On March 06 2011 07:19 Game wrote: As a P player you should know that Destination is highly imbalanced for P. HitchHiker on the other hand, is the absolute most balanced map in the history of Starcraft. Plus... I don't even play in the group stages.
i don't think destination is highly imbalanced for protoss
and he posted stats of tau cross and fighting to argue against your statement that hitchhiker is the "absolute most balanced map in the history of starcraft"
On March 06 2011 09:23 FyRe_DragOn wrote: oic. yeah the shortening was pretty harsh lol, i had to gain like 4 ranks in 2 days to make it in the top56 because i was intending to wait till the last few days before starting. your name looks kinda familiar but i dont remember any specific matches, we probably played a few seasons ago or something.
That screwed a very large field of good players. As most were intending to wait until the last 3 days, including some good friends and clanmates of mine. Really fucked up the top 56.
Australia7069 Posts
My personal concern with hitchhiker is you picked a map most players could literally never practice on unless they had a really committed practice partener. And even then, that practice wouldn't have been ideal. If you'd used a map like say, bloody ridge in its place, that map is at least possible to get games on ladder due to it being a current PL map. going that far back in the past and getting a map most people haven't even heard of pretty much relegated games played on that map to silly cheese, which has its place, but shouldn't be forced by map choice.
oh sweet, 2 threads about the same thing.
NrG.GoD i've beaten you a handful of times straight up not only with my Z but with my T as well. your most memorable game vs me is just the one where i eliminated you with 9h9p lings during AoV Invitational. i've casted your iCCup Attack and followed your stream. i've even praised you in the ISL Interview and now you're acting like a scrub?
ssa gi ji sekki
On March 06 2011 10:42 JoeKim wrote: oh sweet, 2 threads about the same thing.
NrG.GoD i've beaten you a handful of times straight up not only with my Z but with my T as well. your most memorable game vs me is just the one where i eliminated you with 9h9p lings during AoV Invitational. i've casted your iCCup Attack and followed your stream. i've even praised you in the ISL Interview and now you're acting like a scrub?
ssa gi ji sekki
you never beat me straight up ^^
would you like to go bo5 non-random games?
did i complain to you for cheesing?
and how am i acting like a scrub? all my statements are reasonable,
you gonna deny your attitude today was unreasonable?
i didn't ask you to praise me in ISL interview. if you think i am a good player that is your opinion and it has nothing to do with me
you think just because you praise me i gotta be on your side?
and i didn't ask you to follow my stream, don't watch if you don't want to
and what is ssa gi ji sekki? rofl isn't a word buddy
your attitude was disgusting period
i don't care whether you beat me before or not. hoenstly all the games i do remember were cheese from you
proxy 2gate, hydra rush
and that is irrelevent to this point here
Cheese is just strategy. Also about imbalance I think it affects lower skill level more than pros because they play 100x more than us so they know how to counter all the balances and make them seem LESS imbalanced. Whereas, the foreigners with less practice can't deflect them as much so when the occasion does occur, it's game over.
You guys make too many excuses, anyone who qualified is at least decent. Talking shit to people who eliminate you is garbage and doesn't prove anything. Hitchhiker is a bad map we can all agree (as kiante points out the flaws) but it's already selected so you can't do anything about it. Practice the maps given and just play your games, most of you guys are 20+ by now since sc is an old ass game act your age.
About the games: THEY WERE PRETTY GOOD! Entertaining, seem like we could've gotten more casts in if a little more organized (dont know if thats on purpose or what). On the plus, they are recasting reps on the following day which is nice (even with the spoilers). Decent commentary from the casters and good viewer count (which is unusual for a foreign bw stream these days).
Thanks and hope to see more good stuff
On March 06 2011 11:21 dRaW wrote: About the games: THEY WERE PRETTY GOOD! Entertaining, seem like we could've gotten more casts in if a little more organized (dont know if thats on purpose or what). On the plus, they are recasting reps on the following day which is nice (even with the spoilers). Decent commentary from the casters and good viewer count (which is unusual for a foreign bw stream these days).
Now that I am ban-lifted, I will be offering my services once again to Game and Sayle for commentary and casting so maybe we can get simultaneous coverage going or something (if they'll have me).
Nuke denied me. He said he has no interest in the foreign BW scene.
Edit: We aren't looking for additional casters.
I check this thread for ISL ro56 updates/discussion not for randomss bs reps of joekim vs god from who knows when.
United Kingdom3685 Posts
...can now be found in the OP. So far, only the blip VODs are available. I'm currently in the process of splitting the VODs so I can upload them to Youtube as well (stupid 15-minute cap :/ ). I'll post here again once the Youtube uploads are done, since I know a lot of people prefer that to blip.
Also, the replays cast will be today at 19:00 CET! That's just over 5 hours from now! I will upload the VODs from that as well.
Sayle which replays from games are you gonna cast at 19CET?
I'm just worried everyone will cheese on hitchhiker since they don't play it. The one game so far i've seen was a marine/scv rush...
On March 06 2011 21:41 roman012 wrote: Sayle which replays from games are you gonna cast at 19CET? YES BRO YES
United Kingdom3685 Posts
On March 06 2011 21:41 roman012 wrote: Sayle which replays from games are you gonna cast at 19CET?
Well, groups 2, 4 and 5 are the most popular according to the poll. Interestingly, all the games we did in the live cast were from those groups already, so I'll probably cast all the games we missed from those groups. That will be 10 games, which I think will be enough for today, considering I'm still a bit sick ^^;
United Kingdom3685 Posts
On March 06 2011 15:12 sCCrooked wrote: Now that I am ban-lifted, I will be offering my services once again to Game and Sayle for commentary and casting so maybe we can get simultaneous coverage going or something (if they'll have me).
You have an admin account, so go check the ICCup admin forums. nOoNe made a thread over a week ago asking you to check in so he could give you some work to do, but you never responded.
Feb was good as a co-caster when Sayle and him streamed ifu invitational or something like that (it was one clan and their invitationals). Casting games from seperate streams is also good imo.