Hive is morphing Vessels are out now 6 or 7 lurkers burrow , take out alot of MnM TONS OF MNM One tank sniped, Two tanks sniped by mutas Vessel gets hit aswell Facility still flashing MutaLurkerLing moving in Vessel goes down, 2nd one is here Scan on the lurkers Only 3 mutas left Lurkersling breaking the nat Lings just rallied into his nat
On June 29 2011 15:43 Tsutchie wrote: are the top teams sending out newbies to get experiences without worrying about winning or losing? if so isn't that a bit unfair for teams who are still battling for last few playoff spots...
I can see ZerO's interview already: "It's a shame that Soulkey lost today, but that's to be expected of his skill even when he plays against a rookie. Today's ace match showed how much of a different level I am on compared to him. But I have full faith that perhaps he will be able to beat a rookie someday. Maybe someday, Soulkey!"
Nice to see Stars win though, even though they looked quite shaky today. :S
On June 29 2011 16:06 HighTemper wrote: I look at the line-up... it's basically Stars A-team vs CJ no-HydraHorang2MovieLeta and still go to Ace game?
Watch out for CJ in the playoffs. Watch out!
light got cheesed, soulkey lost to a terran on la mancha, and free is slumping. an in-form stars team is a force to be reckoned with, its just a shame that right now theres no good protoss (free is out of it, guemchi and flying are terrible) and the only rookie that seems capable of winning games is hon sin
On June 29 2011 15:52 Spica wrote: I can see ZerO's interview already: "It's a shame that Soulkey lost today, but that's to be expected of his skill even when he plays against a rookie. Today's ace match showed how much of a different level I am on compared to him. But I have full faith that perhaps he will be able to beat a rookie someday. Maybe someday, Soulkey!"
Nice to see Stars win though, even though they looked quite shaky today. :S