^ why this guy is warned btw ? asking for facebook or ig is a common thing to do if you're interested in someone's adventure and want to follow his/her journey ... I dont understand.
Lol that guy says cadenZie is skilled from what he’s seen and asks if she has social media links and gets warned, there must be some real weirdo white knight mods on this site, aside from that good luck in kr.
On June 26 2018 06:13 castleeMg wrote: Lol that guy says cadenZie is skilled from what he’s seen and asks if she has social media links and gets warned, there must be some real weirdo white knight mods on this site, aside from that good luck in kr.
The best part is that Cadenzie has connected her alias to her Facebook account it seems like, as it is the first hit when you Google "Cadenzie." So, the mods warned him for asking for publicly available information? I wonder if someone asked the same thing about someone like Dewalt or eonzerg, if there would be a similar ruling.
On June 26 2018 11:32 CHEONSOYUN wrote: females never get taken seriously or given any respect by "gamers"
let's try not to act typical
I don't think anyone disrespected Cadenzie. Hence why the discussion about the warning happened in the first place. But, moving on...
Frankly I'm happy that there is a foreigner playing on Afreeca and in a league with progamers. Regardless of how that came to be, I think that this is monumental given that I don't recall any foreigner or anyone we had direct access to (outside of Scan) being in such a position since the time of Idra.
On June 26 2018 11:32 CHEONSOYUN wrote: females never get taken seriously or given any respect by "gamers"
let's try not to act typical
No hypocrisy in generalizing all gamers with the broadest brush in the toolkit.
Anyways, I'm excited that a foreigner is competing with Koreans like the good old days. Not only that, but Cadenzie is one of the A tiers from what we can tell at the moment.
For what it's worth, I can translate any Ygosu posts or whatever else comes up that's relevant.
On June 26 2018 11:32 CHEONSOYUN wrote: females never get taken seriously or given any respect by "gamers"
let's try not to act typical
No hypocrisy in generalizing all gamers with the broadest brush in the toolkit.
Anyways, I'm excited that a foreigner is competing with Koreans like the good old days. Not only that, but Cadenzie is one of the A tiers from what we can tell at the moment.
For what it's worth, I can translate any Ygosu posts or whatever else comes up that's relevant.
Cadenzie is pretty good, yes, no doubt.
But for me, female or male, doesn't matter -- if you're good you're good. I think most can agree to this point. Though, I'm sure there are folks who will try to make a comment like this: "well, she's great ... for a girl! ... she's one of best the in korea, for a girl!" -- this is just bad logic and mindset. This isn't physical sports where gender could potentially matter. It's a video game. (I'm sure you could argue some non sense like males are more interested in video games, it's a cultural thing, etc -- but let's not start arguing about random shit like that right now...)
Anyways, since I'm all for equality, I will make a very factual statement -- she's not "one of the A tiers" lol. She's pretty good, yes. But A tier? She couldn't get out of chobo league or advance too far in it. I'm just calling a spade a spade. And if you meant, "A-tier for a girl in Korea" -- then you're proving my point.
Once again, yes she is pretty good. But let's not start over-hyping skill because she's a female. As I said, your skill shouldn't be "Hyped" because of your gender. Are we sitting here calling the remaining top-4 chobo league participants "A tier"?
With this being said, she could very well become "A tier" or even S tier since she's getting pro training now.
I'm glad there's someone in the foreigner scene who is getting this type of access. But I won't sit here and try to make it seem like she's better than she is (in her current form) just because "she's a girl."
And don't misconstrue this post as some form of hatred. I know she's pretty good, but I'm simply rating her against the rest of foreigners.
On the flip side, if she does eventually become A tier/S tier, we should equally give her credit at that point and say "She's an amazing player." And NOT "She's an amazing player for a girl" -- it works both ways.
On June 26 2018 11:32 CHEONSOYUN wrote: females never get taken seriously or given any respect by "gamers"
let's try not to act typical
No hypocrisy in generalizing all gamers with the broadest brush in the toolkit.
If you look at most "competitive" video game communities and wherever that community congregates online, almost anytime a female is presented in the role outside of "accepted roles" (such as host/stargirl), the following discussion is almost always weird, overly self conscious, and filled with X Y and Z opinions/stances on what constitutes legitimacy when a female is present.
