Flash scouts around a bit for some proxies, but doesn't see it and heads down toward Baby's base. From the minimap, it looks like he has a rax in construction at his base. Flash spots the lack of any buildings in Baby's main and takes a look around. Flash sends a second SCV out to check and spots the 2 marines heading toward his base!
On March 22 2011 20:23 Scaramanga wrote: Is anyone else from aus getting pretty bad lag with the streams? for some reason in the past weeks livestream hasn't liked me
It was perfect until about half an hour ago for me, I can't watch anymore. Keep up the good work with the LR guys!
Flash gets a bunker up in his main next to his rax as Baby's marines sit outside his base with an SCV. He starts a fac as Baby bunkers up. outside Flash's base and starts a proxy rax. Flash attacks just before the bunker finishes, sniping 2 marines for 1!
Flash answers to the proxy barracks with a bunker in his base. BaBy replies and throws down a proxy bunker along with a proxy factory to attempt to contain Flash.