On December 03 2009 21:02 Holgerius wrote: How the fuck can Terran, with the already slow and immobile army, deal with a Toss who expands to opposite corners of the map and at the same time keeps constantly recalling all over your expos?
shows guemchi's pvt isn't good, took too long
guemchi 2-0s the group o.O
great game best of this group by far
protoss ftw! now for bisu > savior
That was a nice game, way better than the last two.
Savior will not advance now. I'm pretty sure of it.
guemchi with a recall CLINIC
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Guemchi played like a complete badass that game. That was SICK.
Great game by Guemchi . Bogus should have more solid defences against those recalls ...
On December 03 2009 21:02 Jaksiel wrote: GuemChi blows a recall for no apparent reason when he could just walk up the ramp. Pay more attention...he was GOSULY SAVING HIS UNITS FROM THE MAIN T ARMY.
Singapore66071 Posts
wow GuemChi.. amazing Refugee Toss play
too tired to keep streaming
pls remove my link :p
United States10264 Posts
Guemchi had too much of an econ lead after Bogus never pushed on Guemchi's main. Come on Bogus, you had that game multiple times :/
Man... Arbitors .
Ok Bisu v Savior and then I'm going to bed
that was one hell of a game. guemchi's pretty good
On December 03 2009 20:49 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:Lol at everyone talking about how Imba recall is, then guemchi gets r aped  Come again?
Nice defensive recall... GG