-16강 첫 승인데. ▶게임이 끝나고 한동욱과 이야기를 했는데 상대가 소소한 실수가 있었다. 내가 운이 좋아서 승리를 거둔 것같다. 그래도 1승을 거둔 것은 기쁘다.
-You won the first match in the Ro16. ▶After the game, Casy told me a story about how he had made a tiny mistake in the game. Because I was lucky, I was able to win the game. Still, I am glad that I won the first match. --- -첫 벌처로 큰 소득을 거뒀다. ▶첫 벌처가 상대 본진 안에 들어가면 벌처를 더 생산해서 흔들 생각이었다. 못 들어가면 커맨드를 빨리 건설하고 하려고 했다. 벌처로 흔들 수 있어서 잘 풀어나갔다.
-Your first Vulture netted a lot of kills. (not entirely sure on this translation; sorry) ▶If the first Vulture got into the opponent's base, then I was going to produce more Vultures in order to harass. If I failed to do so, I decided to start building another Command Center. --- -오늘 대결은 포스트 임요환끼리의 대결이었다. ▶한동욱이 더 잘한다(웃음). 사실 경기 시작 전에는 그런 생각을 안하고 했다. 16강 첫 경기니까 보여줄 것 다 보여주고 기분좋게 승리를 거둬 16강을 잘 풀려고 했다.
-Today's match was between the Neo Emperors. ▶Casy is a lot better than I am (laughs). The truth is, I didn't think about that before the game started. Since it was a Ro16 game I showed all that I could and I was happy that I won the first match. --- -송병구과 김준영만 남았다. ▶송병구가 고비같다. 올시즌에 가장 좋은 성적을 거두면서 상승세에 올랐다. 이길 자신이 없는 것은 아니다. 나보다 못하는 선수가 없다고 생각하고 최선을 다하겠다.
-There's only Stork and GGPlay left. ▶It seems like Stork is the biggest problem. He has the best record thus far and is currently rising in the ranks (KeSPA probably?). I'm going to think that there are no weaker players than me and I'll just play my best in every game. --- -부담되는 경기인듯 싶은데. ▶그렇지는 않다. 부담감을 갖기 보다는 더욱 열심히 훈련하면 이길 수 있는 상대들이라고 생각한다. 나하고 똑같은 선수 아닌가.
-You'd want some exciting games. ▶I really don't want that. Instead of exciting games, I'd much rather play more games and train harder. Don't all players think like this? --- -스타리그에서 특별히 붙고 싶은 선수는. ▶이윤열하고 한번 더 붙고 싶다. 그때 붙어보고 많은 것을 배워서 성장했다. 한번 더 붙어서 이번에는 꼭 이겨보고 싶다. 내가 더 잘할 수 있을 때 꼭 붙고 싶다.
-Is there any particular player that you'd like to play in Starleague? ▶I'd like to play NaDa once. After the last time I played him I've grown from the experience. I'd like to beat him the next time I play him. I'm sure I can do better but I'd like to play him. --- -스타리그 최고 성적이 16강인데. ▶한단계 한단계 천천히 올라가는 것이 목표다. 결승에서 좋은 모습을 보여줄 수 있는 선수가 되겠다. 굳이 8강이다, 4강이다 이런 이야기는 하고 싶지 않다.
-You have the best record in the Ro16. ▶My plan is to slowly get better. I'd like to be the player in the finals with the best record. I don't want to be rated just because I might reach the Ro8 or Ro4. I just want to please my fans. (Thanks to sOnagi here for the last sentence) --- END OF INTERVIEW
edit: A couple of the translations may be a little off, due to my hazy memory of Korean vocabulary. I'm guessing a bit of slang was in here too, but I never bothered learning it T_T
edit2: I forgot to replace the first Han Dong Wook with Casy; I was forced to check on Liquibet -_-
luv you equinox, now go work on your PvT !
Hehe thanks ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
edit: Yes, I am working on PvT and PvZ
I like Up a lot. But still man, Dong Wook, you are sucking mad balls, wth. I like Up's humble attitude with his brilliant stratagems. Too bad Dong Wook sucks... but I guess its all part of love to be angry at someone too. GSDLKJGLKS:HTLDKFJl CHOBOSSEKI.
Kim Jun Young is GGPlay. Hanbit's Ace Zerg, btw
u gotta skate8152 Posts
So many interviews lately
On May 18 2007 08:11 Equinox_kr wrote: -16강 첫 승인데. ▶게임이 끝나고 한동욱과 이야기를 했는데 상대가 소소한 실수가 있었다. 내가 운이 좋아서 승리를 거둔 것같다. 그래도 1승을 거둔 것은 기쁘다.
