Na Doh Hyun Aka: Silent_Control Nickname: Age: Sep. 08, 1983 Race: Terran
Achiements: 4th at World Cyber Games 2003 lost to X'Ds~Grrrr... 3rd at Ongamenet Starleague NHN Hangame December 2003 - March 2004 over Jju 4th at Ongamenet Starleague Gillette April - July 2004 lost to iloveoov
In the end of 2003 a rising progamer started show off his skills and beat great players on his way to glory. He had already made an impact in the World Cyber Games of the same year placing 4th, losing only to Lee Yong-Bum (Ogogo), Guillaume Patry (PlayGrrrr...) and Fredrik Keitel (Fisheye). The crowd was on their toes as the unknown star cheesed his way to the bronze match of NHN Hangame OSL. As much as he got fans as the rising star he surely made alot of people burst out. 2004 was the perfect year for Doh Hyun, as he got recognised and actually rolled his way through to the 3rd place match of OSL twice in a row. Both times cleaning his way with more or less cheese strategies. Doh Hyun disappeared from the Starleagues as suddenly and quietly as he had appeared.
He was not seen anywhere for a while, except for the Proleague where he made an impact with his team Pantech & Curitel Curriors. They won the second round of Proleague 2004 and continued later on in the year to face Hanbit Stars in the grand final. But that match they lost.
The most dramatic day for Doh Hyun of his career was 14.5.2004 when he suddenly collapsed and fainted, just before a Ongamenet Starleague Gillette 2004 match against Park Tae-min (GoRush). He obviously was just over exhausted, because of massive amount of training and that caused him to faint on the stage. The community went wild as rumors of him having some serious disease, people even talked of tuberculosis, started to spread. The stories how ever stopped pretty soon as official information was released by the team. Silent_Control agreed to play a rematch against GoRush on 21st day, and went on to finish 4th in the tournament. But after these events Doh Hyun started to fade from the proscene, as he took some time off of StarCraft under the request of his family.
He made a surprise comeback in 2005, when he fought his way through the WCG Korea second time in his life and got a spot to represent his country in the Grand Finals in Singapore. Not much was expected of him but in the single-elimination brackets he gave the community another shock as he defeated Xellos, the reigning champion, in the first round with a 2-0 score. But as if it was a curse once things start going well for him he must drop down as the russian player Andrey Kukhianidze ([3D]Androide) 2-0'd him delivering us the biggest upset of the whole tournament.
In 2007 Doh Hyun has played only in Proleague, but it seems that the new progamers have caught him up and passed the line he still stands on a long time ago as he is getting crushed in most of the games. Doh Hyun is one of the most controversial progamers around, he divides opinions to both extremes and sometimes it feels that its not even possible to decide if oyu hate him or love him.
Na Doh Hyun faints in Gillette OSL match vs GoRush
Shinhan Bank Proleague 2007 Silent_Control vs Dongrae
51341 Posts
DaezanG - Park Dae Man - 박대만 - Protoss Teams: Hanbit Stars, Air Force ACE Guilds: [GnH] (Gamei New History) Nicknames: Big Boss Span of Career: 2004 - Present
Although DaezanG gained his professional licence somewhat late in his career, he has shown brilliant spurs of performances in both amateur and professional sides of e-Sports. In his amateur/battle.net days, he was known for his arbiter usage, as well as his special PvT play, where he would sacrifice early economy for major damage in the early game.
He sacrificed playing time to complete his studies, and eventually in early 2004, finally earned his pro-gamer licence. Early on, he participated in qualifiers without a team, until he was sought after by Hanbitstars and then eventually recruited. In his first year with Hanbit, he was a valuable weapon in the proleagues as he took down BoxeR, RainbOw and Rock.
After this, he would go on to be the key Protoss player for Hanbit until Free was drafted. He was a major player in teamleagues. Unfortunately, his individual league sucess would not come until later in his career.
MBC's Minor Leagues would prove to be the turning point for DaezanG, as he would go on to qualify for his first, and only major league, Pringles 2. After some nice performances against JJu and ChOJJa in the group stages, both sAviOr and SiLvEr would knock him out in the bracket stages.
After failing to make it past the next season's minor leagues, his last game for Hanbit would be against the lowly Child of STX. He lost in a humiliating fashion, and subsequently was drafted into the Korean Military. He, along with Oversky, had announced their intentions to join the Air Force ACE e-Sports team. Currently, DaezanG is doing basic military training. It is expected that he will be in the team next season and will be a regular in proleague matches.
- GTR-2-Go
Plexa you are a machine <3<3! GO KINGDOM,REACH,YELLOW FANBOIS!
