On March 13 2011 02:40 Invictus wrote:
lol @ everyone bashing at hiya, last OSL when he was shit in proleague yet winning jd in osl everyone was screaming at him cause he wasnt contributing and was denying jd of a 4th win in osl. now he manages a three kill everyone says he's not letting jd a chance to play wut.
jd needs a long break guys, his muta micro is pretty shit atm, although his zergling is rightfully dubbed donglings and his decision making on a good day can be stellar. unless he takes a step back and look at the big i don't see him outsmarting people like flash
that said jd fighting, im waiting for you to own the world again >:D
There is difference between "shit muta micro" and "not as good as usual muta micro".
JD's mutamicro is bad? wtf are you saying, because he lost to hydra? thats just.. ugh!