hi fold, are you there? finally i am managed to contact a chinese gosu and he said he wants to join. probably we can get more people from his help.
so when we need to hand in our line up? i just tried so hard to contact 1 gosu, and i guess he can bring us more. can we delay a bit?
This good
On October 26 2011 23:21 stevewch wrote: hi fold, are you there? finally i am managed to contact a chinese gosu and he said he wants to join. probably we can get more people from his help.
so when we need to hand in our line up? i just tried so hard to contact 1 gosu, and i guess he can bring us more. can we delay a bit? I'll submit a list anyway and then update that as we get more people so there's no real rush. Just remember nation wars starts November 5th but there's no schedule yet so I don't know when our matches are. Thanks so much for your effort.
sorry just read above posts. we can update the line up later. thanks btw, for those who can read chinese and want to see the link, please pm me.
hey, fold so do we have the map set right now?
please keep me update if there is any news. i'll check this thread daily
hey, so quite a lot of my chinese frd wont have tl acc and iccup acc since they have their own forums and server so what do you want me to provide in that case? just their id?
Fighting Spirit Longinus 2 Circuit Breakers - 2x2 Blue Storm La Mancha New Bloody Ridge Match Point - Ace Match
Eywa also says our match timings can be changed to 15CET (2200KST) and 1CET (0800KST) which is much more reasonable. This means that we'll have to split the players so games can be played at the two different times.
On October 27 2011 02:23 stevewch wrote: hey, so quite a lot of my chinese frd wont have tl acc and iccup acc since they have their own forums and server so what do you want me to provide in that case? just their id? Just their id, race and some ranking (if you can do that?) will do for now. Could you also get their contact details so there is some way to inform everyone when the games are on? They don't need to create an account on TL but if they want that's fine too.
Don't need to create an account on fish with the country tag yet, I'm asking Eywa what it should be changed to.
so it is 2100HKT (nov 5th) and 0700HKT (nov 6th)?? i think 2100hkt would be better for me and other chinese players
i have their contacts, but in china they use a communication tool called QQ(a thing like icq) instead of msn. and actually i am thinking to ask you to install this QQ to enhance our communication. i just finished translating all the details mentioned by eywa in the 1st post of the ANW thread, tonight i will give the document to my chinese frd. so he can get more information of the event to tell other chinese players.
On October 27 2011 14:36 stevewch wrote: so it is 2100HKT (nov 5th) and 0700HKT (nov 6th)?? i think 2100hkt would be better for me and other chinese players
i have their contacts, but in china they use a communication tool called QQ(a thing like icq) instead of msn. and actually i am thinking to ask you to install this QQ to enhance our communication. i just finished translating all the details mentioned by eywa in the 1st post of the ANW thread, tonight i will give the document to my chinese frd. so he can get more information of the event to tell other chinese players.
That's just the timings he's given us. The whole thing starts on November 5th but our matches might not be scheduled on that date as in it hasn't been announced who will be playing who and when they are. I'll let you know when he does that.
I'll also install QQ and tell you how that goes.
On October 27 2011 14:37 Black[CAT] wrote: WTF...longinus2.... ...the maps are a bit funny.
Edit: The new country tag for our team is now [AP] for Asia Pacific i.e fold[AP]. Please make a new account on fish with that tag instead.
fold, plz pm me ur QQ number
On October 27 2011 14:36 stevewch wrote: so it is 2100HKT (nov 5th) and 0700HKT (nov 6th)?? i think 2100hkt would be better for me and other chinese players
i have their contacts, but in china they use a communication tool called QQ(a thing like icq) instead of msn. and actually i am thinking to ask you to install this QQ to enhance our communication. i just finished translating all the details mentioned by eywa in the 1st post of the ANW thread, tonight i will give the document to my chinese frd. so he can get more information of the event to tell other chinese players.
It's not an either/or, its a you have those two play times. Which gets used will depend on which team you are playing.
I'll practice on La Mancha fold
I'll practice on whichever map fold assigns me to....
EDIT: I'll start hardcore practice after my last exam on the 3rd.
Country: Mongolia (MN) Iccup ID: zaMNal (iSL2-zaMNal) Fish ID: zaMNal (iSL2-zaMNal) Rank (Iccup/Fish): C+ Race: Zerg
Will gladly support and participate as time allows.
On October 28 2011 15:24 Black[CAT] wrote: I'll practice on whichever map fold assigns me to.... Good for you
Just a reminder that there is a training session today at 1300KST. I hope most of you can make it so we can start assigning maps to people.
I will only be able to stay for about 2 hours.
Make sure to also create a new account with your ID followed by [AP]
See you all at op AP. Thanks.