It is a generalization, but strangely enough it seems to be continiously self evident.
On June 26 2018 11:32 CHEONSOYUN wrote: females never get taken seriously or given any respect by "gamers"
let's try not to act typical
No hypocrisy in generalizing all gamers with the broadest brush in the toolkit.
If you look at most "competitive" video game communities and wherever that community congregates online, almost anytime a female is presented in the role outside of "accepted roles" (such as host/stargirl), the following discussion is almost always weird, overly self conscious, and filled with X Y and Z opinions/stances on what constitutes legitimacy when a female is present.
It is a generalization, but strangely enough it seems to be continiously self evident.
Anecdotal evidence can be countered by anecdotal evidence.
Well I hang out at Ygosu, and during the HSL people were degrading the players for being bad (which they objectively were), or not practicing, but not for being female. Sure there were the guys who were acting overly close to them (the term is 물소), but that's true of any female streamer, not just gamers.
I don't know which communities you hang out in, but most of the gamers I talk to don't care if you're female or male, as long as you're not a turd online. But by the virtue of being "gamers" apparently we're monsters that don't respect women. The issue is that instead of criticizing the people who act oddly, you lump all of us into the mix. And I rather don't like being accused of being a turd.
On June 26 2018 11:32 CHEONSOYUN wrote: females never get taken seriously or given any respect by "gamers"
let's try not to act typical
No hypocrisy in generalizing all gamers with the broadest brush in the toolkit.
If you look at most "competitive" video game communities and wherever that community congregates online, almost anytime a female is presented in the role outside of "accepted roles" (such as host/stargirl), the following discussion is almost always weird, overly self conscious, and filled with X Y and Z opinions/stances on what constitutes legitimacy when a female is present.
It is a generalization, but strangely enough it seems to be continiously self evident.
Anecdotal evidence can be countered by anecdotal evidence.
Well I hang out at Ygosu, and during the HSL people were degrading the players for being bad (which they objectively were), or not practicing, but not for being female. Sure there were the guys who were acting overly close to them (the term is 물소), but that's true of any female streamer, not just gamers.
I don't know which communities you hang out in, but most of the gamers I talk to don't care if you're female or male, as long as you're not a turd online. But by the virtue of being "gamers" apparently we're monsters that don't respect women. The issue is that instead of criticizing the people who act oddly, you lump all of us into the mix. And I rather don't like being accused of being a turd.
Honestly an amazing opportunity for Cadenzie, and cool to see she's pulling through with it. Most of us who love this game typically just can't invest the time and effort we'd like to invest in it, so it's great to see any foreigner being able to step into the scene like that.
Cadenzie is talented - I played against her many times. Regardless of sheer skill, if we really want to see this game grow as a whole, credit and support should be given to those who are willing to step out and put themselves out there. One of the issues the foreigner scene has is the lack of personality and content. I love watching great games and streamers of just pure Starcraft, but I'm part of a very, very small minority that appreciates that and only that on a daily basis (and not in a tournament setting). Most viewers on Twitch/Afreeca are not me, and are looking for the interaction, the ability to relate to the streamer, the insight on your thought processes, or.. just something different!
Anyways, really hoping her and her giraffe does well. Good luck.
Congrats and good luck to Cadenzie in Korea! Any chance that other teams are interested in foreigner, female BW players? Munkie is also pretty good and above 2000 MMR.
On June 27 2018 04:24 TonDan wrote: i wonder how transgenders would be viewed in competition? Would former males be able to compete in the female leageue?
User was warned for this post
Mod note: Just so there's no confusion and another potential derailment of the thread, this warning is due to not being on topic.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is also big because to stream on Afreeca you need to use a Korean SSID? In other words, someone went out on a limb for Cadenzie in order to allow her to stream on Afreeca, no?
I don't mean to place the hopes of all foreigners onto Cadenzie's back, but it seems to me like it is a huge step forward for our two communities. We have had Shinee and others participate in foreign tournaments, and now we have a foreigner in their tournaments, with them showing willingness to make accommodations for foreigners that allow them to have a greater outreach to the Korean Afreeca audience. I think that's huge.
