United States6657 Posts
Just for clarity sake, let's try to list their accomplishments.
July: KT-KTF Winner, IOPS OSL 2nd Place, EVER2 OSL Winner, and outstanding 2v2 performance for SKY Proleague. (the Gillette win does not count since it was 2004) Snickers Round 1 Runner-up. IPXZerg: UZOO MSL Winner, CYON MSL Top 2 GoRush: YouAreTheGolfKing MSL Winner, KT-KTF Runner-Up, IOPS OSL 3rd Place, EVER2 OSL 4th Place YellOw: KT-KTF 4th Place, Snickers Grand Final Winner, Blizzcon Winner, 5th Place for SKY Proleague MVP. ChoJJa: Top 2 CYON MSL, 4th Place for SKY Proleague 2v2 MVP. Jju: Second place in SKY Proleauge 1v1 MVP.
AnyTime: SO1 OSL Winner, 5th place in SKY Proleague MVP. Reach: UZOO MSL 2nd Place, Blizzcon 2nd Place StOrk: 5th Place in SKY Proleague 1v1 MVP Ra: Amazing performance for SKY Proleague ACE Matches. But since they don't count those, no rank for SKY MVP. Snickers Round 2 Runner-up. Rainbow: NOTHING! PuSan: SO1 OSL 4th Place
XellOs: EVER2 3rd Place GooDFriend: IOPS OSL 4th Place, EVER2 OSL 2nd Place NaDa: KT-KTF 3rd Place, YouAreTheGolfKing MSL 2nd Place, Snickers Round 1 Winner, Snickers Round 3 Runner-up, Blizzcon 3d Place, IOPS OSL Winner, 1st in SKY Proleague 1v1 MVP BoxeR: SO1 OSL 2nd Place, 100th Win Midas: NOTHING! Oov: UZOO MSL 4th Place, SO1 OSL 3rd Place, CYON MSL 3rd Place
Feel free to notify me if I missed anything or any of the info is wrong.
Anytime fought GGPlay and Yellow (the only 2 zergs in his path to the title) but they were not bo series. If I remember correctly, he beat Yellow by cheesing; the game against GGPlay I don't know what happened but GGPlay is far from a top zerg. Again, they were just 1 game, not a bo series.
A group consisting of Xellos, Pusan, Casy isn't exactly that hard. Casy has one of the worst TvP. His TvP record when he qualified for Shinhan OSL was something around 25%. Xellos is the guy Anytime and Pusan picked as the "easy terran" who they think they could dominate. And if you look at Anytime's performance in proleague since winning starleague, he's been doing terrible. I think, although I may be wrong, he has yet to win a game in proleague following his OSL win.
Still, his OSL win is impressive. He came out of nowhere and won a starleague before the disbelief of many. But consistency is what makes a good player great. Anytime to me still needs to prove this part of the equation. So far since his OSL win however, I'm not too impressed, although we'll have to give the guy more time.
United States6657 Posts
Hmm, reach's list seems so feeble, yet he seemed to play such a big role this year. Maybe it's cuz being the only protoss hope during a few months doesn't count..
on the other hand, NaDa's list is far more impressive than I had in mind.
tfeign, you just seem to like to bash Anytime. Granted, Reach deserves A LOT of recognition, but his 2005 year wasn't so great. Also, NaDa did have a very great beginning to 2005, but he seemed to fade an Boxer, to pick up. NaDa probably deserves the Terran MVP.
Also, July is untouchable in the Zerg ranks.
IPXZerg- He plays a mean zerg and almost never makes mistakes. Pusan- I love his style and hes coming in strong. Boxer- He almost won another Starleage.
July AT SB
edit: I voted for Boxer already, but then I saw Live2Win's stats
Nada has actually achieved so much more than Boxer in 2005.
LiveToWin: Oov: 3rd place Cyon MSL, and 4th place in UZOO MSL.
EDIT: And Pusan fits the Protoss list much more than Rainbow imo.(4th So1)
United States6657 Posts
On January 09 2006 16:20 Guybrush wrote: LiveToWin: Oov: 3rd place Cyon MSL, and 4th place in UZOO MSL.
EDIT: And Pusan fits the Protoss list much more than Rainbow imo.(4th So1)
ah thx, forgot about that.
they forgot foru for winning wcg
United States6657 Posts
FiFo results updated:
Best Terran of 2005: 1. BoxeR 2. NaDa 3. Oov
United States6657 Posts
On January 09 2006 19:33 CCHS wrote: they forgot foru for winning wcg
yea, I thought that was bs too
On January 09 2006 19:33 Live2Win wrote: FiFo results updated:
Best Terran of 2005: 1. BoxeR This was obvious.
ipx cuz he 7-0 macro monster oov since foru was not on the list, reach will do. boxer <3
United States4991 Posts
ForU REALLY deserves to be up there more than Rainbow IMO.... :/
putting boxer or oov over goodfriend is a terrible mistake.
Based on accomplishments the best T should have Nada, I think people voted for Boxer because he's popular and has been doing better in the last few months. But Nada did better for all of 2005. Yearly awards usually go like this though; stuff towards the end of the year is remembered better and hence counted more than stuff from near the beginning.
How well did July in SO1 OSL ? I dont really remeber.