On December 15 2009 06:13 JiYan wrote: i understand the implications, and granted it may be a harder transition than lets say D+/C-, but the system stands. IF it is a problem, what would you propose?
What I'd suggest is having, at all ranks, a point loss of 130 for losing to equal rank. Then (when playing MOTW), a player needs to win more than half of his games to go up in rank, and if that player wins less than half of his games for a while, he'll go down in rank. Maybe I'm being naive, but this seems like the most natural way to do it.
This is already implimented blue the higher rank you are the more points you lose for losing to an equal rank player. This means that if you are a 0.500 player you will never stay in the A- rank you can only attain B+. When you reach the A ranks you lose 140 points for losing to the same rank. B rank loses 100, C is 75, D is 50. Thats one way the ladder is designed to create a spread between the ranks. If ALL ranks lost 130/140 points then the ranks wouldn't spread out there would be lots of higher rank but inconsistant players stuck in lower ranks.
actually raelcun, i think what would happen is that there would be too many lower ranks and not enough higher ranks. thinking about it, why would increasing the points LOST add to the higher ranks? i think what would happen is a HUGE amount of lower ranked players imo.
I don't understand the rationale behind the legal maphack.
On December 18 2009 04:56 illu wrote: I don't understand the rationale behind the legal maphack.
They're probably just being vague again. Like when they said they're removing the complaint forum and replaced it with a better system.
On December 15 2009 10:06 majesty.k)seRapH wrote:Show nested quote +On December 15 2009 09:06 old times sake wrote:On December 15 2009 07:55 dhe95 wrote: There's no point in letting people who don't understand the fundamentals play vs other people who are equally as bad. When you beat people who don't even have a grasp of the basics, they're just hurting themselves.
For example, my 1st game, I got dragoon rushed on python. When his 5 dragoons faced my one tank (E level macro), he took out my tank and went straight for my SCV line. If I was playing at E level, then chances are, i'd get zealot rushed, or his goons would start killing all my supply depots. But the fact is that I was playing vs someone who has the most basic understanding; that killing my scvs meant i'd be poorer. I never had this idea before, and even if I didn't go completely in depth in analyzing my reps, I would've still figured out just by playing people who get the basics rather than the games that end up being a game of luck. I don't think this logic works. If you are correct, this argument would seem to justify forcing us all to play against only pros, so that we see "real strategies" and not "ones at our level." Furthermore, ladders have ranks for a reason, and they're called ladders for a reason. There are different rungs to climb. Ranks represent different levels. The whole idea is that you play someone closer to your skill, and you're basically saying that the idea is bunk... why have ranks at all then? What's a ladder for? having people learn from people who know something more is always a great part of learning. by his logic, we don't necessarily need to play against the pros, but we should play against people better than us, like a D playing D+ or D+ playing C- or B+ playing A-. all of these people will eventually learn more strategies and figure out ways to counter them. No, no, let's be clear here. dhe95 says that there's no point in bad players playing each other because they will lose to bad strategies instead of good ones--for instance, a zealot rush defeating a Terran instead of 5 goons (his example). He says that if they play against players who at least do proper strategies, they will learn "true things" instead of the "false things" they learn from players their level.
I think what he's saying ignores the basic fact that even among top pros there are strategies that they do which their opponents shouldn't do. There is no such thing as a "true strategy" for everyone--every skill level has its own good and bad strategies. If a C+ player tries to do A level strategies he may very well lose to something which is easier for a C+ player to do well which no A player would ever try. Every level has a different set of "best" strategies, and to say that the very lowest players must therefore copy "at least" the "middle" or "standard" is simply to select one standard as official when there are countless others none of which more right than the other.
Furthermore, if you say that we should all play someone better than us, then why would they play us? Shouldn't THEY play someone better too? And then, no one can play anyone, if we follow this advice. The only equitable solution is to strive to have similar players play eachother, which is in fact the idea which a ladder centers around. While it may be a good opportunity to play against people better than yourself, it is quite stupid to design your ladder to intentionally maximize such incidents--it's bad for the good players, and it's very anti-ladder at its core.
On December 18 2009 04:56 illu wrote: I don't understand the rationale behind the legal maphack.
What is wrong with you? Maphacking is clearly the best way to practice timings... If they make some sort of "UMS" mode with maphack option, that would be ridiculously good for practicegames...
NOW iCCup is back up
ugh. higher than Olympic? or lower than D-
;] curious now
is that a keyboard and a mouse..?
Losses at A and higher now only -130 points it looks like.
ICCUP season 11 new features -
In anticipation of the new season on iCCup we are happy to present you with a small list of additional features to try. These new innovative features should help to improve your iCCup experience.
The first innovation is the rank limit command / rl. Now you do not have to spend a long time searching for a player at your skill level, or kicking time-wasters who are far above or below your own skill level. All you need to do is specify the rank of the player or the ladder point limit of the players that you wish to join your game.
Here's an example: / rl 6000 7000 (Only those players who from 6000 to 7000 points may join). / rl 10000 (Only a player who has more 10000 points may join) / rl c-c + (yOnly those who are ranked between C- to C+ may join)
Are you tired of players are not using antihack? Now this problem is easily solved. By utilising yet another new command / nah (no antihack) players not using iCCup's AntiHack feature will not be able to join your game. Additionally, the country that a player is playing from will be displayed when you join a game with a tag ([KR] for Korean, [AU] for Australian, etc.).
The next new feature is specifically helpful for those active in a clan. The list of new commands available is found below:
/ clan help (/ ch; Help) / clan list (/ cl; Shows a list of everyone who is in the clan) / clan msg (/ cm, / cw; Send a message to all clanmates) / clan online (/ co; Show all clan mates who are online) / clan off (/ c off; Disable all clan notifications) / clan on (/ c on; Include all clan related alerts) / clan state (/ c state; Shows the current status regarding clan alerts, i.e. ON or OFF)
Also worth noting is that now all the clans have at their disposal clan channels, to which the player will be automatically directed when you log on to the server.
Finally, and perhaps the most interesting new innovation — a new rank. A distinguishing letter has not been assigned as of yet, but the beginner rank will be identified by this icon . This rank is positioned even lower than the D- to help those who have only just recently met with StarCraft and their level of play is significantly lower than the average D- player. Accordingly, in order to be demoted to D- you must fall to 900 ladder points, instead of the previous 850 points. Also, players in the lowest rank will lose 20 ladder points for a loss.
We hope you enjoy the latest additions to iCCup and good luck achieving your goals in Season 11!
The rank limit and no anti-hack commands are going to be useful. Also going to make mac users have a super hard time finding games.
I guess the new joke is gonna be saying you're E rank now.
On December 18 2009 08:35 Chef wrote: I guess the new joke is gonna be saying you're E rank now. its a mouse and keyboard, so you should say "mk rank" :D
also, the /nah and /rl commands are so useful
Wow, these are some pretty cool new features. This is gonna be so useful for those just starting out...
Thanks BG1 ! Those look cool
unk(Messages 166)ltoday @ 12:29 local2 maphack feature will be released a bit later. 1-2 days. follow the blogs!
On December 18 2009 09:01 beetlelisk wrote:Thanks BG1 ! Those look cool Show nested quote +unk(Messages 166)ltoday @ 12:29 local2 maphack feature will be released a bit later. 1-2 days. follow the blogs! If its anything like the other features, unk is gonna drop a whole box of awesome on us