MSL Survivor Group 7 2-0 Winner: Bisu “I definitely want to win this season”
Q: It’s your 10th consecutive MSL qualification A: I started thinking how long-lasting I am staying at MSL. I honestly didn’t have confidence this season. My record hasn’t been good lately, so I was questioning whether I could advance, but I’m glad that succeeded.
Q: How was your game against Modesty? A: I made fast Robotics in preparation for his Lurkers and thought I would win easily as soon as my Observer was produced. In addition, my HTs could use two storms each, so I easily blocked the Hydra push.
Q: [Question fail, nothing was written here so I’m guessing: How did you prepare your builds for today?] A: I couldn’t practice a lot, but I thought a lot about it. I couldn’t play a lot for Winner’s League, so I used the builds that I couldn’t use. I think it worked out rather well. Q: How did you feel when you saw your opponent’s build?? A: I realized for the first time that people actually use Bachanic [bionic + mechanc] on that map yesterday. However during practice yesterday, I lost to the same build. I had a feeling that he would use bachanic today, so I even stopped Probe production to focus on my army, and things happened according to my prediction, so it was easy from there. Honestly, I didn’t practice that with my teammates, but I played it in a private server, and my opponent could have been BaBy (laughs). I laughed during the game, and thought of it as déjà vu.
Q: Your Proleague performance is not very good A: When I kept losing, I lost my confidence. Against WeMade FOX, I only got 1 kill, against KT, I couldn’t even get any kills, and against Hwaseung, I lost as well. Consequently, I got used to losing and couldn’t find ways to win. I’m very different from how I was last year. I think I’ll have to look for ways to win again in Proleague.
Q: Your goal for MSL A: It’s been way over a year since I’ve won. Even outside of MSL, I want to go to the finals for any individual leagues and win it. Last season, I disqualified so early so I was like a member of audience, but when I saw the players advance high, it seemed so fun. I definitely want to advance higher, and I want to show that I can win to people around me. I definitely want to show good results.
Q: Anything else? A: I lost so many times so my confidence has diminished, but my manager and coaches gave me a lot of advices and my fans continued to cheer me, so I think I’ll have to do better. People gave me a lot of strength for today, and I want to thank them for it.
- 10연속 MSL진출에 성공했다 ▲ MSL에는 진짜 오래 머무르는구나 하는 생각을 가지게 됐다. 사실 이번에는 자신이 좀 없었다. 요즘 성적이 안 좋아서 오늘 올라갈 수 있을까 의문을 품기도 했는데 이렇게 올라가게 돼서 기분 좋다.
- 김현우와의 경기는 어땠나 ▲ 러커를 대비해서 로보틱스를 빨리 올렸고 옵저버만 있으면 쉽게 이길 수 있다고 생각했다. 그리고 템플러의 사이오닉 스톰을 두 번 쓸 수 있는 마나가 있어서 히드라 러시를 잘 막을 수 있겠다고 생각했다.
- ▲ 연습을 그렇게 많이 하지는 못했고 생각을 많이 했다. 위너스리그에 많이 나오지 못해서 쓰지 못했던 빌드들을 쓰게 됐다. 대체적으로 잘 풀린 것 같다.
- 상대 바카닉을 파악하고 나서 어땠는지 ▲ 그 맵에서 바카닉을 하기도 한다는 것을 어제 처음 알았다. 그런데 어제는 내가 그 빌드에 졌었다. 왠지 오늘도 바카닉인가 하는 느낌이 들어서 프로브도 안 뽑아 가면서 병력 생산에 주력했는데 생각했던 대로 흘러가서 잘 풀린 것 같다. 사실 팀원들이랑 한 것이 아니라 사설 서버에서 한 판 했던 경기였는데 아마 그게 전태양 선수일수도 있다.(웃음) 게임하면서도 웃음이 나왔고 데자뷰 현상인가 하는 생각도 들었다.
- 프로리그에서 활약이 미미하다 ▲ 지다 보니까 자신감을 잃게 되더라. 지난 번에서 위메이드전에서 1킬 밖에 못하고 KT전에서는 아무것도 못하고 지고, 화승전에서도 이상하게 졌다. 그러다 보니 지는 게 익숙해 지는 것 같고 이기는 방법을 못 찾겠더라. 작년의 나와는 너무 달랐다. 프로리그에서 어떻게든 다시 이기는 방법을 찾아야 할 것 같다.
