![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/photo/1243061912_1.jpg)
CJ wins 3-2 over STX!
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/photo/1243061836_1.jpg)
The three newcomers who made it possible.
+ Show Spoiler [Interview with Effort] +
Effort: "I am relieved that I played a satisfying match today."
"I am more comfortable facing a Terran."
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1243062915_1.jpg)
"I am more comfortable facing a Terran."
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1243062915_1.jpg)
CJ's 'Daebak Newbie'

The following is the interview with Effort.
- Your thoughts on your win?
▲ I am happy that we ended off Round 4 by winning the last game. My match yesterday in the OSL wasn't satisfying, but it was satisfying today so I'm relieved.
- You defended the early cheese rush well.
▲ During practice I often played against players who went 2 barracks and initiated cheese rushes. I think my opponent tried to take advantage of me. I went 12 hatchery, but I somewhat expected a cheese rush, so I kept on scouting well with my drone.
- Wasn't the match similar to your game against

▲ The only difference was that my gameplay yesterday was bad overall. Today, it was good (laugh). My plan was to build many sunkens and go for fast hive tech, and based on that, both yesterday's and today's games were similar.
- The difference between yesterday's and today's game?
▲ I defended better against the cheese rush today, and I was better off economically in today's game than yesterday's game. I had a lot of resources today (laugh).
- Your recent plays against Terran have all been good, do you have more confidence facing a Terran?
▲ It's not really that. It's just that when I face a Terran, I feel more comfortable. There are many things I can do too (laugh).
- Your smooth gameplay was very outstanding. Is it due to your own effort (t/l note: no pun intended) or because of your ingenuity?
▲ I think it's because I worked hard and my games play out as per practice. Personally speaking, I think it's a mix of both effort and ingenuity (laugh).
- You have been having a tight schedule lately. Are there any problems?
▲ There are many matches so I can't practice much. But I'm doing well lately so it's okay. I believe that as long as I ride on this momentum, it will compensate for my lack of practice.
- Any final words?
▲ We ended Round 4 well by winning today, and have started on our winning streak. I want to work hard and extend our winning streak in Round 5.
+ Show Spoiler [Interview with Skyhigh] +
Skyhigh: "I was only trying to pressure my opponent."
"It was a situation where as long as I microed my SCVs well, I would win."
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1243062921_1.jpg)
"It was a situation where as long as I microed my SCVs well, I would win."
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1243062921_1.jpg)
The ever-aggressive

The following is the interview with Skyhigh.
- Your thoughts on your win?
▲ The game progressed according to my thoughts, so I'm happy. I wanted to play safe, but I finished the game in a state of bewilderment.
- You suffered a gas rush early in the game. Were you taken aback?
▲ If you get gas rushed, then you will have to change your build. Gas rushes do not really affect the overall game. I just respond to how I usually want to. I wanted to go 2 barracks today.
- Your marine-SCV micro was outstanding.
▲ I did not suffer a lot of damage from the first zealot. After defending against that zealot, I felt that the game was pretty alright for me. It was a situation where regardless of whether or not there was a shield battery, so long as I microed my SCV well, I would win.
- What is your know-how for great marine micro?
▲ I think it'll be trying it out a lot. One must learn to respond well to anything. That is my know-how.
- Were you trying to end the game with the marine rush?
▲ I defended against the initial zealot too easily so I just went to pressure him. But the game ended there (laugh). As I was playing, I felt that the game could end if I did a marine rush, so I built more marines.
- You were caught on camera, smiling right before the game ended.
▲ It was just preposterous (laugh). Even I did not know why my game flowed so smoothly for me (laughs). And because I knew I had won, I smiled.
- Any final words?
▲ My brother has to go to the army soon. He will be going on Tuesday, and I hope he will return safely.
+ Show Spoiler [Interview with Kwanro] +
Kwanro: "I am happier than usual because the player I defeated was the other team's ace player."
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1243062952_1.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1243062952_1.jpg)
CJ's aggressive Zerg player,

The following is the interview with Kwanro.
- Your thoughts on ending off well in the ace match?
▲ I feel very good. I defeated the other team's ace player, so I feel even more great.
- Were you prepared beforehand for the ace match?
▲ I was. I expected to face against

- What thoughts ran through your mind when you saw that your opponent was Kal?
▲ I thought that it was a good thing. I thought to myself that I wanted to make him suffer 2 losses in 1 day (laugh). I had a bad encounter with Kal in the past, so I definitely wanted to win this time. I don't personally hate him or anything, so please don't be mistaken! (laugh)
- You are usually an aggressive player, but you played defensively today.
▲ I think that's my good point. There are many ways to play against your opponent's thoughts. I think that helps me. It helps me to stay ahead in the mind games.
- Your attack was reminiscent of

▲ There were many who said the same thing. It is straightforward, but I feel that it's in a class of its own. I am still very lacking to be compared with YellOw hyung. Such sayings make me feel that I'm being poked fun at. I feel that I have to work harder in the future.
- Were your results during practice good?
▲ During practice, my attacks worked well. There were instances where they were fended off, but overall, my winning rate was high. I was sent out today because I believed that (my attack) will work.
- Your desires for Round 5?
▲ On a personal level, if we win this season's Proleague, I want to be a player good enough so that people will say, "if (Kwanro) wasn't there, it would have been impossible." I will play in all the matches in Round 5, and my target is to win as many games as possible.
- Any final words?
▲ I want to be a player where people will say, "How will that player defeat his opponent?" instead of "I think that player will lose." I will work even harder.
Interview with Effort
Interview with Skyhigh
Interview with Kwanro
Sorry for the late interview, school administrative issues have been cropping up lately so not a lot of time to do full interview translations. And I have to return to school in an hour for some meeting with my teachers and vice-principal T__T
Enjoy, feedback and corrections welcome!