United States13896 Posts
On August 16 2009 22:40 littlechava wrote: this was happening yesterday/today right? any results yet? From what I've gathered the only thing that happened over the weekend was the preliminary ranking groups of the players, and the actual draft is going to be on the 26th, while there's a gap in Masters games. Nothing has been released about how the ranking games went, and I doubt we'll hear anything further until the 26th.
On August 14 2009 07:12 hyst.eric.al wrote:LMAO am i the only immature one? LMAO
Oh god ~_~
SKTT1 Needs good Zergs d-_-b
sea.min.... think of the possibilities..
kt fingerboom sea.min wemade sea.min
and finally, a "dong".
Fuck yeah princess and jinyoung FUCK YEAH!
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Well, we've got a Sea.min, we've got more dongs, a guy who named himself Protoss, and well KimTaeyeon. Also, we've got crabs and princesses too.
Sea.min's a good name. Oh him on Fox would be win. And the kid who named himself KimTaeyeon LOL. Oh boy if he ever gets big. "So, your ID is sorta interesting..."
I bet Rudy was going to some academy because his parents said he'd never make it into the big leagues.
Then he talked to the coach who gave him a chance~
you know like the movie? + Show Spoiler +
I think that kimtaeyeon or whatever is Bubble[3.33]....if i remember correctly i learned in some rep
10183 Posts
This shit is starting now :D!
10183 Posts
Zerg picking is going on right now and...
34 E1 유충희 저그 900426 yCh[z-zOn]
yCh is the #1 zerg in the whole amateur league. And he will have a ticket to the team....
STX! Congrats to yCh and for STX buying the 2189302188209 Zerg to improve their Zerg line!
I am praying for this.
51323 Posts
Ever)Z(Fake is awsome Aswell as HOn_Princess. please those 2 to eSTRO... ^^ edit: saw Apex.Z[kaL] aswell... gogo
10183 Posts
SKT Is looking for good amateur Terrans I repeat, Terrans Not Zergs, their priority are terrans
51323 Posts
I love how while some teams are just retarded, SKT are retarded AND win.
10183 Posts
oh ya protoss discussion already started Everyone wants toss players right now
Singapore66071 Posts
Btw just to add on
Maps: Set 1: Heartbreak Ridge Set 2: Outsider Set 3: Destination
All three sets will be played regardless of the score of first two sets. Players split into 10 groups of 8~9 players.
10183 Posts
STX/SKT Head Coaches talking about players~
51323 Posts
Oh it's not at Yongsan this time?
10183 Posts
naw, this place is the "Official ESPORTS Conference Room" or some shit like that No idea on exact location lol
10183 Posts
Wemadefox: 2 Protoss 1 Zerg 1 Terran
Estro: 1 Protoss
MBCgame Heroes: 1 Protoss
Woongjin Stars: 1 Protoss 1 Terran
KT Rolster: 1 Zerg
Samsung Khan: 1 Terran 1 Zerg
CJ Entus: NONE
Hite Sparkys: 2 Terran
STX Soul: 1 Protoss 1 Zerg 1 Terran
Hwaseung Oz: 2 Protoss 1 Zerg 1 Terran
SKT1: 2 Protoss 1 Zerg 2 Terran