Q: In your post-game TV interview, you said that if (T)BoxeR and (T)iloveoov came to your finals match, you would win.
If that happened, how could even Jangbi stand a chance?
he stand no chance. fantasy is on fire now. his mindset is put into play. this is the end for jangbi i guess. as flash said, if fantasy execute it perfectly. no1 can beat him.
Q: In your post-game TV interview, you said that if (T)BoxeR and (T)iloveoov came to your finals match, you would win.
If that happened, how could even Jangbi stand a chance?
he stand no chance. fantasy is on fire now. his mindset is put into play. this is the end for jangbi i guess. as flash said, if fantasy execute it perfectly. no1 can beat him.
In the last final , Fantasy was floating a ton of money in the last set where he basically could have won if he just macro'ed instead of flipping out when his setup got killed. Gas preference or not, if he doesn't spend vs Jangbi, hes dead.
mmm i'm kind of worried though. i think fantasy's game has 2 major weak points. the first is crisis management. fantasy is quite prone to getting overrun by early aggression, something that jangbi has become well known for recently (proxy robo in like 1/2 his pvt's). the second is macro. he was floating a lot of resources against flash and if you look to the last osl finals, his macro is one of the major things that let him down in the final set. i think jangbi stands a strong chance of taking this if fantasy doesn't patch the weaknesses in his game.
having said that, fuuuuark i wish zero had beaten jangbi. i would love to watch zero own fantasy with queens. zerg priiiide.
In the last final , Fantasy was floating a ton of money in the last set where he basically could have won if he just macro'ed instead of flipping out when his setup got killed. Gas preference or not, if he doesn't spend vs Jangbi, hes dead.
I don't know how Fantasy managed really, at one point in game 2, he had 4k mineral and 1k gas. And Flash had the greedier opening (14cc).
Q: In your post-game TV interview, you said that if (T)BoxeR and (T)iloveoov came to your finals match, you would win.
If that happened, how could even Jangbi stand a chance?
he stand no chance. fantasy is on fire now. his mindset is put into play. this is the end for jangbi i guess. as flash said, if fantasy execute it perfectly. no1 can beat him.
when did flash say that?
on the stream , before they play , someone translate it , fantasy say flash is good on his gosu game sense.
You have done it Fantasy. Having denied Flash the ultimate glory. For your results to reflect how good you are I wish BW went on forever but anyways getting 2 OSLs like your forefathers will be a huge step in that direction. Giving a tribute to BW to have a final like this.