On August 21 2010 15:07 Pineapple wrote: Sorry guys but it wasn't THAT impressive. Seriously, Light just got too greedy going for a third and JD was able to amass lots of Mutalisks. It's no different to what Shine does - massing one type of unit. If Shine had done it we'd all be like yeah what a faggot.
Lol err... SHine does it in ZvP. This is ZvT. On top of that, JD's shown his versatility in a million and one ways. Shine's only ever shown cheesy 1-unit massing play to abuse ZvP. He loses horribly in straight up games. And his ZvT is unspeakably bad. You're just way off lol.
The truth is if Light is a better player (he is great and on par with Jaedong in this matchu at the time) he shouldnt skimp on defense (bunker?) on THESE MAPS.
On August 21 2010 15:19 ilj.psa wrote: not to say JD sucks or anything but:
anyone noticed that JD won by cheesing and rushing all 3 games, and lose the 2 "straight up" games? pretty sure if it was kwanro people would be bashing him for getting cheap wins
2 Hatch Muta isn't allin :o It's just aggressive, like 2 rax (though granted, 2 rax is a great deal easier to transition from)
That was the Yarnc build lol, it's at least semi all-in. Reminds me of the Yarnc vs Sea series from last year's WCG, he went this build all three games.
On August 21 2010 15:16 Savant wrote: I'm dissapointed. After securing such a lead Light should have scouted like crazy to prevent the inevitable "angry Jaedong" antics. Fighting the Dong, coming out even through early-midgame is 2/3 of winning. He lost every lategame.
What? Did you not see Oddeye? Does Tank/Vessel/Goliath vs Ultra/hydra/defiler/ling/guardian not count as lategame? ;o
I came in late but the two games I saw Jaedong win were with muta attacks. So that's 3 games Light didn't lose in the lategame to. :>
erm.... I meant Jaedong lost every lategame. Just to clear that up.
On August 21 2010 15:19 Milkis wrote: very rough interview notes
congrats on getting to your 4th MSL Finals
- Uh... I met someone really strong and I was expecting to be really hard, and i'm happy that the results were good, and now in the finals it's a 1:1 record so I'll do my best
do you think you can get to the golden badge
- I'm not really paying attention to golden badge. I just want to win right now. If play well and ocnentrate on winning I'll be able to get golden badge.
What do you want to say to Flash
- As I've said in the MSL finals, I don't think the finals are the end because I know I can get back up next season. I was able to get back to the finals again and I wont lose 0:3 like that again and I will prepare my best for the fans
Say something to the fans
- I think the cheering from the fans have been communicated to me very well while I was preparing. I will pay this back with a victory.
it sounds like jaedong was shaken up a bit IMO thanks tho Milkis
A lot of the aggression by the zerg is based on openings they see. It's not just blindly throwing zerglings into the fire. That academy wall was bound to fail and JD grabbed his oppurtunity. Game 4 wasn't an early game win either, JD had 4 bases up and running.
On August 21 2010 15:19 ilj.psa wrote: not to say JD sucks or anything but:
anyone noticed that JD won by cheesing and rushing all 3 games, and lose the 2 "straight up" games? pretty sure if it was kwanro people would be bashing him for getting cheap wins
2 Hatch Muta isn't allin :o It's just aggressive, like 2 rax (though granted, 2 rax is a great deal easier to transition from)
That 2 hatch muta was all-in. He had two drones mining at his natural.
On August 21 2010 15:07 Pineapple wrote: Sorry guys but it wasn't THAT impressive. Seriously, Light just got too greedy going for a third and JD was able to amass lots of Mutalisks. It's no different to what Shine does - massing one type of unit. If Shine had done it we'd all be like yeah what a faggot.
Lol err... SHine does it in ZvP. This is ZvT. On top of that, JD's shown his versatility in a million and one ways. Shine's only ever shown cheesy 1-unit massing play to abuse ZvP. He loses horribly in straight up games. And his ZvT is unspeakably bad. You're just way off lol.
The truth is if Light is a better player (he is great and on par with Jaedong in this matchu at the time) he shouldnt skimp on defense (bunker?) on THESE MAPS.
Okay, was I the only one watching game 5 and thinking, "Hmmm.... Super aggressive opening, forcing the player to defend against this attack while teching to air.... 2 gate into voidrays???"
Anyways. I don't think that shit will fly with flash. Flash probably would've seen that a mile away and built a bunker. I think flash will 3-1 JD. I think they'll just cheese one another in the WCG.
On August 21 2010 15:18 IntoTheWow wrote: I wonder where is everyone that blamed EffOrt for going for this same build against Flash. Oh true, praising Jaedong! :p
Honestly I'm disappointed by Jaedong, as I was by EffOrt. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. But Jaedong has already proved himself much more than EffOrt so... Well, gg Jaedong.
On August 21 2010 15:19 ilj.psa wrote: not to say JD sucks or anything but:
anyone noticed that JD won by cheesing and rushing all 3 games, and lose the 2 "straight up" games? pretty sure if it was kwanro people would be bashing him for getting cheap wins
2 Hatch Muta isn't allin :o It's just aggressive, like 2 rax (though granted, 2 rax is a great deal easier to transition from)
Uhm, did you see JD's drone count? That was totally all-in.
Knew JD would win. Expected a 3-0, but Light has hella good late-game.