5003 Posts
On April 10 2011 19:43 stath44 wrote: So Spica edits his post and makes his translation from 2 barracks 1 factory Milks? i missing the point in here.
Hmm, I think you may be misreading something then.
Original Korean: "내가 질럿 푸시를 할 때 영호가 배럭 더블을 선택해야 되는 전략이었고, 상대가 팩 더블을 했다면 불리했을 수도 있는데 잘 맞아떨어져서 생각한 대로 이끌어 갈 수 있었다. "
"When I pushed out with my Zealots, for my strategy to work, Flash had go for a rax expand, but if he had gone for a factory expand instead, then I could have been at a disadvantage, but since the game went the way I wanted it to go, I was able to win."
The idea is that factory expand -> faster vultures -> zealots dont do as much damage and Bisu is at a disadvantage. So, for Bisu's strat to work flash had to go Rax Expand, so that's why Bisu says this.
Not too sure what you're talking about :S
congratz SkT and thanks for the interview
Thanks for the translation. And great job SKT!
I'm glad that finaly you all helped Spica to make his transaltion correct.
OOV bad hair day. Look 100years old.
Thanks a bunch for the translation! Nice greeting to fomos. :D
Congrats to the winner, though I found the finals to be a little underwhelming, interesting build of Bisu :p
On April 10 2011 19:59 gongryong wrote: I. WAS. THERE. xD
Stop making us jelly please .. -_-
Amazing play by s2 and really happy for Bisu. :D
God watching that shot of Kang Min cheer for KTF during Bisu versus Flash...
Also, Bisu's strat worked and Flash still had a commanding position in midgame. Flash is so good...
Thanks for the translation! G.NA ftw.
loved all the games of the finals, thanks for the translations!
If Bisu sees factory expand he can stop zealot production though and still get goons out in time. He scouted first so he could have made a single zealot and stopped the plan anyway. Even if he scouted late it's only 2 zealots produced that was not needed (and its not like zealots are useless still). He is being modest; I mean yes he could have been at a very slight disadvantage but people taking it to mean it was zealot pump or lose are just wrong.
Great Games but.. What's with the haircut... oov