Apologies if I'm misinformed on some of the details.
no it's been open to non-koreans for at least a year. here's a guide to set it up. it's usually not worth it unless you're doing something that would appeal to a young korean male audience.
as for her skill, i don't think she's good enough yet to beat a non-korean like artosis in a best of 3 (or more). she averages around 2000 MMR, artosis is usually around 2050, and her ZvT seems to be her worst while artosis' TvZ is his best.
On June 27 2018 12:07 Lazare1969 wrote: no it's been open to non-koreans for at least a year. here's a guide to set it up. it's usually not worth it unless you're doing something that would appeal to a young korean male audience.
as for her skill, i don't think she's good enough yet to beat a non-korean like artosis in a best of 3 (or more). she averages around 2000 MMR, artosis is usually around 2050, and her ZvT seems to be her worst while artosis' TvZ is his best.
Thanks for the heads up on that! I'm glad to hear that they opened their doors to us, even if it doesn't amount to much outside of league+clan play like what Cadenzie is doing. I hope this opens the door for some top level foreigners. Would be amazing if we can do a Korea vs. World tour like how they have in SC2.
Does anyone happen to know anything personally about her? As in, what was her job?
I ask because, while it's great that she can follow her passion and go to Korea, not everyone (or majority) can do this. So to be in a situation where she could get over to Korea, and I imagine, stay there for some indefinite time, leads me to believe she had a very flexible situation...
On June 28 2018 00:52 ProtossGG wrote: Does anyone happen to know anything personally about her? As in, what was her job?
I ask because, while it's great that she can follow her passion and go to Korea, not everyone (or majority) can do this. So to be in a situation where she could get over to Korea, and I imagine, stay there for some indefinite time, leads me to believe she had a very flexible situation...
From what I've heard, Britney is supporting her stay in Korea.
On June 28 2018 00:52 ProtossGG wrote: Does anyone happen to know anything personally about her? As in, what was her job?
I ask because, while it's great that she can follow her passion and go to Korea, not everyone (or majority) can do this. So to be in a situation where she could get over to Korea, and I imagine, stay there for some indefinite time, leads me to believe she had a very flexible situation...
From what I've heard, Britney is supporting her stay in Korea.
Damn, that's a sweet deal. I wonder if she has to pay rent in balloons lol.
On June 28 2018 00:52 ProtossGG wrote: Does anyone happen to know anything personally about her? As in, what was her job?
I ask because, while it's great that she can follow her passion and go to Korea, not everyone (or majority) can do this. So to be in a situation where she could get over to Korea, and I imagine, stay there for some indefinite time, leads me to believe she had a very flexible situation...
From what I've heard, Britney is supporting her stay in Korea.
That's great and good news for her.
My question is more around - if you've got a regular job, responsibilities, etc you can't just leave it overnight and say "I'm going to play professional video games in Korea" -- or at least, most of us can't. That is why my comment before said, it sounds like she's got some flexibility. That's why I was wondering what she does / living with parents / etc.
On June 28 2018 00:52 ProtossGG wrote: Does anyone happen to know anything personally about her? As in, what was her job?
I ask because, while it's great that she can follow her passion and go to Korea, not everyone (or majority) can do this. So to be in a situation where she could get over to Korea, and I imagine, stay there for some indefinite time, leads me to believe she had a very flexible situation...
From what I've heard, Britney is supporting her stay in Korea.
That's great and good news for her.
My question is more around - if you've got a regular job, responsibilities, etc you can't just leave it overnight and say "I'm going to play professional video games in Korea" -- or at least, most of us can't. That is why my comment before said, it sounds like she's got some flexibility. That's why I was wondering what she does / living with parents / etc.
Either way, livin' the dream, I suppose.
what does this have to do with you? mind your own business
Just wondering why a superior player like eOnZerg didn't receive this opportunity to go to korea? Is it because of the Y chromosome, rather than two X's?
On June 28 2018 00:52 ProtossGG wrote: Does anyone happen to know anything personally about her? As in, what was her job?
I ask because, while it's great that she can follow her passion and go to Korea, not everyone (or majority) can do this. So to be in a situation where she could get over to Korea, and I imagine, stay there for some indefinite time, leads me to believe she had a very flexible situation...
From what I've heard, Britney is supporting her stay in Korea.
That's great and good news for her.
