Both players scout simultaneously. It would appear that Sharp actually went 12CC, since his CC and barracks are significantly earlier than PianO's.
Sharp adds a second factory. PianO abandons his bunker wall and floats over. A Sharp Vulture fails to get past the bunker.
Both players on two bases. PianO going really heavy into vultures, Sharp into Goliaths. He impromptu walls with two engineering bay scaffolds to prevent PianO's goliaths from getting in. It seems Sharp feels like getting cute now.
Sharp's force balances out as he adds tanks. PianO has four factories, and of course, functional droptech. Both players take their thirds. PianO has once again taken map control with his minespam strategy. Sharp pushes out and gives himself a little elbow room before sieging up.
Four vulture dropship puts down one vulture at Sharp's main and 3 at the nat. Simultaneously, PianO pushes across the bridge to Sharp's third. PianO's mines are wildly successful and Sharp's tanks are decimated! PianO is taking a fourth at top right! Sharp is contained by mines and siege tanks, and he's getting hit by cloaked wraiths, and dropped at the natural! Where's the kitchen sink? Where is it?
On December 10 2014 22:08 c3rberUs wrote:Best quote of the day. I can't watch two streams at once. ^^ olol
Sharp's force rolls out through the northern route, and shuts down PianO's constructing 4th. Sharp is ahead in upgrades and PianO has just for the first time built an armory. Perhaps this is the key to Sharp's victory.
Sharp's forces are reflected and PianO's fourth is allowed to complete construction. Vulture scuffle at 8:00 central! PianO keeping Sharp contained with mines, and has way, way more money! This won't go on much longer. Sharp dealing with cloaked wraith spotters with the siege attack on his third, but he shits all over PianO's fourth with vultures, dealing heavy damage. PianO seems to have lost siege tanks at Sharp's third. He sieges up in a wave around all of Sharp's forces, from his 3rd at 11:00 to his 9:00 4th. That's a lot of wraiths against a lot of tanks! What Sharp's army lacks in versatility, it also lacks in numbers, as well as life! PianO just decides enough is enough and rolls in, taking Odd-Eye 3 and the series 3-2.
Although I didn't see what was going on, Game 4 seemed to be the most standard and volatile TvT of the night, so it gets game of the night. The first three games were very fast-paced and extreme due to cheesy pressure builds and PianO's heavy reliance on Starport tech, but if that's what you're after you should just watch those three games in a row, since they were short and sweet for TvTs. Game 5 is the only game I can't recommend, because the loser was totally dominated.
Thxthxthx <333
Mind vs Shuttle bo3 now.
Mind vs Eyewater aka Shuttle. [WHITE] FITE. Mind at top right, Shuttle at bottom left. Cross positions!
Very standard builds right now. Shuttle makes the first move at 15, placing a Pylon at Mind's 3:00 3rd. Citadel of adun 33% done, it's hidden tech!
Bunker goes up outside Mind's natural. Two gates morph in at the hidden tech. Mind has no idea the speedlots are being built.
Four marines chase the lookout probe away from Mind's bridge, but it insistently tries to get a peek.
It was DTs after all! Mind scouts the hidden tech but his bunker has already been bypassed! He ggs before they land a single slash. "The easiest way to kill a Terran is to DT rush him." ~Bisu before his prime
Game 1 to Shuttle on Fighting Spirit. It seems they've returned to Fighting Spirit for game 2, and the positions are swapped - Shuttle at top right, Mind at bottom left.
Mind goes ahead and builds his natural wallrax. Nothing weird going on yet.
Standad 1 gate tech from Shuttle.
Barracks + Supply Center + Command Center zealot-proof wall. The players discover each others' spawns locations. A bunker goes up. Shuttle panics and misses an opportunity to swoose through the unoccupied barracks and scout the expo situation. Shuttle's Nexus still under construction, Mind's CC long since complete. SCV scout denied entrance to Shuttle's main, but sees his nexus. 2 Range goons harass the bunker. Siege tech researching now. Four range goons now. five SCVs on repair. Two factories, two machine shops spinning. Siege tech complete, and the harass ends. Rax floats away. Shuttle's robotech completes and he adds 3 gates for a total of 4, as well as a nexus at his logical 3rd, at 3:00.