On November 03 2017 03:51 aiwekas wrote: sorry if i wrong guys but i think guys so many tourney lost so many viewers cuz of koreans cuz no point watch stream if u know he will win.just wasting your time.european ppl train hard (eon/tru/bon/dew and others)to play tourn like this and u kill any tourney with koreans (scan,shinee,firebathero,miso) sorry if i wrong but thats what i think + i never watch any stream if these koreans play vs ppl from europe.i think we must learn from TL tourney and send koreans to koreans tourneys gl hf
Totally agree! Major flaw in the tourney. Not the only one unfortunately.
Agreed. I'm all for allowing Koreans in SOME tournaments, but for a big scale offline tourney that's held in Europe? I would have rather seen 8 of the top Europeans batting it out.
On November 03 2017 02:26 ReTr0[p.S] wrote: Good tournament and great production, though not sure why it was played on a Thursday midday and not a weekend at a later time, as it would've attracted a bigger audience.
The Italian Esports Open is not SCR only, in the next few days there will be a Quake Champions tournament and an Overwatch event, so we weren't the focus I guess. Also there's Blizzcon now, so it wouldn't be wise to put the SCR tournament in the very same days as the WCS finals
Yup, Quake Champions is tomorrow and Saturday, and Overwatch is on Sunday. SC: Remastered finished the day before the Blizzcon opening ceremony. Probably not a coincidence
Hello from the gang! See you (well, I will, anyway!) tomorrow for Quake. :D
On November 03 2017 03:51 aiwekas wrote: sorry if i wrong guys but i think guys so many tourney lost so many viewers cuz of koreans cuz no point watch stream if u know he will win.just wasting your time.european ppl train hard (eon/tru/bon/dew and others)to play tourn like this and u kill any tourney with koreans (scan,shinee,firebathero,miso) sorry if i wrong but thats what i think + i never watch any stream if these koreans play vs ppl from europe.i think we must learn from TL tourney and send koreans to koreans tourneys gl hf
Totally agree! Major flaw in the tourney. Not the only one unfortunately.
I didn't see other games than Morrow vs Notforu, but Draco went 2-3 vs FBH so it's not like FBH just came to collect easy win!
Anyways thanks for the casters and ESL for the great tournament, I hope we get to see more in the future
On November 03 2017 04:47 oDieN[Siege] wrote: Sayle and kogeT did a great job casting yesterday! Obs was a tad bit better last night than the first night, but still needs some work.
I think need some context regarding the observing of this tournament, I was the observer for the first and second day and a half then got fired and kogeT took over.
The main stream was the italian one and I could only hear from them regarding the calls during the game, I had no way to listen to the english cast of the tournament and what they were talking about. The video feed was the same for both streams, also had to adapt because the player cameras were covering half of the screen during the game and some things were impossible to shown.
On November 03 2017 00:16 _Animus_ wrote: ok, next time dont invite koreans pls, that final was uncomfortable to watch.
Ive seen this stomp before However firebathero is not flash and since draco went 3-2 against him he is definitely beatable. The mindset of most foreigneers was just "oh we better just prepare for the other players and leave FBH take the title". Its true that its pretty much handicaped match but still its a competition and price is high. Hats off for Draco, that was unexpected.
On November 03 2017 03:51 aiwekas wrote: sorry if i wrong guys but i think guys so many tourney lost so many viewers cuz of koreans cuz no point watch stream if u know he will win.just wasting your time.european ppl train hard (eon/tru/bon/dew and others)to play tourn like this and u kill any tourney with koreans (scan,shinee,firebathero,miso) sorry if i wrong but thats what i think + i never watch any stream if these koreans play vs ppl from europe.i think we must learn from TL tourney and send koreans to koreans tourneys gl hf
Totally agree! Major flaw in the tourney. Not the only one unfortunately.
I didn't see other games than Morrow vs Notforu, but Draco went 2-3 vs FBH so it's not like FBH just came to collect easy win!
Anyways thanks for the casters and ESL for the great tournament, I hope we get to see more in the future
On November 03 2017 02:04 Ty2 wrote: I know people are saying there's no chance for gorynich to have beaten firebathero....but when you have gorynich expressing everything but confidence what can you rlly expect hah. I have been in his shoes before and at that point when you're entering a series like that, losing becomes a formality. You play with a really subdued mindset that's too caught up with being awestruck by the player you perceive as insurmountably better as opposed to playing with the mindset of a true champion to make the series a domination. You've gotta go into the game with a Jaedong mindset. Honestly, from what I saw of FBH against gorynich I wasn't particularly impressed. That is easy for me to say though and I can't truly say what it felt like for gory to play FBH or what FBH's performance was like from his perspective.
Guys you gotta understand you only look as good as your opponents lets you! This is very important and people don't seem to recognize it. Playing high level koreans almost everyone would look pathetic. No matter what rank you are you feel the difference and dominiance of a higher skilled player. Realistically only toss has a small chance as Draco showed to even take a game or two from someone. On the other hand i think ZvT its pretty much mission impossible.
Starcraft is mainly a game of skill rather than luck. Maybe not as extreme as chess for instance but pretty damn close. I feel as if only ZvP and PvT are the matchups where people have somewhat of a chance for an upset. Lets say you give me scan i would say atm i have a 5% chance to win or less but give me bisu on CB with my hand on my heart i would say i have a 20-30% chance. Its just that in some matchups the gap is way bigger.
On November 03 2017 04:46 JoRoSaR wrote: Yup, Quake Champions is tomorrow and Saturday, and Overwatch is on Sunday. SC: Remastered finished the day before the Blizzcon opening ceremony. Probably not a coincidence
Hello from the gang! See you (well, I will, anyway!) tomorrow for Quake. :D
You also got the italian legend NeV aka Pastalpesto aka OrsoBalorso there! Nice
I'm happy for FirebatHero, i will never forget his beach ceremony during the Proleague Finals almost 10 years ago (damn!). It's cool that ESL paid him a holiday in Italy as a parting gift for a great pro.
On November 03 2017 04:46 JoRoSaR wrote: Yup, Quake Champions is tomorrow and Saturday, and Overwatch is on Sunday. SC: Remastered finished the day before the Blizzcon opening ceremony. Probably not a coincidence
Hello from the gang! See you (well, I will, anyway!) tomorrow for Quake. :D
Meeting all you guys was a great experience! I will never forget this day =) Thanks to Firebathero, who was unbelievably kind and down to earth and offered to pay dinner for everyone.
Sayle, Candenzie and Koget did great casting. Sayle good as always, Cadenzie seemed a lot more comfortable than on day one, Koget just great, I had the feeling if you give him just the minimap and tell him which colour is which player he could cast the whole match with only that flawlessly.
Observing was still bad BUT a lot better than on day 1 (much less zooming around), so at least improvements there. And thanks again to Koget for taking over obsing for the later games. Draco taking FBH to a game 5 was definitly the highlight for me. Though over all I'am bit sad when I think about how amazing this tournament could have been for the foreign scene if it was via qualifiers only, just imagine eon, trutacz, sziky, Terr0r, Bonyth and the others being there with Koget, notforu and some oldschoolers.