Russian Federation1893 Posts
As all other matches, the final one was played on Aztec, Zerg spawning at 9 and Protoss at 4. + Show Spoiler +
Zerg opted for 9pool speedlings, perfectly scouted by Protoss. + Show Spoiler +
However, Dewalt made a greedy mistake of securing the choke with just 3 probes, allowing an easy pass for speedlings. Remarkable, that Protoss had more than enough probes to allow two extra for a secure stop. + Show Spoiler +
Five Korean speedlings were quite enough to secure an easy and rapid gg for Zerg. + Show Spoiler +
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Unfortunately, the final match was swift and one-sided.
http://esport.fund/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/BW-Jeez-Weekly-01.zip]ZeloT, Dewalt, Eon, g0rynich replays here[/url].
+ Show Spoiler +lol ![[image loading]](https://i.ibb.co/YLDRJFG/lol.jpg)
United States1434 Posts
On January 07 2019 18:21 Rus_Brain wrote: However, Dewalt made a greedy mistake of securing the choke with just 3 probes, allowing an easy pass for speedlings. Remarkable, that Protoss had more than enough probes to allow two extra for a secure stop. I looked at the Dewalt vs. Zelot replay. I think the 3 probes was fine, but the biggest mistakes were losing the probe scout, and most of all going cannon>nexus>cannon instead of cannon>cannon>nexus. The second cannon finished just as the lings were hitting the probes. This felt like a slightly greedier play by Dewalt, not anticipating an aggressive ling attack that soon and committed, and also to optimize vs. a fast tech and deny scout play. It's a real shame since Zelot picked such a risky strategy that could've backfired, but Zelot's control is so good. I think Zelot diving in was also pure coincidence - he would've attacked either way. I think that lets in 3 lings at best (if 2 cannons first), and Dewalt's probe micro was just less than perfect.
On January 07 2019 18:10 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote: dont you see the intention is to make foreigners compete with koreans? this is the reason of bo1,in theory anyone can take a game.who will be the one to do it? there are 51 tournament left. a whole year of tournaments.
I'm quite confident that by the end of this year we'll see at least 20% of tournaments won by foreigners.
Thanks for replays! Was surprised to see Lyra.Paradise coming back and participating in tournaments and BSL ladder.
First of all, I salute you Rus_Brain for supporting foreign Starcraft scene. I'm sure u hear that a lot, but these words need to be repeated over and over.
As for the good old foreigner vs korean discussion, I've used to think just as Koget thinks, but I'm past that and I understand your point of view and it's very reasonable, just as Koget's view, just from different perspective. Neither are good or bad I suppose. It's a matter of choice.
As for me, after some time I've realized, that I play differently low TR games from good TR ones. It could be because, as Ty2 mentioned somewhere, I have a very polarised micro-oriented style and because of it I lose my own game against koreans. I have also my own theory which race is the most advantageous when it comes to low TR games, but let's not get there :D
Have a strong heart Rus_Brain, gain internet resistance and keep up the good work!
Russian Federation1893 Posts
On January 08 2019 09:54 Bonyth wrote: Neither are good or bad I suppose. It's a matter of choice.
True 👍 And since there is a number for non-kor already, we should have at least one for all
Russian Federation1893 Posts
Please join the second tour.
When is the next tour? Thanks for your initiative Brain.
Russian Federation249 Posts
Next tour is always next Sunday xD
Russian Federation1893 Posts
Russian Federation1893 Posts
Russian Federation1893 Posts
Russian Federation1893 Posts
BW Jeez weekly 02 @ January 13, 2019 (FS) - Dandy ~US$ 87.89 (less bank charges).
As all other matches, the final one was played on Fighting Spirit, Zerg spawning at 11 and Terran at 7. + Show Spoiler +
Zerg opted for 2 hatch muta, Terran FE SK Terran. Zerg's first popped up muta was perfectly timed to match the first Terran's encounter. Yet, the casualties were even, when Terran's group of M&Ms managed to get four mutas. + Show Spoiler + Luckily, Zerg lost nothing else.
One may think that Zerg's very early muta made nothing good. Yet, Zerg's muta kept Terran at bay, which Jose demonstrated just a couple of minutes later, saying hello to Terran's second scouting team. + Show Spoiler +
Another Terran's scouting squad was obliterated by well set trap. + Show Spoiler +
This is the point where Zerg opted for a Blitzkrieg instead of taking another expansion. + Show Spoiler +
These three lurkers killed a dozen seconds ago might have ended the game now... + Show Spoiler +
...But they did not. A counter-attack followed which indeed ended this game swift. Not exactly as Zerg planned though. + Show Spoiler +
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Eon's and Dandy's replays.
Russian Federation1893 Posts
Don't forget tomorrow tournament
Russian Federation1893 Posts
FYI Shine is playing today jeez.
Ok i'm done with this bullshit lag korean fiesta 10 obs show
Russian Federation1893 Posts
BW Jeez weekly 03 @ January 20, 2019 (Roadkill) - Shine ~US$ 94.57 (less bank charges).
As all other matches, the final one was played on Roadkill, Polish Zerg spawning at 12 and Korean one at 6. + Show Spoiler +
Korean pro opted for overpool-gas, and Polak 12poolgas-exp. + Show Spoiler +
Trutacz expected an early harras (most possible a nine-pool one), and purchased ling speed for first 100 gas pocketed. + Show Spoiler +
Truta's first 6 lings run scouting and let Shine's first lings to pass by, unfortunately. + Show Spoiler +
Shine's lings running here and there @ Truta's main gave Korean exactly the time to get the Spire done, and by the time Trutacz broke through Korean main with a very powerful ling blow, backed up with two creep colonies, muta forced Truta to morph spore instead of a much more desirable Sunken. Korean contained his base with a couple of drones and two Sunkes of his own. + Show Spoiler +
LAN stage play would have changed nothing in this game. Nonetheless, the voice is heard. We will stream the replays instead of live games due to connectivity issues. + Show Spoiler +
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Shine's, Eon's, Dewalt's reps.