comes in plz, about china vs korea battle!!!!!!!!! - Page 2
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1206 Posts
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173 Posts
It's true that the organizers have done a bad job overall, but I really think the reporters from both countries whined too much. All these reports only exposed the negative side of the event and magnified every single issue out of proportion. From the pictures from the official website the whole thing looks like a large and sprawling event, also a little messy of course. The thread opener just picked the most embarrassing picture (prob taken when the players were warming up in the LAN area) to illustrate the stupidity of the organizers. The table size was the biggest issue indeed, and it almost ruined the whole event. but after they made the necessary changes, players came back and kept everything going. Afterwards players from both sides were good-mannered and the matches were friendly. They have a couple soundproof (at least in theory) booths on stage, they're for contestants when their game is broadcast live on the big screen. Although i'm not totally sure but i think players did use their own equipments and it's said that they often needed to crawl under the table to plug/unplug the cables of their gears. ![]() Obviously the organizers belong to a whole different generation and have little idea about how to run a major e-sport event. i dont understand why they stage those Beijing opera and other gaudy shows during the openning ceremony, they're like performances for ppl 50-60 years of age. i think for esports to develop in china, more young ppl need to lift their heads out of their books and exams and try to take some things into their own hands. | ||
173 Posts
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United States16368 Posts
On August 20 2005 22:18 pbjay wrote: crap, this pic will haunt me all night ![]() LoL That's a keeper. | ||
Canada2180 Posts
On August 20 2005 20:12 SMiLE[bwd] wrote: koreans love english speakers. whenever i meet koreans, they always ask me to teach them english ^^;; rS.Loco probably could join West Sea Guild because hes foreigner and speaks english. it is interesting for koreans to see foreingers play sc. hey your a foreigner and you speak english, how come your not in sea? cause they don't accept foreigners.Loco being the exception that is. | ||
Australia8267 Posts
Just like doing anything else in China, everything thing you try to do will inevitably incur a "people expense." You pay the fuckers who run your event, you pay the fuckers who help connect you to the right people. you pay the fuckers so they ALLOW you to do what you are rightful entitled to do, you pay the fuckers in the government so they don't give you shits. You pay, you pay you pay... Jesus fucking christ... and you get no security watso ever, if some guy in the government decided you are a risk basing on his own opinion then they can just pull the plug on you and they don't need a valid reason... fucking BS... | ||
Sweden33719 Posts
What. Wait. Is this really happening? Haduken is ACTUALLY complaining about something chinese?!?!?!?!! | ||
United States209 Posts
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United States266 Posts
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Argentina3022 Posts
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Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
On August 20 2005 16:22 FireBlast! wrote: That was a very nice informative read. Certainly gives us a perspective of how global gaming is still lightyears away from becoming remotely like what it is in Korea. I mean, China's probably the most likely place to emulate Korea. More and more I feel progaming is truly a unique phenomenon and one for people to nurture and cherish before it can be fully accepted. It's really not that surprising. Germany? | ||
Canada1 Post
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United States5709 Posts
On August 20 2005 22:18 pbjay wrote: crap, this pic will haunt me all night ![]() should i feel bad that i think that girl is cute | ||
Germany403 Posts
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Australia3091 Posts
dont they know anything about pro gaming events? >_<!! | ||
China2164 Posts
ahh wtf .. *opens mouth* ... *quickly closes and walks out of thread*... | ||
10523 Posts
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Slovakia865 Posts
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Australia8267 Posts
Anyhow, my patriotsm only kicks in when foreigners bad mouth China... i do have a few opinions regarding the affairs of my country but lately i have grown more critical after reading threads after threads of Chinese posters who only think in terms of pride and so called "face reclaiming". It just appears that everyone back there only want something utterly superficial. They want China to be strong, to be united and when you ask them why? they tell you it is so that foreigners can treat them as equals and they can stand tall T_T. No one thinks to better the country or anything... if anything went wrong, they blame the society while totally neglecting their own responsibilities... i'm just sadden by this whole perceived notion of success in my culture.. Anyways... this is off topic. i think CKCG is badly organised and people shouldn't compare it with WEG. And on they said that they are going to organise a CKCG ever year till 2008 when Bejing olympics starts.. then they would try to turn CKCG as a side - show to the olympics... like electronic olympics or somthing which i thought was very interesting. An interesting thing to note: did you know the Korean singer performed in CKCG? she used to really popular in Korea and now she doing shows and releasing albums in China... (I'm sure Koreans and Chinese know her) Very interesting to see that a main stream pop artist is involved in this event keke. | ||
China330 Posts
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