Sad that T1 got cleaned out, really happy that Bisu is showing his old PvP brilliance again. Horang's PvP is in a whole other league though. Well played!
that was a ridiculously good game. I think I'm a Horang2 fan from now on.
So many great decisions from Horang2. After he lost his nat, he postured for a last ditch attack, while double expanding and using high ground and the bridge to defend against Bisu's inevitable attack, and using some ridiculous micro even after losing 2 reavers in a shuttle and still coming out on top of that engagement. Even after that, he kept overcoming a numerical disadvantage through sheer micro and positioning. I don't even know how not only did he stay alive, he was gaining and advantage as well!!
Apart from a slight gaff while trying to attack up a ramp and another base at the same time where his army got significantly stormed, Horang2's decision making and micro was superb.
On May 17 2011 19:56 Winechu wrote: My mouth was agape during the latter half of the game. Horang2's PvP is just a class above. Macro, Micro, sense, positioning. Incredible how he just wins EVERY engagement, even with lower supply.