On May 15 2011 10:09 sushiman wrote:Hwasin. Was awesome back in the day, but never managed to get much further than RO16 I think, despite always qualifiying. The 4/6 dragons that aren't Bisu/Stork; all of them have been very close but have usually been denied some way or the other. (worst being BeSt getting kicked out of OSL 08 from horrible spawn on Fantasy II vs Stork.) Sea have been very good for a long time, but I don't think anyone has considered him a contender for years since he automatically chokes in anything that's not PL. Iris is probably the terran that's been most deserving not to have won a SL. Lots of different zergs have been winning SL's, don't know anyone that should have won one except YellOw. Maybe the other YellOw.  Yeah um/. Hwasin threw matches. So you never know if he actually could've won. No match fixer should ever be champion.
This is easily Iris, come on guys.
He's played well enough for long enough, and gone far enough in the actual leagues (unlike poor Sea) that he definitely should have one. If you doubt that, watch 3 of probably the top five bo5s ever he was involved in:
Shinhan3 OSL Semis - vs Savior Daum OSL Finals - vs GGPlay Avalon MSL Quarters - vs Bisu
A lot of people also forget he got to the finals of GOM3 as well, but lost to Flash.
Honorable mentions definitely go to Midas, Zero and mayyybe Hwasin. I thought Hwasin was at the time, but things have changed a lot since, obviously.
Free and Sea should both be on here, but I consider being able to handle the pressure of league play as a prerequisite for being 'best', so I'd rank them a bit lower.
It's gotta be Sea, also I am wishing that anyone who wins a starleague (who deserves it and hasn't got one yet) surges after their victory. I mean how cool would it be if Sea won a starleague then went on a 85-90% tear through most of proleague??
Well obviously YellOw is the clear #1 player to have never won a starleague. After him, I'd say Jangbi since he was more dominant than any one else who hasn't won a starleague. Right now, Jangbi is reallllllllllly bad, and he hasn't been good since 2009, but for a short stretch in early 2009/late 2008, it seemed like he was the best player in the world. Of course, he ended up losing to Bisu in the finals, but he was really quite good during that period of time. Besides Jangbi, I'd say that Midas was REALLY good back in 2006/2007, and if not for sAviOr's ridiculous dominance, he would have won a starleague.
Sea has the #1 vote in the poll, but I do not believe that Sea was ever that dominant. He just has been consistently one of the best players of all time, but you usually need to be dominant to win a starleague, and that's why he hasn't gotten far in any star leagues >< If the poll said "Most deserving player to have never won a starleague", then I woudl have voted for Sea, but his peak was never quite as good as other players on the poll, so I don't think he's the BEST to have never won.
Midas, if it weren't for Savior, we could have bagged at least a gold in his career ...
To the signature on top of me, LOL.
I voted Leta because he's such a great ace player. If only his confidence in ace matches (especially when he was in Hite Sparkyz) carry over into individual leagues, he'd be bonjwa. Sadly, poor TvP seems to be one of the greatest hindrances for a Terran player to becoming a champion.
if jangbi wasnt slumping so bad i wouldve said him.
i guess sea/leta
Kal, i remember when he was my favorite player a year ago...
I think Midas, Jangbi or Hwasin (though I guess he doesn't count) would have been closest...
Close between Leta and Kal, but I chose Kal in the end instead
Singapore66072 Posts
Sea, definitely. Most solid and consistent terran in the long run (Iris comes VERY close), yet never getting beyond Ro8.. how sad.
god damn berserker.. always so close :[ ive always thought hwasin was the best player to never win a starleague though.. meh
Don't get why people vote Sea, really. He's always been good but never good enough to be a real contender for a title, not even close. Being 3rd-5th best terran consistently does not make you best at anything.
Gonna go with Iris cause I love aggression but Sea comes very close because he's so consistent and has been for a long time.
Oh, Calm won Starleague, nice. Well then, Neo.G_Soulkey. Also Baby, but I'm sure he'll win at some point, he's so young and good.
[NC]...YellOw, i don't even want to argue on this, all old school players should understand why.
Jangbi, as good as Sea was in proleague he's never been an individual league player. Sea might be the best player to have never made a semifinal but thats about it.
Jangbi was the second best dragon for a while. He was dominating left and right, but Bisu and somewhat weak pvz held him back.
I would say Kal, i watch a bit of BW and he seems to be a great player, he did really well in WCG 2010 iirc