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On July 07 2007 06:33 Evilmonkey. wrote: Plexa you are a machine <3<3! GO KINGDOM,REACH,YELLOW FANBOIS! Hehe ty.. i think im going to do more tomorrow; which ones i dont know.. im thinking stork, TT and Light
btw; nice writeup GTR, <3 daezang!
51341 Posts
Junwi - Park Kyung Rak - 박경락 - Zerg Teams: Hanbit Stars Guilds: _[saM] (Three) Span of Career: 2002 - Present Overall Record: 194 Played, 99 Wins, 95 Losses, 51.03%.
Known as the Terran Killer, in his first match, Junwi did not demonstrate his name, losing to ChRh on Emperor of Emperor in a ghemTV game. After this, he would go on demolition, qualifying for both the Panasonic OSL and WCG 2002. After bowing out in the ghemTV Starleague semi-finals to HOT 3-2, he had his sights on the OSL ahead of him.
Although being invited to participate in the 4th KPGA Tour, he showed no signs of fatigue, demolishing known TvZ specialists in BoxeR, XellOs and Sync. Unfortunately Sync would get his revenge in the OSL, but with a 2-1 record, he would go onto the round of 8, where he comfortably made it to the semi-finals, only to be knocked out by Chojja in 5 nail-biting games.
Junwi would go on to place 4th, and had his sights on the next OSL, Olympus. Unfortunately, he drew the worst group he could probably get, with the likes of fOru, BoxeR and NaDa. Junwi would eventually bow out to BoxeR, but he managed to defeat fOru and NaDa, escaping from an extremely tough group 2-1. He would eventually make it to the semi-finals where he would lose to Yellow 3-0 and come 4th again.
It seemed that it would be a groundhog day for Junwi, as again, he breezed through the next OSL, mycube, quite easily, to eventually make it to the semi-finals again, where he would meet with the eventual winner, Kingdom. Unfortunately due to the poor maps that season, he would lose 3-0 in the semi-finals, but would win the 3rd/4th place match against Reach 3-2, whom he was about to transfer to KTF.
Between this and the next OSL, he participated in many teamleague games for Hanbit, as well as the KT-KTF Premiere League. In the next OSL, NHN, he would eventually stop his streak of semi-final runs, losing in the Round of 8. After this, it hasn't been the same for Junwi. Besides a 4 game winning streak during the SKY Proleague, he would go on to lose most of his matches, whether it would be qualifiers, teamleagues or proleagues. Albeit the Terran Killer he once was, he hasn't been able to adapt to the macro-style playstyles that many Terrans use these days.
His recent attempt to make another starleague was foiled, as he unconvincingly lost both games in this season's OGN Starchallenge League. With GGPlay now taking the reigns as premiere Zerg in Hanbit, Junwi's career is all but over it seems.
- GTR-2-Go
ID: Nada, [ReD]NaDa, Sea.s2, ilovesil, Skyinthesea Name: Lee Yun Yeol Race: Terran Nickname: Prodigy or Genius of Terran, Grandslammer, The Machine, Tornado Terran Teams: Ideal Space, KTF MagicNs, Toona S.G. -> Pantech and Curitel Curriors -> Pantech EX (current)
Nada is a serious contender for the greatest StarCraft progamer of all-time for good reason. As the most accomplished player he has achieved a major championship every year since he started including 3 MBC Starleagues (in a row) followed by 3 OGN Starleagues to win the Golden Mouse (the only player to have done so to this date). Almost universally feared, it says something that the opponent with the greatest success against him is Iloveoov, in many ways his successor. Nada also carries his team in proleague having twice won the KeSPa award for most proleague victories out of all the players. In fact Nada has a near 65% win rate with almost 900 games played (more games than anyone else including Boxer, and one of the top win %s of anyone with a significant number of games).
First bursting onto the scene in 2002 as a member of Ideal Space (an early powerhouse team which also had Boxer and Yellow) he spectacularly won the second, third, and fourth KPGA Tours (the equivalent and precursor to today’s MBC Starleagues) earning himself nicknames as a Prodigy and a Genius. First in the KPGA 2nd Tour he triumphed over YellOw (who previously had struggled conquering Boxer in finals). In the KPGA 3rd Tour he convincingly tore apart [Oops]Reach 3-0 who had just defeated Boxer 3-1 in the OGN Starleague. Then in 2003 as he won the fourth KPGA Tour he also traveled the Royal Road to dominate the Panasonic OGN Starleague (despite the collapse of Ideal Space which caused NaDa and Yellow to head over to KTF, then to the new team Toona S.G. with Yellow going back again to KTF) with a jaw-dropping record of 11-4 (including 3-0 against ChoJJa in the finals whom he also routed in KPGA 4th tour) to be the first person to win the only major starleagues simultaneously. Two months later Nada would also make the finals for the GhemTV Starleague (now discontinued) and triumph against HOT-forever 3-0. If that were not enough, that year he also crushed the Terran Emperor Boxer 3-1 (after going an outstanding 13-0 in the previous matches) in the first KT-KTF Premier League, the league with the greatest payout at the time. In the 3 MSLs following his last championship he still managed to place 2nd (to Nal_Ra), 3rd (to iloveoov), and 2nd again (to iloveoov). His exploits in 2003 earned him the title of Grandslammer for winning three different Starleagues at the same time and the KT-KTF Premier League as well.
