All games must be played on latest SC:Remastered patch, on US-West. You must be in channel "op HaveAtYou" at all times between games. Default Turn Rate of 16, unless both players agree to a higher/lower level.
1st Round DQ is after 15 minutes, subsequent rounds are after 10 minutes.
All rounds Best of 3, Finals Best of 5
We will be casting these games LIVE as such if an admin flags your series to be cast YOU MUST LET CASTERS INTO THE GAME
No Random.
No BM. This is totally up to my discretion and I don't care to really make a large ruleset here. It's my tournament and I don't want people being trolls or assholes. Some people will get warnings, some will get outright banned. If you don't like it, that's a shame.
Thank you Schamtoo, this will be such a great event. Just had a look at the list of participants so far and this tournament is stacked! Really looking forward to this!