Australia 14568 Posts
Mystlord is streaming, found on the right side under the calander
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
51342 Posts
Australia 14568 Posts
Let's see how Snow does, keeping an eye on this kid.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
snow forge nexus gateway then cannons and zero did what looks like a 12 hatch 11pool
zero gets 3rd at 5oclocks nat
Harrrrrrr Snowww is dead edit: or not, yet
probe in red health but survives lings and scouts zeros third 3 hatch lair coming lings destroys zealot and lone cannon probes pulled many probes die defending
Australia 14568 Posts
Barely defending and almost lost the initial goon... edit - love the banner hahahaha
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
lag into zerglings raping everything lol. gg soon, snow raped
more lings coming many lings vs probes looks like gg snow GGs
Australia 14568 Posts
GG, that was way too easy for Zero
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
no way snow could win this one, he played really bad
gg, fast rape Iccup style
i just came in and saw snow getting destroyed. k.
good thing about this game is that no one could get tired
Well I'm already wrong in my first prediction.
snow muttering something to himself, does not look happy =o
You meant ZerO< Snow? Anyways, it's funny.
Australia 14568 Posts
On February 11 2010 18:42 FireGuyX wrote: Well I'm already wrong in my first prediction.
actually you ended up being right from a typo hahahaha
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
cabarkapaThanks to alffla (for creating) and p4NDemik (for editing) the banner For banner. Quote this post.
On February 11 2010 18:46 Conquest101 wrote: cabarkapa
Thanks to alffla (for creating) and p4NDemik (for editing) the banner For banner. Quote this post.
I am no thief!
On February 11 2010 18:46 cabarkapa wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 18:46 Conquest101 wrote: cabarkapa
Thanks to alffla (for creating) and p4NDemik (for editing) the banner For banner. Quote this post.
I am no thief!
I think they created it to be used....
The banner already up is fine. Lol @ the guy predicting a novice Protoss would beat Zero.
Upmagic seriously better not lose to Hyuk. I'd probably cry if something like that happened.
bunkering, 1 marine in, 1 marine dead
oooo park jae hyuk gets the bunker down
Upmagic's TvZ is vastly overrated.
Holy shit, that was so bad Upmagic.
Australia 14568 Posts
lol zerglings in the main, upmagic is screwed GG. Go Hyuk
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Rofl, so many terrible failures of games today.
On February 11 2010 18:52 Redshirt wrote: Upmagic seriously better not lose to Hyuk. I'd probably cry if something like that happened.
Why did you award Hyuk that free win?
dont try to copy Flash bro
seriously why did he do that he coulda play standard with Hyuk so ez.
what just happened.........? i mean, i saw it, but i just dont believe it
9 pool vs T? oh yeah, it's upmagic good call.
super fast games, upmagic managed to lose to hyuks dreadful ZvT
totally called hyuk winning lol
3 games in 30 min and now a zvz this will be a short night
and now hyuk's got a pretty good chance on moving on, ZvZ is the only MU he can really play
u gotta skate 8152 Posts
wow Up just gave the game to Hyuk. Could have easily won if he just played standard.
I know Upmagic is not a very good player outside of cheese (even then many other terrans are better at executing cheese like Flash and Fantasy) but no terran should ever lose to Hyuk.
On February 11 2010 19:00 Redshirt wrote: I know Upmagic is not a very good player outside of cheese (even then many other terrans are better at executing cheese like Flash and Fantasy) but no terran should ever lose to Hyuk.
Flash has lost to HyuK before just puttin' that out there even if it's a game that didn't matter, IT HAPPENED
United States 11390 Posts
On February 11 2010 19:00 Redshirt wrote: I know Upmagic is not a very good player outside of cheese (even then many other terrans are better at executing cheese like Flash and Fantasy) but no terran should ever lose to Hyuk.
Not even the Terran AI should ever lose to Hyuk.
On February 11 2010 19:00 Redshirt wrote: I know
UpMaGiC is not a very good player outside of cheese (even then many other terrans are better at executing cheese like
Flash and
fantasy ) but no terran should
Ever lose to
Hyuk .
It's ok, UpMaGiC Just felt guilty about the game on Battle Royal and decided to give Hyuk this game
just need zero and hyuk to advance and i will be perfect 6/6 tonight
On February 11 2010 19:00 Redshirt wrote: I know Upmagic is not a very good player outside of cheese (even then many other terrans are better at executing cheese like Flash and Fantasy) but no terran should ever lose to Hyuk.
