On February 15 2003 06:34 adObO_GoD wrote: blizzard aint making the patch in like 1-2 years...  And even if they do, they will just fix few bugs. They are making expansion pack for War3. It will take a lot time to debug and balance that shit, but that shit will make a lot money.
On February 15 2003 06:21 HovZ wrote: ya turrets should be 200 so that we cripple ourselfs in the process of preventing dt or reav harass, and mines shoud be toned down to 25 damage so as to make zeals more useful, and who needs medics, vanilla marines stop hydr lurk just fine, and whoever invented seige mode for tanks was definatly on drugs
Nah hovz i think 200 minerals is definately too expensive for missile turrets, i think you haven't considered the price too carefully, and mines doing 25 damage is too little even i think so and medics shouldn't be taken out. Siege mode is good. I think you're not very bright, either that or you were being funny but it didn't quite work. 
oh and DV8 i play all 3 races, and i'm not exactly a newbie btw so you can stop trying to be condescending over a computer game.
Sweden33719 Posts
Um terran is pretty balanced I'd say--; Only thing I have heard which might be good is decreasing medic heling rate (very very slightly), as to give hydras a chance when the numbers are even (small skirmishes, such as a dropship load or something like that). Also Dark archons rock. Pro's do use them, I have seen rain use them more than once. They are very good in the beginning (when you are likely to have hydras doing hit and run on your cannoned expo), good vs crack/ultra, good vs guardian, good vs the occasional zerg magic user. They are just overall really good.
Regards FrozenArbiter
they should make an upgrade that makes the medic fire a pistol and an upgrade for dropships to drop bombs!!! that wuold be cool!!
they should also make carriers drop bombs!! and the bombs would be like zerglings!!
HovZ was joking Intothedrain ... and i loved it 
Terran is not too strong! In my Opinion Z and P players just use wrong strats (vs ter) .. Example: Rekrul vs Elky. I'm not saying Rekrul played wrong (only few would have done better) but man this guy just runs again and again in Elkys mines and sieged tanks! Why doesn't he try to drop his main? Storm the nat (from the cliff) and use dt's ?? Don't understand that. For me it's way easier to hold my push than to defend 4 dt's dropped into my main. And for z users .. if i were u, i ALWAYS would try to use dark swarm. T has no possibility to stop that except irradiating. And have you ever tried to ensnare marines?? Just great
About ZvP i only can say that i think P has to play smarter and not just run around with a large army to kill everything in sight. But i don't play Z or P so ..
just my 2 cents
Yes i know he was joking Konni
I have heard of ensnare thx .
no matter what balance changes are made bw would still be unballanced, its just impossible to 100% balance a game as bw
blizzard would never take the time to patch sc at the expense of war3. war3 is their major money maker and marquee product. given that they are working on ghost and balancing the war3 exp, the statistical probability of there being a major sc patch within the next year and a half is virtually nil. reason being that post expansion they will be focusing on the next major product and the expansion patches.
On February 15 2003 14:58 Casper... wrote: the statistical probability of there being a major sc patch within the next year and a half is virtually nil. reason being that post expansion they will be focusing on the next major product and the expansion patches.
The statistical probability that I'm on east right now waiting to play brood war within the next minute is virtually one. Reason being that I don't want to do anything else right this minute.
-- Nate
Norway28560 Posts
"toss should use more DA's"
zerg should use more queens.. if toss started using queens a lot then the matchup would be altered even more in zergs favour regardless of if toss started using more da's.
ensnare is soooooooooooo good (and it is really easy to cast, (much easier than storm), costs 100/100 for the upgrade (so do queens) and 75 energy... one guy mentioned ensnaring rines so they'd take longer to reach the expansion where you just lurker dropped the scvs, how about just ensnaring the scvs so they take twice as long to retreat?
ensnaring zealots, they suddenly become equal to nonspeedy zealots and they get buttfucked by hydras.. broodlinging templars, they die, ensnaring goons and they start sucking even more (vs zerg), ensnare templars, parasite templars so you constantly know where he's going, ensnare archons and you can kill them with hardly any losses using mutas.. ensnare rines and you negate stim (or make them move at half- unstimmed speed), broodling tanks, parasite vessels and dropships (and ensnare dropships too)
im expecting the next evolutionary step of starcraft to be increased ensnare use. this will make zerg dominate for a while, until toss becomes forced to making dark archons (for feedback), terran will have to start being really fucking creative cause queens are like as good as defilers cept they come way earlier vs t. =[
dunno why I posted this, but I like predicting shit

Ensnare owns in zvz muta vs muta. Saw a rep where one z got totally owned when the other ensnared him. -.-
the game is balanced =[ just people get good at stopping certain strats/techniques *FOR EXAMPLE pvz most p 2gate everygame and continuously lose -- but then u look at nal_ra who has created and reinvented many strats/builds and he seems to do well vs zerg maybe the key is to use *VARIATION for some of u people that are ignorant and dont know what it means. IT MEANS TO CHANGE/SWITCH UP things so stop bitching about losing to z when u 2 gate zeal everygame vs the same person =[
Dude Nal_Ra loses Vs Z more then any other race. His TvP is insanely good I think, but your right he does use some funky ass strats vs all races. His ZvP strat vs chojja on Neo jungal story in WCGs prelims I thought was great.
On February 15 2003 20:34 Sadist wrote: FOR EXAMPLE pvz most p 2gate everygame and continuously lose 2 gate is safe strat. 1 gate teching vs 8 pool is very risky. Fast lings are too strong and too fast.
oh and DV8 i play all 3 races, and i'm not exactly a newbie btw so you can stop trying to be condescending over a computer game. 
GOooood for you , I know BGH newbies who can do the same, they also don't learn from their mistakes.
Terran: -decreased rate of fire for turrets -spider mine damage type changed to concussive (from normal)*
Protoss: -Dark archon mana recharge rate increased
Zerg: -Ultralisk armor upgrade reduced by 1, build time increased slightly -Adrenal upgrade effectiveness decreased slightly
I dunno, just throwing out some ideas here.
*not 100% sure that the damage is normal now, but I think the damage of mines is excessively strong vs all units, needs to be more centralized as a COUNTER, not an all around amazingly strong terran upgrade.
If terran used bunkers in combination with their tank+mine pushes (as mid-late game terrans have lots of minerals vs gas) it would be even more brutal versus Protoss.