My question is more around - if you've got a regular job, responsibilities, etc you can't just leave it overnight and say "I'm going to play professional video games in Korea" -- or at least, most of us can't. That is why my comment before said, it sounds like she's got some flexibility. That's why I was wondering what she does / living with parents / etc.
Either way, livin' the dream, I suppose.
what does this have to do with you? mind your own business
I think that it's a valid question. Many players have, at one point in their lives, dreamed of going to Korea and playing professional Brood War. Few have gotten the chance, and few have taken it. Like ProtossGG said, "livin' the dream." I don't think it's inappropriate to ask how it's possible for someone to do so.
Cadenzie has entered a more public spectrum and the issue of privacy can be a touchy one. I don't think simply asking the question is in any way a crime; whether or not he gets an answer is a different story.
One could ask you the same thing: what does this have to do with you??
On June 28 2018 12:23 tankgirl wrote: Just wondering why a superior player like eOnZerg didn't receive this opportunity to go to korea? Is it because of the Y chromosome, rather than two X's?
Congrats Cadenzie. Cadenzie Fighting!!!
Female-only matches are now going to be a part of the new team league; female gamers have been trained by big names such as Shuttle, Best, Jaedong, etc. in order to participate in it. To my knowledge, Cadenzie is one of the best female players on the planet, so it makes sense for them to offer her a chance to participate in this league.
I understand why this may peeve some people, particularly foreigners who are better than Cadenzie, who have played longer than Cadenzie, like eonzerg. This conversation happens in many arenas - SC2, pretty much all sports, Twitch viewership/policies, etc. The way I understand it, it brings novelty to generally male-dominated fields and promotes interest in female players/participants. So, in effect, I do think you are right to an extent - but it's considered inappropriate to make any further insinuations on the matter. The fact remains that Cadenzie is one of the best female BW players on the planet, and thus the glove fits the hand, so to speak. Relative to his gender, eonzerg isn't nearly as strong. I imagine that similar reasoning is used for separating female soccer teams from men's soccer teams, just to bring up one example.
dont include me in that list,it doesnt bother me at all,im actually happy she is able to experience this opportunity,i dont really understand why USA people care so much what others people job is,i find that annoying,they dont even know your real name but the only they ask is what is your job ? How is that any your business,and if she is in Korea living thanks to kim jong un is not your problem.just be happy good things are happening to others.GOGO CADENZA ROCK IT!
On June 28 2018 14:14 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote: dont include me in that list,it doesnt bother me at all,im actually happy she is able to experience this opportunity,i dont really understand why USA people care so much what others people job is,i find that annoying,they dont even know your real name but the only they ask is what is your job ? How is that any your business,and if she is in Korea living thanks to kim jong un is not your problem.just be happy good things are happening to others.GOGO CADENZA ROCK IT!
I'm sorry if I've offended you, I was just going off of the example provided by the person who asked the question.
As I mentioned before, a simple Google search reveals Candezie's real name, which is unlikely to be an accident - she probably linked it to her Facebook page. How is asking about her job any different from other player interviews/fans trying to find out about prominent players? I know Bisu's birthday and the fact that he was on TV as a kid, for example, and many other things about him because I am a fan of his. If we have a foreign player in Korean leagues, I don't think that these questions are out of the question.
Perhaps I should ask Cadenzie if I can do an interview? Are there any other questions people would be interested in?
On June 28 2018 14:14 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote: dont include me in that list,it doesnt bother me at all,im actually happy she is able to experience this opportunity,i dont really understand why USA people care so much what others people job is,i find that annoying,they dont even know your real name but the only they ask is what is your job ? How is that any your business,and if she is in Korea living thanks to kim jong un is not your problem.just be happy good things are happening to others.GOGO CADENZA ROCK IT!
I'm sorry if I've offended you, I was just going off of the example provided by the person who asked the question.
As I mentioned before, a simple Google search reveals Candezie's real name, which is unlikely to be an accident - she probably linked it to her Facebook page. How is asking about her job any different from other player interviews/fans trying to find out about prominent players? I know Bisu's birthday and the fact that he was on TV as a kid, for example, and many other things about him because I am a fan of his. If we have a foreign player in Korean leagues, I don't think that these questions are out of the question.
