On November 28 2014 23:23 Minus)Ruby wrote: Stratos 안녕하세요 한국인 이신가요? 나중에 미오님 방송에서 뵙게 되겠네요 ㅎㅎ; 이렇게 공지 글 올려주셔서 감사합니다.
대문 제작이 완료되어서 올려드립니다.
와 퀄리티 ㅇㅠㅇ 정말 대단하시네요~
저는 체코에서 살고 있는 체코사람입니다. 4년 전엔 스타를 처음으로 봐서 결국 한국어 공부를 시작했는데요. 이젠 여기서 팬들을 위해서 번역을 하고 있습니다.
팀리퀴드에선 영어로 해야 된다는 규칙이 있지만 스타1에 대한 게시판엔 가끔식 한국어로 글 쓰셔도 됩니다. 혹시나 도움이 필요하시면 저에게 언제든지 쪽지를 보내세요~ 환영하고 앞으로도 종종 놀러오세요 ^^
soon start!
1hour 48minute after start
latest lineup schedule according to xinandy in the china bw forums:
zhanhun vs Sea PVT Luna The Final jedi vs hero ZVZ Tau cross xiaoxin vs pusan PVP Fortress SE caige vs Shuttle ZVP Fighting Spirit fengzi vs Movie ZVP Curcuit Breaker jaystar vs Scan PVT Sniper Ridge
Maybe fengzi can beat Movie and jaystar can pull off some toss dt gimmicks vs Scan but otherwise I don't see the Koreans dropping a single game.
On November 29 2014 18:45 deathgod6 wrote: Maybe fengzi can beat Movie and jaystar can pull off some toss dt gimmicks vs Scan but otherwise I don't see the Koreans dropping a single game.
fengzi didnt actually want to play movie lol...he wanted shuttle instead but the schedule was already fixed after discussion with the koreans.
thx Probemicro ^^
On November 29 2014 18:45 deathgod6 wrote: Maybe fengzi can beat Movie and jaystar can pull off some toss dt gimmicks vs Scan but otherwise I don't see the Koreans dropping a single game. Let's see, if JeDi also makes something happen in ZvZ then we're already in the ace match!
Japan11285 Posts
Is 2 fact a counter to 1 gate range expand?
I dunno, but Mio said he could die right then and there.
Japan11285 Posts
Sea pushing out, 4 goons trying to delay.
Japan11285 Posts
Yeah, now that I think about it too.
Japan11285 Posts
Japan11285 Posts
Japan11285 Posts
Jedi at 6, Hero at 10.
Japan11285 Posts
Jedi gets his nat. Hero getting lair
Japan11285 Posts
Speed upgraded for both players.
Japan11285 Posts
Evo chamber from jedi. Spore incoming? edit there it is
If only Jedi made lings instead of those drones. gg