On June 29 2011 18:44 Zona wrote:
Shiiiit! I missed Paralyze getting his first PL win. And Best netting his century!
Shiiiit! I missed Paralyze getting his first PL win. And Best netting his century!
Paralyze already got one against Kal.
From SKT vs Oz Interview :
SKT1’s Protoss line has finished first too.
Bisu – I think we finished well because Best and I played as we always have been but Sun was able to follow us well and get a good record too.
Sun – I definitely think it’s because of Bisu hyung. Best hyung did well and Paralyze had 1 win too. We only need to win two more times to reach 100 wins so in our remaining games we will work to be the first to reach 100 wins.
Bisu – I think we finished well because Best and I played as we always have been but Sun was able to follow us well and get a good record too.
Sun – I definitely think it’s because of Bisu hyung. Best hyung did well and Paralyze had 1 win too. We only need to win two more times to reach 100 wins so in our remaining games we will work to be the first to reach 100 wins.