Perhaps I should ask Cadenzie if I can do an interview? Are there any other questions people would be interested in?
is all about the real intentions,if you check cadenzas stream info u will see everything she wants to share with the online community.
also i dont care,i just dont wanna see my nick involved in some stupid argument that deserve sh*t, cadenzas is a good player she learn koreans she is involved with the korean community and she streams on afreeca,everything happening to cadenza right now is her own fault with her own skills
This isn’t just some random question. It’s like being curious about any person who becomes “popular.” I mean, if I don’t get an answer, you can bet I’m sleeping the same way lol.
You have to remember, this is a forum. The point is discussion. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. Why would you even have an account here if you want no discussion?
People like TT1 getting all sensitive just because you’re friends with her lol.
Obviously this is a massive stretch, but it’s interesting to know about Korean pros. It’s interesting to know about basketball players. Forbid I ask “how” she is managing to do this and live her dream which I think we can all agree - is pretty cool.
I can also say the same to you - mind your own business about my posts lol. But that’s the dumbest thing to say on a damn forum about her going to Korea.
There’s people on this thread making comments about transgenders and you’re going against the guy asking how someone achieved their dream. Get over yourselves.
Americans need to understand that in most other countries privacy is still a value and asking private things to someone you dont know is an inappropriate behaviour. Why tf you need to know where and with who she lives at the first place ? and how she managed with her job/school schedule to get some free time to enjoy herself ? It's up to her to disclose what she wants about her personnal life to internet strangers.
On June 28 2018 19:45 ppp87 wrote: Americans need to understand that in most other countries privacy is still a value and asking private things to someone you dont know is an inappropriate behaviour. Why tf you need to know where and with who she lives at the first place ? and how she managed with her job/school schedule to get some free time to enjoy herself ? It's up to her to disclose what she wants about her personnal life to internet strangers.
Alright - so then let her say that or not if she doesn’t want to. I think that’s the point. Sounds to me like you're trying to speak for her. I’m just making discussion.
And as non-Americans, you should realize it’s pretty common to ask these things over here. This is a global forum. Get used to the diversity and difference of interests. You can’t just shun someone’s curiosity because they’re American and “we don’t ask these things in Europe” lol
Anyways, you’ve all killed the curiosity in me now. I don’t care anymore.
On June 28 2018 19:45 ppp87 wrote: Americans need to understand that in most other countries privacy is still a value and asking private things to someone you dont know is an inappropriate behaviour. Why tf you need to know where and with who she lives at the first place ? and how she managed with her job/school schedule to get some free time to enjoy herself ? It's up to her to disclose what she wants about her personnal life to internet strangers.
Alright - so then let her say that or not if she doesn’t want to. I think that’s the point. Sounds to me like you're trying to speak for her. I’m just making discussion.
And as non-Americans, you should realize it’s pretty common to ask these things over here. This is a global forum. Get used to the diversity and difference of interests. You can’t just shun someone’s curiosity because they’re American and “we don’t ask these things in Europe” lol
Anyways, you’ve all killed the curiosity in me now. I don’t care anymore.
I'll go ahead and answer this for you since it's incredibly silly that people are giving you a hard time for it.
Someone, rain or larva i think, asked her basically this question today or yesterday. She said she doesn't have a job right now and she lives with her family.
On June 28 2018 19:45 ppp87 wrote: Americans need to understand that in most other countries privacy is still a value and asking private things to someone you dont know is an inappropriate behaviour. Why tf you need to know where and with who she lives at the first place ? and how she managed with her job/school schedule to get some free time to enjoy herself ? It's up to her to disclose what she wants about her personnal life to internet strangers.
Alright - so then let her say that or not if she doesn’t want to. I think that’s the point. Sounds to me like you're trying to speak for her. I’m just making discussion.
And as non-Americans, you should realize it’s pretty common to ask these things over here. This is a global forum. Get used to the diversity and difference of interests. You can’t just shun someone’s curiosity because they’re American and “we don’t ask these things in Europe” lol
Anyways, you’ve all killed the curiosity in me now. I don’t care anymore.
I'll go ahead and answer this for you since it's incredibly silly that people are giving you a hard time for it.
Someone, rain or larva i think, asked her basically this question today or yesterday. She said she doesn't have a job right now and she lives with her family.
We finally solved the mystery guys. The secrets of the universe will be ours!