It was at that time it was said among the progaming circuit that “if you let Nada secure his natural then he has won.” His playstyle then was noted by first taking a relatively early expansion and then pummeling the enemy into submission through his unprecedented combination of overwhelming macro and killer micro. Consistently having an average 400 APM Nada was largely responsible for the first shift oriented towards perfect mechanics. He has admitted in interviews that he often does not focus on map or player-specific builds but rather works out of straight up builds executed to perfection. This is how some termed him as a Machine.
If Nada’s career had ended at 2003 he would still be known as a great player, however it has been his steady results through the years that have turned him into a legend, included with both the 4 Kings of old (with Boxer, Yellow, and Reach) and the Bonjwa (with Boxer, Iloveoov, and Savior). For a short period he passed his impossibly long reign of invincibility on to Iloveoov and was merely a “good player who had only won one OSL and it was a while ago.” Some even dared to call it a “slump.” However in 2005 he won the IOPS OSL, this time with his new and improved TvZ. Featuring almost purely SK Terran strategies Nada went 0-1 vs Terran (Iloveoov), 0 games against Protoss, and 10-2 against Zerg (including another 3-0 final this time against the previous winner JulyZerg who had burst onto the scene and especially renowned for his ZvT). Additionally Nada placed 3rd in the second KT-KTF Premiere League and almost won the YatGK MSL but lost in the finals to GoRush, another killer ZvTer who was responsible for his 2 losses in the OSL. Nada also participated in a few international leagues placing 2nd at the China-Korea Cyber Games (to iloveoov), 1st at the International E-sports Festival (over iloveoov), and 2nd at the World E-sports Festival 2006 (to Savior).
Unfortunately it was shortly after this point that tragedy struck and Nada’s father died in a traffic accident (see http://teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=29638). The shock of this would drive Nada all the way out of the preliminaries and into a true slump. A true fighter, Nada clawed his way back out of the offline preliminaries, through the preceding Dual Tournaments, and back into the StarLeagues. After winning his second OSL he had joined the ranks of a few players (Garimto, Boxer, JulyZerg, and later Iloveoov) that could wear two badges. Nada however, sought the fabled Golden Mouse (given to anyone – that is no one yet – who could win three OSLs). He had stopped July’s attempt and Boxer had also failed.
Nada reached the finals of the 2006 Shinhan Season 2 Starleague to face Anytime[gm], the same player who beat Boxer a year earlier. Anytime was backed up by the powerful Legend of the Fall which dictated that a Protoss player would find victory in the fall season. Nada was backed up by something even more powerful though, a burning desire to be known as the best of all-time. Nada has said before that he wants to be the first 30 year old competitive progamer. In a dramatic 3-2 series Nada face trounced Anytime using a classic dropship harass strategy in the fifth game to lay his claim to fame as the only player to win 3 OGN Starleagues and in completely different eras. Additionally, Nada remains the best example of someone breaking the OSL Curse, where the champion of the previous Starleague often performs poorly in the following one, by rocketing all the way to the finals of 2006 Shinhan Season 3 (albeit he only scraped past groups as a wild card) before losing to sAviOr 1-3. Nada would be able to overcome the grand Maestro sAviOr in early 2007 in the Shinhan Masters tournament of champions.