Thats not quite true, while bionic isnt his strong point in the game he is very creative and came up with that Wakkanic (sp?) build and was hyped as verry good and coming terran in Korea. Now he is in a small slump though.
Zero is building a proxy hatch in Hyuk's main? Oh my, after Hyuk beat Upmagic I thought this couldn't get any weirder, haha, Looks like I was wrong.
Yes, YES! Proxy hatch! Zero I love you
bahahahah is this SC history? zvz proxy hatch!!!?
not going to work zero...
Zero getting way too fancy
Oh my, haven't seen this before
This is already the best ZvZ ever!
this is some icup shit right here
If anyone calls Zero's build original i'm so going to rage...
Oh man if this works that will be the most awesome cheese I have ever seen
why are people throwing their games against hyuk. I thought the underdog suppose to cheese
Also, I wonder how insane their practice is. Zeros drone avoided hyuk's second overlord by a second or two. Was is all timed, or was it luck?
Stream down AT THIS MOMENT??
On February 11 2010 19:06 LunarDestiny wrote: why are people throwing their games against hyuk. I thought the underdog suppose to cheese
Hyuk is really good ZvZ
Mystlord, don't do your homework
omg no
We're watching Starcraft history... and then >_<
why oh why >< this is like the worst time ever to lose the stream
On February 11 2010 19:06 randombum wrote: Also, I wonder how insane their practice is. Zeros drone avoided hyuk's second overlord by a second or two. Was is all timed, or was it luck?
Of course timed, based on probably overlord scouting patterns and timings. Zero's not stupid. He wouldn't randomly decide to do this if he didn't decide it could work..
On February 11 2010 19:06 randombum wrote: Also, I wonder how insane their practice is. Zeros drone avoided hyuk's second overlord by a second or two. Was is all timed, or was it luck?
Obviously perfectly timed.
How on earth did Hyuk win a ZvT, damn.Here goes my LB streak
Wow, I can't believe I won't even get to see it...
Guys, someone LR or I will die.
Damn.. worst timing ever to lose a stream!
I find it crazy that he prepared this expecting to play HYUK in the Winner's game
does anyone know mystlords cell phone number?
On February 11 2010 19:08 oatboy wrote: does anyone know mystlords cell phone number?
dial 911 because it's THAT important.
Worst timing ever for a stream to go down.
Hyuk appearantly GG'ed after losing all his drones
On February 11 2010 19:08 cabarkapa wrote: I find it crazy that he prepared this expecting to play HYUK in the Winner's game
He probably didn't prepare it specifically for this game, I'd say it was just something he had up his sleeve to pull out at the right time.
51342 Posts
only streams available are on afreeca atm since mbc direct sources died.
guy in Myst's stream says Zero won
On February 11 2010 19:05 randombum wrote: bahahahah is this SC history? zvz proxy hatch!!!?
GoRush proxy hatched a few months ago on HBR.. and it almost worked!
Man, its not very often you get to see proxy hatch zvz...
Back to being Zero fanboy!
MBC always ruin Starcraft for me...
proxy hatch in ZvZ and a win i'll just wait for the VOD, this was sure epic!
stream is back, please do a replay
We might be getting the replay, since myst is back
On February 11 2010 19:08 oatboy wrote: does anyone know mystlords cell phone number?
I've been lurking TL for five years but this made me LOL so hard
Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Wow.. Hyuk had like 3 chances to spot the proxy hatch and about 30~ seconds of his creep being 2 cells away from Zero's creep..
On February 11 2010 19:10 ejac wrote: Man, its not very often you get to see proxy hatch zvz...
i remember that in 2008 EVER osl there is such a ZVZ , JULY vs who i've forgot
LOL zero is such a baller.
My hate for zero is gone now...
hopefully upmagic can save my last LB now
fuuuuck upmagic save my lb
Hyuk was thinking "oh shit it's an elimination battle, oh i killed all his stuff, wait, oh shit he has a hatchery in my base i lose"
u gotta skate 8152 Posts
wow that was crazy by Zero hoooly shit hahah
but in that game, gorush failed
u gotta skate 8152 Posts
This group so far has been pure cheese lol
On February 11 2010 19:15 Jackal03 wrote: but in that game, gorush failed
And either way I would still define that as "not often"
On February 11 2010 19:15 Jackal03 wrote: but in that game, gorush failed
Former SKT zerg vs SKT zerg back then, SKT zerg today. One of them has to fail...
