bruh... to me... i use to just play starcraft at a young age and have the time of my life (14yrs) and like... met friends bruh grew up playin it, always fealt it was an escape for me... small things would mean alot to me like the terran lore the battles the wars, but bruh its like... i use to play iCCup ladder, and online... i feel like my experiance i had was greater then the social media norms today... because it is what i believed in, like i use to just smoke weed n play starcraft wit the lads, i'd like to keep this information just online in a free way and amungst friends, but... i mean bruh it was the old with the Big Monitors, Lan's were HUGE, everyone tryin prove themselves to be the best in the room, we never made it to korea to deal with the best players but amungst ourselves we tried our best, countless friendships made online, even my little brother i see myself in him, of course i try to teach him whats right, im tryin bring u guys back to what it was like for me playing SC in the earlier days, we had 2 base strategies 3 base wasnt really viable untill later sc2 days, people wouldnt even 2 base Terran in matchups, the online VODs and tournaments would be broadcasted online and i think u had to have money to watch them they were in korean, but u still knew what was goin on in game, people from asia were all over the battle.,net scene diff clans and teams, one i can recall was Nada playing on i.d skyinthesea, and i think he dominated a or some seasons and Ogogo~ vs. FishEye[pG[ we watched it it was streamed online, me and the gang, and forums to me were always a safe place like, because it was like the newspaper just a outlet, and im not bieist or w.e but anyhow man, shout out to tasteless and artosis those are some O.G's from the earlier days, i use to see them in the channels, along with many others, but yea man just fealt like throwin up a post, prolly better to do it then not, maybe ill post more frequently i always have somethin to say heh