- Locked
edit: holy shit I finally semi-finished this, I'm still looking to update this and if anyone wants to offer quick suggestions/corrections I'd be happy to include them. For example if anyone could provide me with his birthday or some other stats it would be nice  It's over 800 words and I had to cut a ton stuff out in order to try to reach 500 words, obviously I failed but nada's career is just too amazing. I think I'm going to do a write-up of Iloveoov's next, dunno if anyone has done it already but I think I can do a decent one... other players i'm eyeing after finishing oov: reach, kingdom, rainbow, gorush, casy...
haha holy shit GTR-2-GO maybe you're really the machine and not nada 
edit6345234: i've been editing this constantly (word choices, adding in some stuff like his GhemTV win, his second/third places, breaking the OSL curse) and considering adding stuff about Pantech dropping the sponsorship due to business troubles but i don't know too much about that
Braavos36372 Posts
i'd add in that he broke the OSL curse and mention shinhan3
a bit pro nada but a good writeup
On July 07 2007 06:06 asla wrote: Na Doh Hyun Aka: Silent_Control Nickname: Age: Sep. 08, 1983 Race: Terran
But as if it was a curse once things start going well for him he must drop down as the russian player Andrey Kukhianidze ([3D]Androide) 2-0'd him delivering us the biggest upset of the whole tournament.
You forgot to mention that he lost to a Russian player 2-0 ON INTERNATIONAL TV.
On July 07 2007 19:07 The Storyteller wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2007 06:06 asla wrote: Na Doh Hyun Aka: Silent_Control Nickname: Age: Sep. 08, 1983 Race: Terran
But as if it was a curse once things start going well for him he must drop down as the russian player Andrey Kukhianidze ([3D]Androide) 2-0'd him delivering us the biggest upset of the whole tournament.
You forgot to mention that he lost to a Russian player 2-0 ON INTERNATIONAL TV. yeah that lost him ~1MILLION FANS...
Braavos36372 Posts
that loss to androide essentially ended silent_controls career haha
Could someone do posts for TheMarine and ogogo please.
On July 07 2007 19:30 Pressure wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2007 19:07 The Storyteller wrote:On July 07 2007 06:06 asla wrote: Na Doh Hyun Aka: Silent_Control Nickname: Age: Sep. 08, 1983 Race: Terran
But as if it was a curse once things start going well for him he must drop down as the russian player Andrey Kukhianidze ([3D]Androide) 2-0'd him delivering us the biggest upset of the whole tournament.
You forgot to mention that he lost to a Russian player 2-0 ON INTERNATIONAL TV. yeah that lost him ~1MILLION FANS...
that MANY?!?!? if i only knew when i was doing the write-up!!
Plexa for President. Or at least TL Historian.
51341 Posts
jkillashark is TL Historian.
Osaka27125 Posts
Actually X)Benny is, jkilla is his understudy atm.
BTW guys, you are all doing fucking awesome. This is really going to help some future projects. Don't stop, keep going!
On July 07 2007 19:30 Pressure wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2007 19:07 The Storyteller wrote:On July 07 2007 06:06 asla wrote: Na Doh Hyun Aka: Silent_Control Nickname: Age: Sep. 08, 1983 Race: Terran
But as if it was a curse once things start going well for him he must drop down as the russian player Andrey Kukhianidze ([3D]Androide) 2-0'd him delivering us the biggest upset of the whole tournament.
You forgot to mention that he lost to a Russian player 2-0 ON INTERNATIONAL TV. yeah that lost him ~1MILLION FANS... Thats OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!
51341 Posts
Jaedong - Lee Jae Dong - 이제동 - Zerg Teams: Lecaf OZ Guilds: n.diE (Never Die) Span of Career: 2006 - Present Overall Record: 69 Played, 43 Wins, 26 Losses, 62.32%
Although Jaedong has not been around much, his above-winning record has been extremely impressive to many fans and critics. His Zerg is powerful all around, but with his ZvT being his most favourable matchup.
Jaedong has been the star Zerg player for Lecaf ever since MuMyung left for SK Telecom. He has carried the reigns for them, overshadowing the struggling ShinHwA. For half of the year, he was mainly playing Proleague matches, until his first spout of individual sucess came with the 1st GOM TV MSL. He unfortunately was eliminated in the first round with a deadly group which included the likes of Pusan and Savior.
After this, he would go on to be one of the best players for Lecaf at the 2nd KeSPA Cup, netting in an impressive 4-1 record there. After failing to make both Daum and GOMTV2, he had his intentions to be the best player in Lecaf for the Proleagues.
Him, along with Anytime and fOrGG, have managed to carry Lecaf all the way to second place on the table. This is an impressive feat, when you think of it, Lecaf were the minows of proleague gaming somewhat 3 years ago. He has played a total of 18 games for Lecaf this proleague season. He is also in the running for the 4th seed of next season's OnGameNet Starleague, having to face Sea[Shield] in the Quarter-Finals. If he wins, he will have to face either Yooi or Shudder. It will all depend on luck for Jaedong to get that precious 4th seed.