Thankfully, the replay saves us. I like how Zero's hatchery's creep was just outside Hyuk's sight range. I'm not sure what the proper response to this would be, Hyuk's counter seemed to do OK, he denied Zero's economy, but in the end got outmicroed when trying to save his last building I think.
Zero advanced using only lings )
On February 11 2010 19:17 M2 wrote: Zero advanced using only lings
before, "s.s.m~[SiLvEr]" showed PROXY HATCH, in enemy's base. korean zerg fan, star fan surprised. Already 3 years ago...
Something that happens every 2 months qualifies as not very often.
As much as I like cheese, it's time for a proper game now.
On February 11 2010 19:19 Holgerius wrote: As much as I like cheese, it's time for a proper game now.
with upmagic? are you kidding? he reminds me more of horang2 than boxer sometimes...
hoping for snow thinking upmagic will win
Hmmm I actually didn't know that the creeps won't meet if they aren't of the same team. Also didn't know that the sight of the creep isn't long enough to see the creep of an opposing player. Interesting...
On February 11 2010 19:19 Holgerius wrote: As much as I like cheese, it's time for a proper game now.
early probe out...come again? )
On February 11 2010 19:20 kyzers0ze wrote: hoping for snow thinking upmagic will win
You call yourself an estro fan hoping for snow over upmagic?
Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
mystlord your chat on your stream is pretty laggy tonight =P it's okay though.. we love you!
go upmagic stop the toss cheese
On February 11 2010 19:19 Holgerius wrote: As much as I like cheese, it's time for a proper game now.
Evidently not.
On February 11 2010 19:21 Crunchums wrote: lol star sense
It's right outside his nat lol
this is gonna fail horribly.
wtf is that? either snow's a genius and I dont get his build yet or that's the worst proxy I've ever seen
i love how protoss can proxy and fail.. and still be in the game! hahahaa
because make core>>why not cancel GW
i think snow still has an almost even econ to Upmagic..=.=
its not proxy, jesus christ
Cheese again. Looks like none of these guys had time to prepare before the games.
On February 11 2010 19:23 Zigghy wrote: because make core
He had another gate and no gas inside his own main
On February 11 2010 19:23 DoX.) wrote: i think snow still has an almost even econ to Upmagic..=.=
He wasted 250 minerals plus using an early probe
On February 11 2010 19:23 Garnet wrote: Cheese again. Looks like none of these guys had time to prepare before the games.
Nah man, these be specially prepared cheeze
Snow needs to counter-expand no?
Well you kind of got your wish Holgerius... after the gate went down we have a pretty standard game =P
On February 11 2010 19:24 O-ops wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 19:23 Garnet wrote: Cheese again. Looks like none of these guys had time to prepare before the games.
Nah man, these be specially prepared cheeze
wordddd. it's not a cheese if you planned it as a strat!
On February 11 2010 19:25 Gustav_Wind wrote: Well you kind of got your wish Holgerius... after the gate went down we have a pretty standard game =P
Ya, I was really scared there for a while. Fortunately Snow is dumb as a rock (that proxy location).
On February 11 2010 19:23 Itachii wrote: its not proxy, jesus christ
Then wtf is it?
On February 11 2010 19:27 oatboy wrote: Then wtf is it?
Fail horror
United States 10264 Posts
... snow using goons to drag mines. and failing horribly
was there an order that only cheese can happen in today games?
On February 11 2010 19:29 O-ops wrote: 2 base arbs lol
what is wrong with 2 base arbs hrmm?
On February 11 2010 19:27 Holgerius wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 19:25 Gustav_Wind wrote: Well you kind of got your wish Holgerius... after the gate went down we have a pretty standard game =P
Ya, I was really scared there for a while. Fortunately Snow is dumb as a rock (that proxy location).
to be fair to snow, Upmagic scouted reallly early. I'm pretty sure it was before 10. with a normal scout timing he wouldn't have been able to kill the proxy with scvs, or at the very least he'd take a much bigger hit to the econ. When desti first came out Protosses proxied right at the nat all the time and it worked fine.
