Killer posted this message on his fancafe website a couple days ago.
Hello everyone ~ it's Jun Oh. You must have been shocked by the sudden news of my retirement .... I'm sorry I couldn't say anything in advance and you had to hear about it through the media,, For personal reasons, I'm quitting gaming.. Thank you, everyone, throughout this period, for giving such warm support and encouragement to insignificant me. I'll live life being thankful for and remembering every single one of the faces of all the fans who came to support me and the people who gave me encouragement!!
All the best to everyone and anyway, this was the career I chose so I have no regrets^^ Thank you all again..
+ Show Spoiler + 안녕하세요 여러분 ~ 준오예요 갑자기 은퇴기사 보고 다들 놀라셨죠 .... 미리 말못하고 기사로 접하게 해드려서 죄송해요,,
개인적인 사정때문에 게임을 그만하게됬어요.. 그동안 아무것도 아닌 저를 열심히 응원해주고 격려해주셔서 감사합니다 모두
응원와주신 팬분들 얼굴이나 응원해주셨던 분들 모두 한분도 빠짐없이 기억하고 감사하면서 살겠습니다!!
다들 좋은일만가득하시고 어짜피 제가 선택한일이니까 후회는하지 않을꼐요^^ 모두 감사했어요..
I teared up as I read this. Goodbye Killer, I won't forget you either! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Thank you for the translation! Also, this really reminds me of that "the office"-scene where Ricky has that message on his answering machine. "Im not in at the moment, but please leave a massage..".
Urgh, there's a typo in the title of the thread, could a mod please correct it, thanks!
Thanks Ryo for translating. I'm really appreciate it. Killer, wish you good luck in future. Thanks for the memories.
Goodbye Killer
Omg killer T___T message so sad/wistful

do what makes you happy.
Thanks for translating.
GLHF Killer
he could just join hiya path and be a BJ for awhile so we could see mini dong skill
That's unfortunate , hope he can be successful in whatever he chooses to do!
Thank you so much for translating! But.. T_____T!!!
everyone's retiring and my hope in kespa teams is continuing to dwindle
I feel bad that the only thing I remember is the 2 nukes.
I wonder if the "personal reasons" are because of the Oz disbanding, the poor season, the Team8 situation not being able to land their own main sponsor and the hybrid Proleague-cluster fuck that just got to much for him or if there was something else like family business that made him quit gaming even if he wouldn't mind continue playing?
Anywho, gl in the future kid.
i wouldnt be surprised if it has to do with sponsorship ... the thought of your career and income hanging by such a thin thread isn't the most pleasant situation to deal with.
This is really shocking and sad. GL Killer! You will always be the minidong!