMi.Arcology
uhhh Group E go on hamachi? cuz im bored and waiting to play
On February 11 2008 07:01 stalife wrote: group F plz get onhamachi server
Seriously :/ Only stalife actually replies of the people I see log on :/
Calgary25963 Posts
Group D you're fucking useless. I'm making no effort to finish any more of my games. Later.
On February 11 2008 13:43 Chill wrote: Group D you're fucking useless. I'm making no effort to finish any more of my games. Later. I beg your pardon? ;-)
Netherlands4511 Posts
one of my games wasn't updated.. im 4-1! I posted a few pages back
Belgium9944 Posts
On February 11 2008 13:21 Darkmole wrote: uhhh Group E go on hamachi? cuz im bored and waiting to play u still there?
Belgium9944 Posts
On February 11 2008 09:22 G5 wrote:
group E
OneOther 6-1 G5 1-0 HellAngel 1-1 SuperJongMan 1-1 RaGe 1-1 BluzMan 0-1 Darkmole 0-1 Smorrie 0-2 Saracen 0-2
fix this please
i dont see rage in here but hes in the group listings oO fixed the list, I'm 1-1
hey guys.... Group F !!!!!! come and play. god damnit T_T
Belgium9944 Posts
so, zulu dropped out, do i have to play any other games or have i passed already?
I was away for a while, but I can play now... but it seems I got kicked out or something? I was supposed to be in group C......
Calgary25963 Posts
You're in group D. It really shows your activity if you can't even find yourself in the list of players. -_-
I'll be on for awhile if anyone from Group C wants to play, especially avius/shallow
dammit Group E plz respond me back T.T
Group C
LumberJack > Shallow[Bay]
Any Strategy Under the Sun > ShaLLoW[baY]
United States10774 Posts
On February 11 2008 22:08 RaGe wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2008 09:22 G5 wrote:
group E
OneOther 6-1 G5 1-0 HellAngel 1-1 SuperJongMan 1-1 RaGe 1-1 BluzMan 0-1 Darkmole 0-1 Smorrie 0-2 Saracen 0-2
fix this please
i dont see rage in here but hes in the group listings oO fixed the list, I'm 1-1 lol i guess ur not getting back in :p
Belgium9944 Posts
On February 12 2008 16:50 OneOther wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2008 22:08 RaGe wrote:On February 11 2008 09:22 G5 wrote:
group E
OneOther 6-2 G5 1-0 HellAngel 1-1 SuperJongMan 1-1 RaGe 1-1 BluzMan 0-1 Darkmole 0-1 Smorrie 0-2 Saracen 0-2
fix this please
i dont see rage in here but hes in the group listings oO fixed the list, I'm 1-1 lol i guess ur not getting back in :p oh yeah and you're 6-2 right
I should be allowed back in, I was one of the first posting to ask for games, I scheduled my game with G5 and am asking everyone on hamachi constantly for games
Calgary25963 Posts
why did rage get booted?
hes playing his games, Wizard update Group E with RaGe in...
I would like Rage back in also because he is like.. the only other person in Group E actually playing. I sent everyone (But g5, get away from me, pro dodge) a PM to play ~_~ but not even anyone responded.
i think wizards been busy actually, i bet when he gets back itll all be fixed.
I'll update the stats later tonight, as well as put some people back in such as rage.
Belgium9944 Posts
The only people that are ever on in Group B are Fakesteve, Ret, clazziquai, and Nullmind. I'm on every frickin day and i've never seen any of the others. I saw LegendaryDreams once but I was just leaving the house.
edit: I'm about to play wonders, yay!
Valhalla18444 Posts
Valhalla18444 Posts
wonders > arcology and clazziquai
you guys are active
Belgium9944 Posts
is Art.NyRe part of Group E? hes in the HSL channel but he never responds to my pms
wizard i think you skipped my post...
stalife > yenta on katrina
Belgium9944 Posts
he didnt edit it yet stalife
wizard hasnt reported my last 2 wins ><
Calgary25963 Posts
It's been like 4 days. It's not like he took off for a month.
Belgium9944 Posts
he's just busy, hes been so prompt all the way up until now. Give him a break.
ya i dont mean to be getting down on him, i just started playing the last 3 days besides my first match and nothing has been updated which is why I brought something up. no worries yo ^_^
updated! In case I missed something, please tell me.
On February 14 2008 10:11 Wizard wrote: updated! In case I missed something, please tell me.
fakesteve lost to wonders, not vice versa
Calgary25963 Posts
You missed: Chill > nAi.Cyrax on Blue Storm Chill > Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm
Valhalla18444 Posts
On February 14 2008 10:23 SpiritoftheTuna wrote:Show nested quote +On February 14 2008 10:11 Wizard wrote: updated! In case I missed something, please tell me. fakesteve lost to wonders, not vice versa yeah
You missed
Group C
LumberJack > Shallow[Bay]
On February 14 2008 11:27 Chill wrote: You missed: Chill > Himself on Blue Storm Chill > Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm
shush chill...
he didn't need to know that ...