On February 11 2010 19:30 spoolinoveryou wrote: what is wrong with 2 base arbs hrmm?
Nothing, i just thought snow would be the type to go 2 base carriers. He's a protoss.
2X armory at up's third base. vult vs goon battle at the third, snow doesnt lose much. snow attacks up a ramp and does nothing
United States 10264 Posts
Armory positioning is suspect. Putting them at the natural is safer at least.
On February 11 2010 19:32 Mystlord wrote: Armory positioning is suspect. Putting them at the natural is safer at least.
Well, the 3rd is the position most fortified on this map usually, so it's not bad I think.
what is the point of going 2-base arbs if you aren't going to abuse your fast arbiters? Snow hasnt done anything with his yet
On February 11 2010 19:33 Chen wrote: what is the point of going 2-base arbs if you aren't going to abuse your fast arbiters? Snow hasnt done anything with his yet
Because they make an awesome sound if you put them over your probes as they mine.
On February 11 2010 19:33 Chen wrote: what is the point of going 2-base arbs if you aren't going to abuse your fast arbiters? Snow hasnt done anything with his yet
whats wrong with playing it safe?
On February 11 2010 19:33 Chen wrote: what is the point of going 2-base arbs if you aren't going to abuse your fast arbiters? Snow hasnt done anything with his yet
Snow is grabbing expansions since up can't push.
On February 11 2010 19:33 Chen wrote: what is the point of going 2-base arbs if you aren't going to abuse your fast arbiters? Snow hasnt done anything with his yet
it's a really good counter to midgame aggression from T at least. and maybe recall is still researching or something idk
upmagic is kind of bad :/
On February 11 2010 19:35 MountainDewJunkie wrote: upmagic is kind of bad :/
he's really not that bad to be honest.. plus he is really fun to watch IMO.
On February 11 2010 19:33 Chen wrote: what is the point of going 2-base arbs if you aren't going to abuse your fast arbiters? Snow hasnt done anything with his yet
it's good for defense, since the terran can't push as much and perhaps he forgot to research recall
On February 11 2010 19:35 MountainDewJunkie wrote: upmagic is kind of bad :/
His TvP has been pretty reasonable lately I think. He's taken out a lot of solid mid-level protosses in proleague. It's looked loads better than his TvZ at least =\
well that push from up was pretty fail. Snow gets 6 bases now
United States 10264 Posts
WTF FUUUU UPMAGIC! BRING REINFORCEMENTS FASTER! Could've raped the toss army... If Upmagic loses...
Not looking good for Upmagic.
Nice, snow delayed the push. 5th expo is now up. This is going to be bad for Up
if snow just keeps up macro and throws out a few recalls no way he can lose in this position.. imo
snow taking the MAP unless he chokes hard, he should win this game
Briliant attack by snow destroying most of upmagics army. Now leaving snow with more bases and upmagic with so small army that he cant push anytime soon and snow can abuse more bases to over macro to gg.
up kills the 6th base with pure vultures. Snow denies Up's 4th, but shows that he can headbut mines with the best of them
On February 11 2010 19:38 Jackal03 wrote: snow taking the MAP unless he chokes hard, he should win this game
he's not really as far ahead as you think he is...
He could have used those vultures in that battle.
Where are your Vults, man?
United States 10264 Posts
Upmagic. Where are your vultures? Upmagic. Why do you suck lately? Upmagic. Please stop destroying yourself.
no vultures for upmagic so he loses about 15 tanksOn February 11 2010 19:39 spoolinoveryou wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 19:38 Jackal03 wrote: snow taking the MAP unless he chokes hard, he should win this game
he's not really as far ahead as you think he is...
being up 6 base to 3 with your opponent's army size under 100 not big enough of a lead for you?
If Snow wins he had better beat Hyuk. Just sayin'.
SNow is slowly starving up to death
damnit Up is making me eat my words... he is doing not so great ><
Good, Zero managed to qualify before I have to leave for work.
Upmagic is full of fail today
greeeeeaaaatttt.. what a terrible pushhh..
Terrible positioning by Up.
u gotta skate 8152 Posts
wow Up plays HORRIBLE compared to really. I know their styles are different, but still...
not a good day to upmagic, sad thing
Snow is constantly taking damage from mines that he doesn't need to. Looks like it doesn't matter though. Up is almost dead.