1. Where are you from? 2. Where are you from? 3. Where are you from? 4. Where are you from? 5. Where are you from? 6. Where are you from? 7. Where are you from? 8. Where are you from? 9. Where are you from? 10. Where are you from?
Just kidding.
1. At what point did she realize she wanted to play professionally in Korea? 2. I have a daughter who wants to play BW professionally. Does Cadenzie have any tips for her? 3. Is she enjoying her stay in Korea? Would she recommend any places in particular for foreigners to visit? 4. What are her short-term and long-term goals? 5. Does she want to raise a family one day? 6. What is her favorite Zerg unit and why? If the interview is done over the phone, can she do any unit impressions? 7. Since teaming with Britney and friends, what sort of things has she learned? What do they like and dislike about her play? 8. What are some of her favorite maps that have come out in previous seasons of the ASL? 9. How does she feel about her female competitors? Are they strong players? 10. Who are some of her biggest supporters and does she have anything she'd like to say to them?
If you're reading this, Cadenzie, good luck to you.
Thank you to everyone who submitted questions. We agreed that I would send her a list of questions and she can take as much time as she wants answering them (and only answering the ones she is comfortable answering) because she is understandably very busy right now, + the timezone difference. I will be sending them out in a few hours so any last minute suggestions will be taken.
On June 29 2018 16:18 Jealous wrote: Cadenzie agreed to an interview so if you have any questions you'd like me to submit, let me know!
How awesome does it feel to play game after game with the same and best latency possible? And how did it affect your Muta micro? What's the coolest thing EffOrt has taught you?
cause my tl name is cadenza I guess. If there's a way to change it I prefer cadenzie. did you guys see my team melee game with effort vs flash aegong last night it was so much fun.
On July 03 2018 16:21 CadenZa wrote: cause my tl name is cadenza I guess. If there's a way to change it I prefer cadenzie. did you guys see my team melee game with effort vs flash aegong last night it was so much fun.
On July 03 2018 16:21 CadenZa wrote: cause my tl name is cadenza I guess. If there's a way to change it I prefer cadenzie. did you guys see my team melee game with effort vs flash aegong last night it was so much fun.
Could you give us the brackets of the teamleague? Didn't see it anywhere on TL. I saw it on britney's stream,but all in korean, it starts on 07/08, right?
On July 03 2018 16:21 CadenZa wrote: cause my tl name is cadenza I guess. If there's a way to change it I prefer cadenzie. did you guys see my team melee game with effort vs flash aegong last night it was so much fun.
On July 04 2018 05:48 TonDan wrote: has larva been known to wear a wig? he seemed to have great hair in all the other videos buts recently he's definitely going bald.
Not sure if troll... Larva is a total loony. It's not baldness, he shaved it like that.
Here are the 3 team games with effort starting at 1:20 but the second one is missing. The last 2 are against Flash macro. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/34801848 This was so amazing to see, including the progamer reactions.
It would be great if Cadenzie could give some insight into what is happening in the progamer scene or a weekly update. My favorite videos are the games with progamer tips translated.
On July 04 2018 05:48 TonDan wrote: has larva been known to wear a wig? he seemed to have great hair in all the other videos buts recently he's definitely going bald.
Not sure if troll... Larva is a total loony. It's not baldness, he shaved it like that.
no, not a troll job. i'm kinda going bald myself actually so was just wondering.
jaedong observing my games! (theyre on my afreeca vods too and flash youtube) first one 1v1 vs aegong (2hr27min) and 2nd one right after the britney game is macro micro effort and me against flash and aegong again just like the other day! :D
On July 04 2018 18:19 CadenZa wrote: https://youtu.be/PMYP75_sizs?t=2h27m8s jaedong observing my games! (theyre on my afreeca vods too and flash youtube) first one 1v1 vs aegong (2hr27min) and 2nd one right after the britney game is macro micro effort and me against flash and aegong again just like the other day! :D
Great to see people living the BW dream! Hope you can compete and do well!
On July 04 2018 18:19 CadenZa wrote: https://youtu.be/PMYP75_sizs?t=2h27m8s jaedong observing my games! (theyre on my afreeca vods too and flash youtube) first one 1v1 vs aegong (2hr27min) and 2nd one right after the britney game is macro micro effort and me against flash and aegong again just like the other day! :D
Wow, I wish I could actually play with actual SCBW pros and learn from them like you! :O I'm sure you are having a ton of fun there! :D CadenZa fighting!
