On May 13 2010 20:01 arbiter_md wrote: I see more chances for Jaedong to lose vs Calm, than vs Flash. Remember, he never lost a BO5 to Flash. Jaedong is just immune in BO5's
Um this statement doesn't really make sense? First off, if he's immune how can he lose, regardless? He's also not 100% vulnerable--he's dropped Bo5s to three people, TheRock, Calm, and fOrGG (in an 0-3 fashion). Secondly... dang it's Flash. Look at how Flash is playing. Then look at how Calm is playing. Do you really think Jaedong is going to lose to Calm over Flash now?
Don't underestimate Calm. He might not have S-class micro-macro, but he is intelligent. He can think of smart tricks that give him small advantages. And this usually works best in zvz, where small advantage is all it takes to win the game.
Just watch his last BO5 vs JD to see how he plays. Or at least used to play.
Game 3 almost felt like a throwback to NaDa's Tornado Terran days, so nostalgic. I really hope that Effort/JD pull through and we get to see dual TvZ finals.
On May 13 2010 20:54 streamofhonour wrote: Flash dint get here due to talent. He made it here after sheer practice, gaining experience as the overworked KT ace and getting thrown into all sorts of crappy situations for a long time period of nearly 2 years after he cheesed bisu out of osl. So savor it flash, because this is where it all paid off, and show that all the time u were overworked were not in vain
Nope, Flash is more talented than anyone who has ever played the game. You will not become Flash no matter how much you practise. The kid is so smart.
Right. Hes a monster right now and only jaedong can beat him. I must admit that he has to have had practiced so much that our feeble minds can not comprehend it. But talented? I dunno, cause if he was really talented then he wouldnt need such a long time to show us that impressive play..
That's just the wrong perspective. It's a combination of talent and hard work - because with all due respect, how many titles did Jaedong, SaviOr, BoxeR or NaDa have at the age of 17? His first win he got by on talent, luck (cheese working out, lucky scouting, etc), and just a good streak for that time, but his game was still far from mature. Just as chess players have child prodigies that manage to surprise grand masters, but none of them can do it consistently without at least a decade of insane amounts of practice to bring their fundamental skills up to par, in BW it takes years to bring your mechanics and instincts to the highest levels. Now, finally, those have caught up with his natural talent - and luck is no longer a factor in his wins.
ahh yes. i meant to say what u exactly said here. The point is that it took years for him to hone up his mechanics. But correct me if im wrong, didnt flash start out as the youngest progamer on the scene? If that is so, then being the youbgest player to reach 2 starleague finals consecutively would be phenomenal.
I think its more of him being younger last time and not maturing as a player that other players have reached. Now he has found his light, im anticipating the series of him vs jaedong(assuming jaedong makes it to the finals)
On May 14 2010 00:02 Gumbo wrote: The only thing that is standing between Flash and his bonjwa title is Jaedong.
You mean God-title. Bonjwa is surpassed in every aspect! I watched when savior dominated, at his peak he got to dual finals once. This is like nothing we've seen before.
On May 14 2010 00:02 Gumbo wrote: The only thing that is standing between Flash and his bonjwa title is Jaedong.
You mean God-title. Bonjwa is surpassed in every aspect! I watched when savior dominated, at his peak he got to dual finals once. This is like nothing we've seen before.
Isnt it the same thing?
Flash has classified for dual leagues for the second time in a row, something sAviOr never accomplished
just watched all 3 games, result as expected as long as Flash and JD both exist in the same tournament they turn MSL into Mediocre Star League.
cant believe some ppl pre-game posting that Free can actually win. Free wasnt even close on all three games. (game 1 maybe, because Flash held his vultures back)
On May 13 2010 19:24 SuperJongMan wrote: Wow. Free could not have tried harder to pick worse BO MU's On the two 2 player maps he 12nex, yeah whatever. On the 4 player map, the best map to 12nex... he lets Flash 15cc.
Fuck.. imma die from blood pressure.
I don't understand why you say this. Free 12nexed the past 2 games and was hard countered by forward raxes.
His option this game would've been to go blind 12nex again, which I'm sure everyone would've called him stupid for.
Or play more conservatively and be safe against another forward rax.
He chose the latter, as I'm sure Flash mindfucked him into doing. Why are you posting shit like Free is 'letting' Flash 1raxCC? It's not like he has maphacks and knows exactly what build Flash is doing. Free has to react to Flash in this series, and unfortunately for him Flash predicted it perfectly, but implying that he's making a mistake for unluckily playing the wrong counter is just ignorant.
I woulda preferred if he 12nex'd again. It's fighting spirit and the proxy location is so much more obvious than Match Point or Polaris. Unless Flash was actually gonna do BBS, 1 proxy rax scouted isn't so bad. Did my choosing the word letting bother you that much?
He coulda even chosen to scout a bit faster and gone 12 nex. It's fighting spirit, chances of Flash not pulling off a scv/marine rush in time with scouting is pretty decent. This is a common Bo5 pattern too. Free is just inexperienced in such mind games.
I been thugged out since cub scouts. Don't mess with me or I'll stab you in the eye with a lincoln log. I mean,c mon brah, why you posting shit about shit then? That's too much shit.
I LOVE how his games vs. Pure differed from his games vs. Free.
vs. Pure - Flash opened up 14CC to Pure's 12 Nexus and then took a third expansion really, really fast. This was the theme throughout their series. The games lasted around 20 minutes and Flash's micro/macro was victorious in the end. Pure had no chance.
vs. Free - Flash went with a forward rax in both the first games! Free was probably expecting a 14CC into quick expand and then a macro game where he maybe stood a bigger chance against Flash then Pure. But Flash just shut it down! Then with a 2-0 lead, both players start playing standard, Flash runs over Free in the third set. Free is a dangerous opponent, as was shown by the second half of their game on Match Point. Glad Flash pulled through.
Im sure Flash could have won against Pure faster in their games. Maybe he just wanted to make Free feel secure about the 12 nexus strategy and get some easy wins.