51342 Posts
ouch, 2x mines kill 3 of Up's remaining tanks, hes got nothing left and will GG soon as hes losing his nat and third
United States 10264 Posts
Upmagic just... Just so bad. Please get better and return again in the spring.
On February 11 2010 19:41 GTR wrote: as idra would say PROTOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Congrats on lpaying it.
Observers - do you use them!? A million dragoons die to mines
On February 11 2010 19:41 GTR wrote: as idra would say PROTOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
WORDDDDD. and there goes GG..
On February 11 2010 19:41 GTR wrote: as idra would say PROTOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..... easy race toi use
Australia 14568 Posts
GG from upmagic, sad day for up fans Snow had so much money he was just walking units into mines. Not bad PvT from Snow
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
wow upmagic played rather poorly -.-'' gj snow though, u bettter advance
gg from UP in the end, snow was DRAGOON dragging
On February 11 2010 19:42 meegrean wrote: oh come on upmagic -_-
i know right... and happy birthday by the way
u gotta skate 8152 Posts
You know you're slumping when you lose to Snow. oh and Snow won without doing a single thing.
too bad, 1/3 in my LB today i suck at this part of so much guessing...
wow up, way to disappoint.
If Hyuk advances I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.
erm... Liquibet already has Snow advancing, what's that about?
ok lets see PvZ on the new odd eye, although snow vs hyuk is not so relevant example I suppose:-))
first up fails a cheese vs hyuk, and now this bullshit vs snow, after his failproxy in the nat. and now hyuk will advance
On February 11 2010 19:47 538 wrote: erm... Liquibet already has Snow advancing, what's that about?
yeah, what is that counting out Hyuk already?!
On February 11 2010 19:45 Holgerius wrote: If Hyuk advances I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.
I'll prepare some tissues
Hey, where's my 6pool vs proxygate?
This gonna be terrific ^^ too bad Upmagic lost I will fall out of top 100 LB most probably
I am surprised that so many people actually LBed on hyuk vs Upmagic.
United States 10264 Posts
Hyuk sneaks 2 lings into Snow's base. Not bad.
Hyuk gets 2 lings in, he hasslin'
snow doesnt know how to ffe.
United States 10264 Posts
First sair goes dowooown. Snow moving out.
Damn you up, damn you. What the shit did you try and pull first game.
United States 10264 Posts
MUTAS FOR HYUK! Archon building for Snow. Strangest sunk ppositioning ever. Mutas taking out probes at harassing like a biiitch.
Snow is awful ... at least his PvZ is
I'd love to see Hyuk gain some momentum in his career, but considering the zerg trend lately: COME ON SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
damn Hyuk has a lot of hydras let's see if he can move em out of storms
United States 10264 Posts
Snow moving out. Lol what a fail gambit. Snow is so screwed. His econ is screwed, his army is screwed, and Hyuk has a million Hydras incoming.
wow snow diaf. you take up out and get hyuk'd.
i feel pain inside my head when i see Snow playing like this ... SO MUCH PAAAAIN
storm storm! Not enough ?
Storm not being done in time is not a good way to go out.
Snow just got Hyuked.
Such terrible games today Except for that one that was good.
no fucking way ... Hyuk ... he won and he is in the MSL i think im going to destroy something right now
Australia 14568 Posts
On February 11 2010 19:45 Holgerius wrote: If Hyuk advances I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.
Hyuk won
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
currently MSL ZTP 444 . good balance
Snow played that like a D toss on iccup. He needs to really get over his cannon allergies. and upmagic is dead to me now.
great job snow. It must have been hard to lose so many friggin probes and mining time to 8 poorly microed mutas. Damn, this ZvP was so subpar.
On February 11 2010 20:03 JohnBall wrote: great job snow. It must have been hard to lose so many friggin probes and mining time to 8 poorly microed mutas. Damn, this ZvP was so subpar.
this game belonged to iccup low level, C+ tops
On February 11 2010 20:01 Sinedd wrote: no fucking way ... Hyuk ... he won and he is in the MSL i think im going to destroy something right now
says a T1 fan? (Unless you'd destroy something out of happiness, obviously. )
Currently Msl Contestants T(4) - Flash Light Hwasin Sea Z(4) - n.Die gangyu zero hyuk P(4) - Kal jangbi Best NsP_PrOtoss
On February 11 2010 20:02 Hyde wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 19:45 Holgerius wrote: If Hyuk advances I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.