This reminds me of the time we had Intotherainbow and ggaemo join us and play some BGH team games on shieldbattery. It's definitely a fun experience so hopefully cadenza's experience opens up a path for more KR and foreign collaboration.
On July 04 2018 18:19 CadenZa wrote: https://youtu.be/PMYP75_sizs?t=2h27m8s jaedong observing my games! (theyre on my afreeca vods too and flash youtube) first one 1v1 vs aegong (2hr27min) and 2nd one right after the britney game is macro micro effort and me against flash and aegong again just like the other day! :D
Very awesome you're getting to do this! So good to see foreigner/KR collaboration of any kind.
Would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little jealous though!
I posted a translation on Youtube, and it's my first time doing it so I have no idea how long it'll take.
Anyways, Cadenzie's joke was about eating just the skins, and acting charitable by leaving the meat for others, as the skin is typically considered the best part of fried chicken (South Park did a similar joke). "Up for grabs" means "Anyone can have it".
On July 06 2018 20:27 RWLabs wrote: I posted a translation on Youtube, and it's my first time doing it so I have no idea how long it'll take.
Anyways, Cadenzie's joke was about eating just the skins, and acting charitable by leaving the meat for others, as the skin is typically considered the best part of fried chicken (South Park did a similar joke). "Up for grabs" means "Anyone can have it".
That was really nicely played! Great defense of the early vultures and wraith. I thought that wraith was going to kill an overlord before you got any hydralisks started! I don't think I've ever seen queens and lurkers used like that for an quick ramp bust before either. Larva and company looked stunned!
On July 23 2018 09:31 NewbOnTheFloor wrote: Cadenzie vs FBH www.youtube.com
even with your opponent's -2 scv handicap, you will get your shit kicked in if you attempt to play late game against an ex-pro's main race. the silver lining is it can be very good practice (as opposed to playing against chobos all the time) if you work to correct your mistakes.
On August 30 2018 21:08 sc19980331 wrote: Cadenzie will play LASL6 semi finals tomorrow, ZvT Bo5 with Darin, 20:00 KST. Stream http://play.afreecatv.com/sr629/
On August 30 2018 21:08 sc19980331 wrote: Cadenzie will play LASL6 semi finals tomorrow, ZvT Bo5 with Darin, 20:00 KST. Stream http://play.afreecatv.com/sr629/
Special build was game 4 calms avalon msl win build?i think... shine taught me it though. Also game 1 was meant to be that build actually, but she died too fast and game 4 was planned differently... but shine sent me a message before game 4 that he thinks aegong will go 2rax so do that build. edit link:
Also thanks it's been really fun in Korea and ill stay for at least a year maybe longer who knows.
I hope this time next year to still be playing bw and taking games off strong pros regularly. Which is maybe absurdly ambitious but i think everything I've done in a year and a half of sc has been beyond people's expectations already, anyway so I'll go for it. Maybe it works out maybe it doesn't. I'm just hoping to enjoy my time and grow as a person first and foremost, and so far it has highly been worth it for me to come here in that regard.
Maybe money and fame doesn't always last but I'll cherish my memories in Korea it has been a crazy emotional rollercoaster. Some people like me some people don't, i won't let the latter get to me and I'll try to have a good time with the people who care about me. I'm just going to relax, have fun and be cadenzie~ sugoyo!
Looks like you have a killer attitude and having a blast taking advantage of a cool opportunity. Can't lie it sounds like it would be fking awesome to do for a while:
Play and regularly chill with pros in a game you love: CHECK. Set your own hours and make solid supplemental income: CHECK. Spending time traveling and learning the culture in a foreign country of interest: CHECK.
I noticed EL mentioned munkie saying she is also a solid female player and yes I would agree, in fact I think she would be on par or better than Cadenzie. Not to steal the spotlight from her but I would also be very curious to see how munkie would do in these leagues. Not sure if she would consider playing though, she seems to keep somewhat of a low profile.
game 1 animal tier Spirit Fighting ggulbi(Z) vs iggyu(P) game 2 amoeba tier Fighting Spirit ddaddeut(P) vs mijisoo(P) game 3 animal tier Circuit Breaker bbonuna(Z - offrace) vs dananyang(P) game 4 queen tier Spirit Fighting seoyeonji(P) vs namduksun(Z) game 5 animal tier Fighting Spirit dainty(P) vs ori(P) game 6 queen tier Circuit Breaker kongdubu(P) vs aegong(T) game 7 Circuit Breaker Ace
amoeba tier = total new player animal tier = newish queen tier = best players
BJ Elimination Match Season 2. Cadenzie is in the same team as Last, JD, and Tyson (...). If you have an Afreeca account make sure to vote for her team!