- GTR-2-Go
Someone please redo Nal_rA, my summary does not do him justice. I'm sure one of you could do a much better job.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Stork - Song Byung Goo - 송병구 Race: Protoss Birthdate: 04/08/1988 Current Team: Samsung KHAN Former Team(s): N/A Nickname(s): Birdtoss, Commander Photos + Show Spoiler +Stork in a dinosaur suit for some photo shootAdvertising the 2006 WCG Monitor, JJu is on the left, Stork is at the backThe Three Neo-Kings, Left to Right; PuSan, Stork, Anytime Achievements: KeSPA Cup 2005 - 1st Place (Samsung KHAN) Most Promising Player 2005 GOM TV 2 MSL - 2nd Place Daum OSL - 3rd/4th (results pending) Bio Song Byung Goo's reputation on tl.net started out rough. In 2003 he made his first appearance as an amateur in WCG Korea. Along with this appearance, he also played a game with tl's own travis with interesting results;
yo, what do you guys know about the amateur player stork/pain[joypop]? Is he any good? i ask cause i played the guy, friendly game, he barely wins, and then at the end of the game he was a huge asshole  -travis i saw his reps to, below average for a korean i think he should possibly take up playing pokemon =] - Legionnaire The future looked bleak for this 15 year old gamer.
In 2005 Byung Goo defeated Lee Jae Hoon (fOru) 3-1 in the challenge league final; earning himself the coveted 4th seed in EVER 2 OSL. In the group stages of EVER 2 OSL, Byung Goo landed himself in an extremely tough group consiting of Hong Jin Ho (YellOw), Seo Ji Hoon (XellOs) and Lee Byung Min (Goodfriend). Despite this formidable group, Byung Goo forced a tie-breaker between himself, Jin Ho and Ji Hoon; which Ji Hoon eventually won. Byung Goo was making a name for himself outside of OSL as well. Already he was being noticed as a strong point in Samsung KHAN (which he joined in 2003) and brought a new style of protoss to the world.
Byung Goo followed up his EVER 2 appearance by qualifying for So1 OSL. Despite losing 0-3 to his group, he was still noted as one of the three protoss new hopes; dubbed the 'three neo-kings'. Fellow members consisted of Park Ji-Ho (PuSan) and Oh Yeong Jong (Anytime). Each of the three brought a new element of protoss gameplay to the forefront. Byung Goo brought a strong sense of Macro, as well as a high level of mechanics (similar to Park Yong Wook (Kingdom)) but most notably turned the scarcely used Arbiter into a necessity for late game PvT.
Shortly after his elimination from So1, Byung Goo, along with Byun Eun Jong (Jju) and Lee Chang Hoon (sigamari), won the first KeSPA Cup for Samsung KHAN. Byung Goo showed enormous consistency by qualifying for his third straight OSL- Shinhan 2005 OSL. Byung Goo met another tough group in OSL and made an early departure, coming third with stats 1-2. The season 2 Proleague Finals 2005, held very soon after the group stages of Shinhan OSL, marked a turning point in Byung Goo's career. Firstly defeating the promising Ma Jae Yoon (Savior) on Requiem in the 7th Set clinching the victory for KHAN by using a 2gate -> Sair/Reaver strategy which was well received by fans and critics alike. Secondly, he defeated Park Tae Min (Gorush) using a fast expand -> sair/reaver strategy which was even more impressive than the Jae Yoon game. Byung Goo would become infamous for his awesome Sair/Reaver usage; only topped by Kang Min (Nal_ra). Byung Goo was named most promising player of 2005 by the coaches of the proleague teams following the conclusion of Proleague 2005.
Byung Goo suffered a large slump in 2006. He failed to make all starleagues during the year and was rarely used in proleague. In an exclusive teamliquid interview with Lim Yo Hwan (Boxer), Byung Goo was Yo Hwan's pick for best up and coming Protoss player. Despite all thw hype and potential in this young player nothing had actually eventuated. However, 2007 would prove to be a great year for Byung Goo.
Qualifying for both Daum OSL and GOM TV 2 MSL, Byung Goo reached the semi-finals of both. Meanwhile, in proleague Byung Goo attained an amazing record and dominated left,right and center aiding his team in reaching 1st place for the 1st season of proleague 2007. In addition to this, he is considered the 'heart' of the team as many junior players call on Byung Goo's guidence in matches, as in the case of Park Sung Hoon (TT) phoning him for advice before defeating Jun Sang Wook (midas) in MSL. Despite losing the Daum OSL semifinal to Byun Hyung Tae (iris) 0-3, he made the GOM TV 2 MSL Final against Kim Taek Yong (BiSu) which will be played later in the month.
Notable Games Stork vs Reach Here Stork vs Savior can't find it ? Mani's well written report Stork vs Gorush Truncated Version Full Version (400mb)
- Plexa