WARNING: We (mods) have had just about enough of people spoiling, quoting, and arguing in this thread. This is the crack down kiddies. Don't get caught in the impending fire storm
Do not spoil games in this thread Do not comment on games in this thread Do not argue - about anything - in this thread
This thread is holy ground. Any post that is not a VOD link post or a Thank You will be 1984'd .
On July 30 2007 05:12 alffla wrote: i need savior vs backho last game cuz i had to go for dinner in between and when i left it was a pretty close game gogo yakii!! :D:D:D
On July 30 2007 05:12 alffla wrote: i need savior vs backho last game cuz i had to go for dinner in between and when i left it was a pretty close game gogo yakii!! :D:D:D
On July 30 2007 05:12 alffla wrote: i need savior vs backho last game cuz i had to go for dinner in between and when i left it was a pretty close game gogo yakii!! :D:D:D
My love for Yakii is quite complex. My family found my journal and want to know who this 'yakii' character is :[ . My greatest fear is that yakii will some day leave team liquid ;_;
Curse my korean reading abilities -_- I went to DCinside to try to find the vods and the vods were named "Winners match NAME VS NAME" "Losers match NAME VS NAME" Fuck. Now I'm spoiled
Of course I only spoiled myself for the match I actually cared about since somehow I managed to not look at the others -.- Maybe because the games were linked in the reverse god damn order