![[image loading]](/staff/Ty2/NASSL/Yajbanne.png)
As part of the NA Summer Starleague, we're giving an in-depth look at some of our lesser known players! Meet Yaj, a fierce Zerg that's not afraid to rough things up. Be sure to catch Yaj and others play this weekend, August 9th @7:45 PM EDT and August 10th @6:45 PM EDT, to see groups A and B play out on https://twitch.tv/DocHoliday_TV
Where are you from?
I grew up in a rural area in south east Texas outside of a midsize city. I moved to Houston for work in 2013.
When did you start playing?
My parents didn't allow gaming consoles and my brothers and I conned our way into getting a desktop for "homework" thus I grew up playing a lot of computer games. My older cousins actually brought Starcraft over to my house when I was 11 and that is how I was introduced to it although I had already played Warcraft 1 and Red Alert and had grown a passion for RTS. I started playing online around 2004 and continued until 2007. By then I was a junior in high school and took a long break until coming back in 2015.
How did you come up with the ID Yaj?
I had always used various names when I started online. I probably switched names every month or so. Around 2006 when I was competitively involved in the scene I enjoyed a Polish Protoss named Dunaj. Mainly I just liked the way his name looked. So I took the last two letters and created my own.
If you're known for one thing, it's BM. any particular reason why you do it?
I am a very competitive person in all facets of life. I enjoy having a target on my back and maintain an image so that I am never softplayed. When you make it personal, people try harder versus you because there is more of an incentive to win. I do not constrict this mentality to Starcraft. I use it in live poker as well as basketball. I will purposely not get close or friendly with any of those players because I do not want to diminish the competitiveness
Do you plan on attending any of the upcoming LANs in NA?
Due to me already having a two week vacation booked in October, in 2019, most likely not and it is too far away to make a prediction beyond that.
Favorite matchup? why?
Without a doubt, ZvP. It is the most dynamic matchup and offers the most options especially in terms of deception. It is an active matchup where you can go head to head with your opponent on the map unlike ZvT where marines just overpower you until defiler or ultra. I don't enjoy any matchup that forces one side to turtle.
Who are your practice partners? If you want, give a shout out to players you know who aren't well known or underrated.
I do not nor have I ever had a practice partner. I do not enjoy or take a methodical approach to Starcraft. I have always just massed game and had fun freestyling. I strongly prioritize having fun with my builds and playing the way I want to play over winning. Moving up in ranks has definitely strangled my creativity because against stronger opponents you are forced to use the more streamlined and efficient builds or you will simply lose. An example of this is I used to never use Lurkers in ZvP and I would use Hydra/Lurk in ZvT and stay on lair. S rank opponents will steam roll these strategies.
I personally cannot think of any. I enjoyed playing Linestine because in games we have played he has many different openings. I respected this more than anything because a staple I try to preach to lower level players is to be capable of many different types of openings and reactions. Just as in any strategic game, this fundamental approach prevents an intuitive opponent from exploiting you and gaining an edge for free.
Who do you think is the best player in the Starleague? In NA?
Results speak for themselves and if I am not mistaken Ty2 would hold the crown in both of those. Although Dragon and Nyoken are both obviously very likely candidates. It's too close to call.
You've come a long way skill-wise from the C+ grinder on iccup? What was the key to your improvement? What motivated you?
Ha, well when I came back in 2015 after an 8 year break I was already C- and I am sure C+ came rather quickly once rust cleared and I became acclimated with the current meta. Beyond that was a bit of a learning curve. I do not think there were any keys to improving though, not ones that I diligently sought anyway. I just massed gamed and exposed myself to countless scenarios and there is no substitute for experience. My only motivation in this game is passion. I have played many RTS and RPG: AOE, C&C, Warcraft 1&2, Diablo 1&2 to name some of the most addicting ones but nothing compares to Starcraft and it's endless content.
Any Brood War goals for 2019? And Beyond?
Not at all. I will relish my last days playing and enjoy the time I have been able to contribute to a game I love so much. But the fact of the matter is that I am 29 and am once again in a serious relationship I know my days on this scene are numbered. Being as competitive as I am I take an all or nothing approach to Starcraft in terms of the time I devote to it. Even if I could find time in the future to play once every couple weeks I wouldn't because I would be trash and being trash isn't fun.
What do you do when you aren't playing SC?
My weekdays are rather routine with work, gym, basketball and dinner. Nowadays I spend a lot of my weekends with my girlfriend and/or friends on various outtings. Other than Starcraft I am actually a very social and outsidey person and enjoy being with others.
Interviewer: Seriosity