Hyuk won
dwnadnwakldnkwalndwankdln So many bad games today.
On February 11 2010 20:09 Holgerius wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 20:02 Hyde wrote: On February 11 2010 19:45 Holgerius wrote: If Hyuk advances I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.
Hyuk won
So many bad games today.
Oh well, less than 24 hours left until Stork
On February 11 2010 20:13 okum wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 20:09 Holgerius wrote: On February 11 2010 20:02 Hyde wrote: On February 11 2010 19:45 Holgerius wrote: If Hyuk advances I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.
Hyuk won
So many bad games today.
Oh well, less than 24 hours left until Stork
Where he might have to play the ZvP specialist Hogil.
On February 11 2010 20:08 Shkaii wrote: Currently Msl Contestants T(4) - Flash Light Hwasin Sea Z(4) - n.Die gangyu zero hyuk P(4) - Kal jangbi Best NsP_PrOtoss
looking pretty good
Thank god.... everything standard here.... exactly how i voted!
On February 11 2010 20:07 PoP wrote: Show nested quote + On February 11 2010 20:01 Sinedd wrote: no fucking way ... Hyuk ... he won and he is in the MSL i think im going to destroy something right now
says a T1 fan?
(Unless you'd destroy something out of happiness, obviously.
well T1 is my favourite team yes but Hyuk ... i dont really like him that much (only player from T1 wich i dont like)
It's okay, he's usually making it pretty hard to support him. :/
nooo Noooo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO =[ Why and how hyuk did pass that
u gotta skate 8152 Posts
On February 11 2010 21:14 Garnet wrote: What's wrong with Up...
He either didn't care or is in a horibble slump by the way he played today :/
Based on Upmagics recent play, i'm going to go with the horrible slump one.
Hong Kong 20321 Posts
liquibet results are wrong, says zero and snow but wtf, can't believe hyuk managed to get through again -.-
On February 11 2010 22:18 haster27 wrote: Seriously
UpMaGiC ? You manage to beat
BoxeR , Only to loss to
Hyuk ?
So true, too bad tho
what? hyuk lost his ZvZ but won his other two mus?
United States 5784 Posts
LOL HYUK holy shit he beat P and T and lost to Z. good game good game
well. this was expected imo
Damn, I thought someone was going to get Hyuked. Too bad I didn't follow my instinct.
16951 Posts
So Upmagic got to play his best match up against an SKT Zerg and he also got to play a game against one of CJ's no-name Protosses.... Sigh. At least Really's there to carry on the estro name :< Also rofl@Hyuk.
lol, Hyuk is 25% (6-18) in official games vs Terran and 50% (52-52) in total with offline games. hes also 64.5% vs toss in total, with a paltry 47% officially. talk about practice house monster
Maybe you play harder people in official games then in offlines. Just maybe.
United States 13896 Posts
Yeah iirc Hyuk was a beast for a long time when he was an amateur but he just chokes a lot now.
Meh, I like having Hyuk in tournies. He helps get rid of zergs while giving easy wins to terrans and tosses.
On February 12 2010 10:35 Empyrean wrote: So Upmagic got to play his best match up against an SKT Zerg and he also got to play a game against one of CJ's no-name Protosses.... Sigh. At least Really's there to carry on the estro name :< Also rofl@Hyuk.
tvz isnt up's best, tvt is
Liquibet is saying snow got out of his group. Someone fix please?
10387 Posts
On February 12 2010 11:14 p4NDemik wrote: Yeah iirc Hyuk was a beast for a long time when he was an amateur but he just chokes a lot now.
he says he thinks too much lol
On February 12 2010 10:35 Empyrean wrote: So Upmagic got to play his best match up against an SKT Zerg and he also got to play a game against one of CJ's no-name Protosses.... Sigh. At least Really's there to carry on the estro name :< Also rofl@Hyuk.
Snow isn't a no-name protoss. ;x
As long as UpMagic has a good spot on the team and does exciting stuff from time to time, I guess I'm okay w/ him losing to schmucks.
Hyuk beat a Terran player o.o Very disappointing UpMagic, very disappointing.