On March 08 2011 18:38 ]343[ wrote: let's go really!
(i am actually impressed with bisu's play vZ though... no holes whatsoever. almost like flash )
Ya, although ELO doesn't mean everything I think the fact that his vZ ELO is almost exactly the same as Flash's is just hyper impressive. He's THAT good at it.
On March 08 2011 18:32 ArvickHero wrote: Early to early-midgame, I was seriously impressed at how well Soulkey prepared for this game. He knew the Sair/DT opening was coming, with the DT/+1 Speedlot followup attack and defended almost perfectly with minimal costs..
but in the end, Bisu is Bisu and his PvZ is just simply the best.. truly amazing play from both sides. Soulkey would've run over any other Protoss here.
Maybe you (or others) can educate me a bit here mate. I agree with what you're saying regarding SK and his early to mid game. I was impressed with his build and he adopted his usual defensive posture.
The thing I don't get is that when you set up a solid defence like that as Zerg, unless you rush to defilers, aren't you risking letting Toss expand easily and then ultimately just rolling over top of you?
Perhaps SK was rushing to defiler tech asap, and as Disciple said, Bisu just nailed that transition. It just felt to me like Bisu had a long time to macro up unhindered.
In the past, a handful of lings would often shut down these expo attempts (which SK attempted). But Bisu was prepared here by keeping some units by his expos until his cannons finished lol..
From a Zerg perspective, I'm not that knowledgeable but it's just one of the cons to the defensive style of play on a 2 player map such as Benzene (no easy gas fourth, map designed for attacking). Though, had Bisu failed to pulled off that big attack at top left, Soulkey would've been in a pretty good position with Swarm/Plague.. Maybe the game would've been different had it been on Aztec or some 3+ player map lol