On August 09 2014 20:41 BulgarianToss wrote:I would like to see a showmatch between the winner of this and Sziky/Trutacz/TechnicS or a top active foreigner at the moment  . I can't say this idea doesn't appeal to me, though I worry it would probably be a bit onesided . A final boss of sorts, but we can look at something like that after the event as it'd deter too much from the original idea: A high school-like reunion of players who haven't been in the scene for a while to play and talk to each other once more. The tournament is the vessel rather than the focal point.
nony vs idra showmatch at the end would be amazing
This tournament it`s not about the money. It is about the feeling we all lust for. Old people coming back to the roots. Sziky/trutaCz when they(the people who are participating were in their prime) you were not even close to them. So don`t try to chalenge them now. We do respect you, but we do respect them more.
On August 10 2014 05:37 SADguy wrote: This tournament it`s not about the money. It is about the feeling we all lust for. Old people coming back to the roots. Sziky/trutaCz when they(the people who are participating were in their prime) you were not even close to them. So don`t try to chalenge them now. We do respect you, but we do respect them more.
sziky was very good back when everyone was active too (around tsl2)
On August 10 2014 05:37 SADguy wrote: This tournament it`s not about the money. It is about the feeling we all lust for. Old people coming back to the roots. Sziky/trutaCz when they(the people who are participating were in their prime) you were not even close to them. So don`t try to chalenge them now. We do respect you, but we do respect them more. tell for urself, besides Sziky made A rank in TSL2 qualis and trutaCz was in POL-A team as a 2on2 player, so yea learn before write
United Kingdom12022 Posts
On August 10 2014 05:37 SADguy wrote: This tournament it`s not about the money. It is about the feeling we all lust for. Old people coming back to the roots. Sziky/trutaCz when they(the people who are participating were in their prime) you were not even close to them. So don`t try to chalenge them now. We do respect you, but we do respect them more.
See I understand the point you're trying to make, but it's much better to do it without then making sweeping statements. Comparing peoples skill level now to then is silly as it is, but saying people respect people more doesn't have any basis or meaning.
I haven`t see Sziky in TSL 2. I haven`t seen trutaCz in TSL 2, But I have seen a lot of this guys who are playing this tournament in both TSL 1 and also TSL 2. So yes. I know what i`m talking about. Sziky complaint about the money that are thrown in this tournament. If you want to earn big money from broodwar play vs korean and in Korean leagues then you could make your living from BW. I love our foreigners both trutCz and Sziky. I cheer for them when they play Koreans. But let`s have respect for the ones who really made history in Brood War foreign scene!
On August 10 2014 07:03 SADguy wrote: I haven`t see Sziky in TSL 2. I haven`t seen trutaCz in TSL 2, But I have seen a lot of this guys who are playing this tournament in both TSL 1 and also TSL 2. So yes. I know what i`m talking about. Sziky complaint about the money that are thrown in this tournament. If you want to earn big money from broodwar play vs korean and in Korean leagues then you could make your living from BW. I love our foreigners both trutCz and Sziky. I cheer for them when they play Koreans. But let`s have respect for the ones who really made history in Brood War foreign scene!
Sziky qualified for TSL2 like TT1 said, he was really good. The other guy I have no idea about. I don't get why people come in and complain about the money, as if they have the right to tell other people what they should like. I don't watch much SC anymore, I prefer to play, so I'm completely fine with watching the top foreigners that I remember from when I played a lot, back when the game was much more alive. If someone disagrees that's fine, but don't come into the thread telling people it's silly that an event like this has such a prize pool... that's just a dumb statement to make
On August 10 2014 05:37 SADguy wrote: This tournament it`s not about the money. It is about the feeling we all lust for. Old people coming back to the roots. Sziky/trutaCz when they(the people who are participating were in their prime) you were not even close to them. So don`t try to chalenge them now. We do respect you, but we do respect them more.
Firstly get off from me. Secondly i never challenged anyone here i just said the truth, games will be low level. Thirdly i didnt came here to gain the respect. I don't care. To sum up chill a little, because everyone has a right to share a own opinion, and it doesnt have to be the same as yours.
so is castro getting an invite or what?
I haven't heard from Castro and don't have his contact info. If he wants to play, he should send me a PM.
terror offered to contact him ...
On August 08 2014 06:23 Terrorterran wrote: I can contact Castro if you want I know he would like to play against fenix again
Amazing!!!! I miss you guys!!
We need Russian Terrans
On August 10 2014 10:37 endy wrote:We need Russian Terrans 
We need Pro7ect!!
Wonder if this makes anyone else feel old Thinking back, been following this scene on and off since a year after the original was released. Back when the terran only shareware portal had more players than probably play currently. When I hear about 2006 as old school reminds me how long this game has been around and how long i've taken some time to follow it through the years.
Nostalgia matches are truly not a measure of the level of skill but rather a short little glimpse in the past for some i'd imagine. It's just fun. The banter and idea of it will probably be as enjoyable as seeing current top level foreigners play. Should be a fun event all around, as it should be.
I just thought about this but... DId you try to invite rekrul ? you know.... lurker backwards
I'm looking forward to this ! But in my opinion, you should make something like 16 oldschool players and 16 best current players tour (32 players imba tour) . Anyway, good luck guys with organising this osam tour !