-You won the first match in the Ro16. ▶After the game, Casy told me a story about how he had made a tiny mistake in the game. Because I was lucky, I was able to win the game. Still, I am glad that I won the first match. --- -첫 벌처로 큰 소득을 거뒀다. ▶첫 벌처가 상대 본진 안에 들어가면 벌처를 더 생산해서 흔들 생각이었다. 못 들어가면 커맨드를 빨리 건설하고 하려고 했다. 벌처로 흔들 수 있어서 잘 풀어나갔다.
-Your first Vulture netted a lot of kills. (not entirely sure on this translation; sorry) ▶The Vulture's HP was decent so I considered going inside his base. If I was unable to get inside, I would instead decide to build a Command Center. But because my Vulture was able to harass well, I was in a good position. --- -오늘 대결은 포스트 임요환끼리의 대결이었다. ▶한동욱이 더 잘한다(웃음). 사실 경기 시작 전에는 그런 생각을 안하고 했다. 16강 첫 경기니까 보여줄 것 다 보여주고 기분좋게 승리를 거둬 16강을 잘 풀려고 했다.
-Today's match was between the Neo Emperors. ▶Casy is a lot better than I am (laughs). The truth is, I didn't think about that before the game started. Since it was a Ro16 game I showed all that I could and I was happy that I won the first match. --- -송병구과 김준영만 남았다. ▶송병구가 고비같다. 올시즌에 가장 좋은 성적을 거두면서 상승세에 올랐다. 이길 자신이 없는 것은 아니다. 나보다 못하는 선수가 없다고 생각하고 최선을 다하겠다.
-There's only Stork and GGPlay left. ▶It seems like Stork is the biggest problem. He has the best record thus far and is currently rising in the ranks (KeSPA probably?). I'm going to think that there are no weaker players than me and I'll just play my best in every game. --- -부담되는 경기인듯 싶은데. ▶그렇지는 않다. 부담감을 갖기 보다는 더욱 열심히 훈련하면 이길 수 있는 상대들이라고 생각한다. 나하고 똑같은 선수 아닌가.
-You'd want some exciting games. ▶I really don't want that. Instead of exciting games, I'd much rather play more games and train harder. Don't all players think like this? --- -스타리그에서 특별히 붙고 싶은 선수는. ▶이윤열하고 한번 더 붙고 싶다. 그때 붙어보고 많은 것을 배워서 성장했다. 한번 더 붙어서 이번에는 꼭 이겨보고 싶다. 내가 더 잘할 수 있을 때 꼭 붙고 싶다.
-Is there any particular player that you'd like to play in Starleague? ▶I'd like to play NaDa once. After the last time I played him I've grown from the experience. I'd like to beat him the next time I play him. I'm sure I can do better but I'd like to play him. --- -스타리그 최고 성적이 16강인데. ▶한단계 한단계 천천히 올라가는 것이 목표다. 결승에서 좋은 모습을 보여줄 수 있는 선수가 되겠다. 굳이 8강이다, 4강이다 이런 이야기는 하고 싶지 않다.
-You have the best record in the Ro16. ▶My plan is to slowly get better. I'd like to be the player in the finals with the best record. If I do well in the Ro8 and Ro4 I hope I won't have to tell this story. (weird last sentence, pretty confusing -_-) --- END OF INTERVIEW
edit: A couple of the translations may be a little off, due to my hazy memory of Korean vocabulary. I'm guessing a bit of slang was in here too, but I never bothered learning it T_T
edit2: I forgot to replace the first Han Dong Wook with Casy; I was forced to check on Liquibet -_-
mm the last sentence (UpMagic's last response) had to do with "oh i made it to Ro8, or i made it to Ro4, i don't want to say (or be judged by) that" - my guess is because he doesn't want to show that he's at a certain level with other players (which his placement in Ro8 and Ro4 will show) but that he just wants to have a good performance for the fans
On May 18 2007 08:37 sOnagi[3.33] wrote: mm the last sentence (UpMagic's last response) had to do with "oh i made it to Ro8, or i made it to Ro4, i don't want to say (or be judged by) that" - my guess is because he doesn't want to show that he's at a certain level with other players (which his placement in Ro8 and Ro4 will show) but that he just wants to have a good performance for the fans
Oh - jeez, my Korean is so rusty T_T
I'll fix it right up.
haha did casy just try to use an excuse that foool!
Canada6683 Posts
-첫 벌처로 큰 소득을 거뒀다. ▶첫 벌처가 상대 본진 안에 들어가면 벌처를 더 생산해서 흔들 생각이었다. 못 들어가면 커맨드를 빨리 건설하고 하려고 했다. 벌처로 흔들 수 있어서 잘 풀어나갔다.
-Your first Vulture netted a lot of kills. (not entirely sure on this translation; sorry) ▶The Vulture's HP was decent so I considered going inside his base.
If the first Vulture got into the opponent's base, then I was going to produce more Vultures in order to harass.
유 아 쿨
Haha thanks Pressure.
And thanks Infinity for the translation; I was thinking about the sentence over and over in school (hehe aced my English quiz, however ^_^) and then you basically nailed it. Thanks again; I'll edit immediately.