Belgium9944 Posts
you put me with 3 wins in the matchlist (which is correct), but only with 2 wins in the standings
Belgium9944 Posts
who are art.nyre and pretty[grrlz] in our groups hamachi channel?
Also, darkmole/smorre/hellangel wanna arrange a game?
On February 14 2008 10:11 Wizard wrote: updated! In case I missed something, please tell me. zulu_nation forfeited the group so do i get +1 wins? 
Calgary25963 Posts
Group D is still messed up. I edited your post to update my stuff, but a lot of it doesn't add up.
Like Oshibori has like 5 losses but his record is 1-2. Does Seraphim's forfeit give everyone else wins? In that case I should be 5-0, because I couldn't find a win for Oshi other than Seraphim.
I will be able play in about 3 hours or so. Try messaging me on West/ICCup under sMi.Aurious or add my MSN justinray_L.at.hotmail.dot.com
Belgium9944 Posts
I'll play in about 2.5 hours, trying to finish group
'When's S4? I want to participate :D
Belgium9944 Posts
k im up for games now. maybe a deadline delay would be good
GROUP D I will be on tonight prolly after PL Grand Final or maybe a little before
let's get this finished guys come on gogogo!
group F your_killer > yenta
group F if you guys wanna play, then come to west ill be there as stalife[light]
Wizard, Im still missing
LumberJack > Shallow[Bay] on Troy
for a 3-1 record
On February 15 2008 21:39 G.s)NarutO wrote: 'When's S4? I want to participate :D
x2 that.
Belgium9944 Posts
is people ever on to play this fucking games?
legendarydreams > Wonders @ troy
Once again tomorrow I will be on around 4pm central(NA) time, please note this will be my last playday.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Sorry, I've been really desperate lately trying to find the time to play, so I forfeit from both this and the seed creation tourney.
Kinda sad it turned out like this.
basically group D stands for DECIDED
chill #1 seed me #2seed according since we both beat everyone else except Anihc since he's not playing...is he retje on our hamachi? because he was online a lot, i msg him a lot but he afk a lot
On February 18 2008 09:58 nAi.CyrAx wrote: basically group D stands for DECIDED
chill #1 seed me #2seed according since we both beat everyone else except Anihc since he's not playing...is he retje on our hamachi? because he was online a lot, i msg him a lot but he afk a lot
No, retje is Ret :p
no, ret's in another group
Calgary25963 Posts
On February 08 2008 05:11 clazziquai wrote: Hey Chill my friend masami.sc will play all games by Feb 19! He is just practicing! ^T^
On February 08 2008 05:44 Chill wrote:Ya okay he doesn't need practise to beat me, I suck ass. What I assume is going to happen is he's going to practise all the way into a forfeit 
Remember this?
Group E tell me a time / place to meet you today and I will be there. I am free all day.
On February 19 2008 00:45 nAi.CyrAx wrote:no, ret's in another group 
Maybe he happens to be in your hamachi channel too but reje=ret.
edit: What an awesome 1000th post. I'm a sair! Killer of overlords and clumped mutalisks.
I've decided to end this prior to the deadline: the results point towards obvious group leaders, and one or two games would not make a change. In closing, I'd like to thank those who signed up and played their games; I understand how boring it must have been waiting to play people who never responded to pm's, never showed up in their channel, or who were never seen period.
I think I updated the results to make them correct, and here are those who are moving into the the TL season three Hamachi starleague:
Littlechava Blind Ret Wonders NeaX Lumberjack Chill nAi.CyrAx OneOther G5 stalife YoUr_KiLLeR
Calgary25963 Posts
Oh my Lord there's a lot of good people in that group >_< And no Terrans! :D
On February 19 2008 01:16 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2008 05:11 clazziquai wrote: Hey Chill my friend masami.sc will play all games by Feb 19! He is just practicing! ^T^ Show nested quote +On February 08 2008 05:44 Chill wrote:Ya okay he doesn't need practise to beat me, I suck ass. What I assume is going to happen is he's going to practise all the way into a forfeit  Remember this?
Yea sorry, fuck that lazy bastard lol >_>
On February 19 2008 05:56 Wizard wrote: I've decided to end this prior to the deadline: the results point towards obvious group leaders, and one or two games would not make a change. In closing, I'd like to thank those who signed up and played their games; I understand how boring it must have been waiting to play people who never responded to pm's, never showed up in their channel, or who were never seen period.
I think I updated the results to make them correct, and here are those who are moving into the the TL season three Hamachi starleague:
Littlechava Blind Ret Wonders NeaX Lumberjack Chill nAi.CyrAx OneOther G5 stalife YoUr_KiLLeR
I cant believe I only play 3 games and then its finished and someone that wasnt in my group at the beggining of the qualifiers qualifies wtf?
so whens this 2nd round thing going to start?
Calgary25963 Posts