- MSL에서 목표가 듣고 싶다 ▲ 우승한 지 1년이 훨씬 넘은 것 같다. MSL뿐만이 아니더라도 개인리그에서 꼭 결승에 가서 우승하고 싶다. 지난 번에 너무 일찍 탈락해서 시청자의 입장이었는데 선수들이 높은 무대에서 하는 것을 보니까 굉장히 재미있어 보였다. 꼭 다시 한 번 가보고 싶고 주위에 아는 사람들을 불러 놓고 이기는 모습을 보여 주고 싶기도 하다. 꼭 좋은 성적을 내고 싶다.
- 하고 싶은 말이 있다면 ▲ 그 동안 너무 많이 져서 자신감을 잃었었는데 감독님이나 코치님이 좋은 말씀 해주셨고 팬 여러분도 계속 응원해 주시는 만큼 앞으로 잘 해야 할 것 같다. 오늘 이기라고 주변 사람들이 많이 힘을 줬는데 고맙다고 말하고 싶다.
MSL Survivor Group 7 2-1 Winner: BaBy “My heart was about to explode thinking I might lose in the final match again”
Q: You’ve finally made it to the MSL A: I’ve advanced to Survivor 3 times, but I kept losing in the final match. I was shocked after all those times, and I’m relieved that I finally qualified this time.
Q: How was your match against Luxury? Your Dropship usage was good A: I made the natural Refinery too late, so my Vessels were late. I thought the only way was to use Dropships. That strategy luckily worked really well, so I was able to win. When I was focusing too much on the battle in the center, my gas timing was off. Q: Did you prepare for the Bachanic against Bisu? A: When I get gas rushed, I scout the opponent and if they 1 Gate expand, their tech becomes late and this strategy works well. I won a lot with this strategy, and yesterday night, I didn’t have anyone to practice with, so I practiced on a private server and I won that game. Therefore, when I saw Bisu do a 1 Gate expand, I thought I could win, but I oddly lost. He’s definitely really good.
Q: Oh my. Bisu said that he lost to someone’s Bachanic last night and therefore he was able to prepare for the strategy, so wasn’t your opponent Bisu last night? A: Match Point gives a lot of points in private server, so I played one match. If it really was Bisu, I really am not lucky (laughs).
Q: How was your last game against Modesty? A: Last game, my Command Center was lifted, and Lurkers came into my main, so I thought I would lose a final match like that again, and became really nervous. My heart has never pumped that hard in my life before. When Modesty’s army died by my mines, and my 1 Vulture killed a lot of his Drones, then I finally thought that I won the game.
Q: You seem to be on a good pace. Goals for MSL? A: My goal is Ro16 for now. As I practice, I realize that I’m still lacking a lot so I’ll have to try harder.
Q: Anything else? A: I will do my best in the future.
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- 드디어 MSL 진출인데 ▲ 여태까지 3번 정도 올라왔었는데 계속 최종전에서 떨어졌었다. 그러면서 충격을 많이 받았었는데 늦게나마 이렇게 올라갈 수 있어서 다행인 것 같다.
- 박찬수와의 경기는 어땠나. 드랍십 활용이 좋았는데 ▲ 중반에 앞마당 가스를 늦게 지어서 베슬도 잘 안 찍히고 그래서 드랍십 밖에 방법이 없다고 생각했다. 운이 좋게 그게 잘 먹혀서 이길 수 있었다. 센터 싸움에 집중하다가 가스 타이밍이 약간 어긋났었다.
- 김택용전에서 바카닉은 원래 준비한 것인가 ▲ 원래 가스러시를 당하면 정찰을 해보고 상대가 게이트 더블을 하면 테크가 느리기 때문에 이전략이 잘 통한다. 원래 잘 이겼고 어제도 새벽에 연습할 사람이 없어서 사설서버에서 게임을 했는데 그 때도 내가 이겼었다. 그래서 오늘 김택용 선수가 게이트 더블하는 것을 보고 이길 수 있겠다고 생각했는데 이상하게 지더라. 역시 잘하는구나 생각했다.