Overall, looks like Cadenzie got her wish to be with JD, and having AlphaGo Terran in the team almost cancels out how terrible Tyson is. Though to be fair he did beat Flash that one time.
On November 02 2018 03:32 badpenny wrote: I really appreciate the juxtaposition of the male players trying to look hardcore in front of that fireball and Cadenzie wearing giraffe ears
LOL I know right, they should've positioned her next to JD!
Yeah, good cast. Lots of good answers to Artosis questions and insights by her. One really understands what she meant in that article that, when in Korea, your game-knowledge increases immensely (if you try to improve) compared to what is known in the foreign scene.
This combo Artosis and Cadenzie was not bad imo. Also because Artosis knows how to carry if he has a new co-caster, finds the right mix of analysis and hype most of the time, and here he adapted to Cadenzies contribution pretty well. Kudos to him.
Cadenzie on Larva's youtube, there's no English subtitle though. She streamed with Starcraft BJ Destruction 2019 season 1 team members - NaDa, Tossgirl, Last and Larva together. She introduced Branston Pickle and the others tried to eat it.
that event is 양개토's proleague ( http://bj.afreecatv.com/ymbc ) this was the teams (sort of balanced, a couple good players and some weaker players make up each team) group a teams: a1: old men's team... hard to explain, but they have players like the owner of minus pc bang, the leader of wG team etc. a2 is a team mostly made from popular animal tier girl players a3 is a strong team with with two strong players; darin and bongsun and decent lower tier players group b: b1: tossgirls fanclub team; tossgirl and kongdubu, hahee, aura, yari b2 is a bit weaker but balanced team with some good animal tier players b3 is wG (my team) with dew(shines sister) paji (another decent zerg), dainty, churmi (dainty and churmi are gosu singers) group stage ended wG (my team) won group B and "A3" won group A so the final is today after LASL wG vs "A3"( A3 is actually called 나또슬푸다 which is one syllable from each name, common way of making korean team names)
also stone tier league final(stone tier means new girl players who just started playing sc, most came from league of legends and such) is today right now at http://play.afreecatv.com/soonhani/213930659 (ZvT) if anyone is interested and LASL today is interesting too after stone tier league http://play.afreecatv.com/sr629/213931179 tossgirl is playing today^^
Cadenzie, i heard Eon is in Korea to train for the next ASL, hoping to qualify ofc. Have you met him yet? Are you actively training in order to qualify too?
im focusing mostly on LASL atm, so im training ZvT and learning a bunch of styles/builds because the hardest opponents are all terran (tossgirl, darin, aegong)^^ but im going to ACS with eon, hopefully LASL doesnt clash with too many of the days for that~
On May 12 2019 18:51 CadenZie wrote: if you guys ever wonder about when these events are on you can find them on this calendar http://eloboard.com/gnuboard/bbs/board.php?bo_table=calendar_list it also lists all the other starcraft events like KSL, ASL, KCM, etc so its a useful calendar^^
This is not ''reality dating show'', RIGHT? This is actually so many Korean woman playing Starcraft? What??? I can not believe this. I wish women were playing strategy games as as one of their hobbies where i live, but no, all i see is (with no disrespect to this disciple) dancing and shit like that...
On May 13 2019 07:09 Artas1984 wrote: This is actually so many Korean woman playing Starcraft? What??? I can not believe this.
What exactly caused this? Convergence of A) general Korean BW interest, B) tossgirl streaming again, C) pros looking at 2v2 and 3v3 games, D) Cadenzie arriving, E) Britney playing a serious role in most of the above?
That'd be my guess. I just wish there were more publicity and English in these mixed team events. I had some interest a while back, but stopped following when it became difficult to find team schedules and Vods. Probably my fault.. wouldn't surprise me if the info was out there had I been searching harder.