- 맙소사. 김택용 선수가 어제 사설서버에서 누군가의 바카닉에 지고 덕분에 이번 경기에서 잘 대비했다고 하던데 상대가 김택용 선수 아니었나 ▲ 사설서버에서 점수를 많이 주는 맵이 매치포인트라서 딱 한 판을 했었는데 그게 정말 김택용 선수였다면 내가 정말 운이 없는 것 같다.(웃음)
- 김현우와의 최종전은 어땠나 ▲ 마지막 경기는 앞마당 커맨드센터도 뜨고 본진에 러커도 들어오고 하면서 또 최종전에서 이렇게 지는구나 싶어서 굉장히 떨렸다. 살면서 이렇게 심장이 두근두근했던 적은 처음이다. 김현우 선수가 내 앞마당에서 마인 대박으로 죽고 내 벌쳐 1기가 상대 드론을 많이 잡은 것을 확인하고 나서야 비로소 이겼다는 생각이 들었다.
- 최근 분위기가 좋은데 MSL에서의 목표는 ▲ 일단 16강을 목표로 하고 있다. 연습하면서도 느끼지만 아직 부족한 점이 많아서 더 열심히 해야 할 것 같다.
i guess progamers dont know the hotkey-prints of other progamers, that or they dont check bwchart afterwards. either way luck was on bisu's side, good to see him advance
and man, bisu's hair looks dreadful. But i hope he gets back to his feet, thou i don't like him much i respect what he has done and hope he can continue to get into finals (so i can cheer for the opponent )
HAHAHAHA Baby was so unlucky. And bachanic sounds really weird lol.
Wish them best of luck this msl! This may well be Baby's breakout season. And bisu needs to recover from his slump, the toss race needs him even though I'm not that big of a fan.
On a side note, Luxury was exceedingly disappointing today. He is definitely slumping. Hopefully he recovers fast, or violet and stats will take his place like np. KT needs a solid zerg like him though.
On February 26 2010 00:41 Warrior Madness wrote: lmao. Best story ever. It would've been better though if there was a romantic twist in the end imo.
They fall in love with one another online while being bitter rivals in real life, each not knowing who the other really is? Tom Hanks as Baby and Meg Ryan as Bisu.
Now in the OSL Bisu has to face Modesty again, which now i feel he'll be able to handle, How do you guys think he fares up to go.go? I've never seen the kids play. nor know anything about him really.
On February 26 2010 02:15 years wrote: Now in the OSL Bisu has to face Modesty again, which now i feel he'll be able to handle, How do you guys think he fares up to go.go? I've never seen the kids play. nor know anything about him really.
go.go is traditionally a very average player, especially versus protoss. However, he did beat (and manner CC) Bisu the last time they met, in Bacchus OSL.
Pretty funny story involving the practice games they both had, would really suck for Baby to have won vs Bisu in a practice game but lose when it really mattered.
On February 26 2010 00:41 Warrior Madness wrote: lmao. Best story ever. It would've been better though if there was a romantic twist in the end imo.
They fall in love with one another online while being bitter rivals in real life, each not knowing who the other really is? Tom Hanks as Baby and Meg Ryan as Bisu.
On February 26 2010 02:15 years wrote: Now in the OSL Bisu has to face Modesty again, which now i feel he'll be able to handle, How do you guys think he fares up to go.go? I've never seen the kids play. nor know anything about him really.
well be glad you've never seen his face before. It's hideous
he's not a very good player either, though he is decently good at beating bisu and at building CCs in your base.
On February 26 2010 02:15 years wrote: Now in the OSL Bisu has to face Modesty again, which now i feel he'll be able to handle, How do you guys think he fares up to go.go? I've never seen the kids play. nor know anything about him really.
He has statiscally shittier TvP than FBH. Besides his trademarked manner CC, his play nothing special.
He beat Bisu with a deep 6 push cheese in a Bo1 in the Bachuss Osl ro16 talking Bisu's position in the ro8, only to put up the most pathetic fight against Yarnc and getting crushed.
Even in Bisu's current form, he should have no problem vs. Go.go in a Bo3 if he gets past modesty.
On February 26 2010 00:41 Warrior Madness wrote: lmao. Best story ever. It would've been better though if there was a romantic twist in the end imo.
They fall in love with one another online while being bitter rivals in real life, each not knowing who the other really is? Tom Hanks as Baby and Meg Ryan as Bisu.
ROFL, what are the odds of them playing eachother in an iccup (I assume it was iccup? maybe brain or fish or something) match?
I can't believe no one on their teams would help Bisu and Baby practice though, what's up with that? Most of the time interviewed players list half the players on their team and a few guys from other teams who helped them practice.