I was introduced to BW via LAN parties and to this day, that is my favourite thing about BW. Last July was our last large LAN at my house.
The Players
Lord Bryon- My brother and fellow house mate. Doesn't enjoy 1v1's, but has always enjoyed team alliances in both BW and SC2. He macros fairly well for his speed and understand the need to not let me macro quietly in the corner and often pushes his allies to help attack.
Jdog- Also my brother. He is very new to the game. I think he's played at most four times, but I have become very efficient in teaching BW and he can macro very well. He uses both army hotkeys and hotkeys to jump to nexus' and gateway. New tactics throw him off and he is fairly passive in attacking.
Mike- Friend from university and former housemate who now lives in a nearby city. He is also new to the game, perhaps playing six games. He can macro quite well although this game he was short on gas. Admits he doesn't know when or what to attack.
eScapegoat- My cousin and my biggest threat. I recruited him to SC2 and he went on to ladder up to Diamond before switching to LoL. Of everyone else, he has the best game sense and has the best macro and tactics. He, LordB and I have played tons of RTS's going back to C&C, Age of Empires/ Mythology and before that turn-based strategy games such as Civilization, Imperial Conquest 2, and Space Empires 2.
DJB- friend from college and uni and former housemate for four years. He introduced me to BW back in 2007, but relies heavily on micro and sneak attacks rather than macro.
zac- DJB's young brother-in-law. Zac is still in school (large family) and has only just started playing SC, but is very excited about the strategy involved.
Passafist- yours truly. The only one that ladders in BW. In LAN games, I usually play with serious handicaps (Terran no tank) or play on my own team and off-race to balance out my skill. Whatever team I am on, I tend to win and so I have become the biggest target to attack. (The exception is my 1v1v1 games with eScapegoat and LordB. I have lost when they gang up on me, but if they ever forget about me in a corner, I will quietly remacro up to fight again.)
The Teams
I am the most experienced and I am paired with zac, the least experienced. In addition, I am offracing Zerg- although that is partially because no-one else is playing Zerg. I have no further restrictions this game (yay.)
Jdog and Mike are the next newest. Their macro is stronger than DJB and zac and on par with LordByron, but they lack game experience so LordB is added to their number to help coordinate attacks.
eScapegoat is the strongest player after me (he laddered in SC2 much more than I ever did so he has semi-transferable macro skills) and is paired with DJB who has been playing the longest of us, but is better at special tactics than massing giant armies.
Simply having more than two sides also helps balance out the teams.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/yPjzEgm.png)
Battleground- Map
Our group (and particularly DJB) has never liked 8 player maps that have the allies spawn separately. For that reason I have always made maps for the group. I have tried to move away from 1 base, big money maps, but I try to keep shared entrances. Each time I make a new map, I try to make it more and more like pro-league maps to transition away. This is my newest map and the only compromise I really have is the mains have 10K minerals. Gas is normal and all naturals are normal. For the last couple years, my maps have the option to be played 4v4 or 2v2v2v2.
Map with Player locations
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Qciz7ri.jpg)
The first minutes of the game started off pretty slow as everyone macroed up. However, my MO in LAN games is to throw people off their game and cause trouble to the player that are my biggest threat. Unfortunately for eScapegoat, it is almost always him. So I sent two waves of zerglings at eScapegoat & DJB's choke off of two bases while I teched to muta.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7lS6vZ1.png)
First attack...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Gf8z0Nq.png)
...Ends in failure
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/rxKo8qI.png)
Second was a runby
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YHK73PM.png)
and wasn't much more successful, putting me rather behind in macro.
Supply at 8:30 min
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eB0Xgeh.png)
At 8:40, my mutalisks attacked and began cleaning out eScapegoat's main despite some poor muta micro on my part.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/UCqqv5s.png)
Twice more I cleaned out his main and cleared turrets, leaving his economy in shambles. Unfortunately, I had not properly expanded behind 2 base muta and the other players caught up as I scrambled to expo.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/6aKdbQG.png)
I now have 80 Supply & eScape reduced to 40 supply.
BUT DJB 80 supply, Jdog & Mike 90 Supply, LordB 70 supply.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fOyQzOk.png)
At 14:00 DJB clashed with Jdog in the North for the first time.
Having damaged eScapegoat sufficiently for the time being (I thought), I unleashed my mutas on my next biggest threat: Lord Bryon.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MEuQEHB.png)
My mutalisks were not nearly so successful as he caught them in between groups of Goliaths in his main.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/d5EHV2i.png)
At the same time Mike sent his first group of marines and tanks towards eScapegoat & DJB's choke where they were wiped out by the massed defensive force.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EeuN4Ge.png)
At 17:20 DJB sent a commando squad of 5 DTs into Jdogs' natural.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VUEDWG9.png)
Jdog had forgotten to make detection at his natural and DJB slaughters two control groups of zealots and dragoons.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/UdNeODN.png)
Plus workers and so Jdog's supply dropped from 140 to 82.
This evened the supply for DJB who had begun the attack with only 98 supply.
19:20, Jdog began making an observatory, but DJB helps him out by suiciding his DTs on the cannons in the main. His remaining DTs camped outside Mike's base to snipe reinforcements. Meanwhile Mike sent a wraith south to scout around.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oMwhc1Q.png)
I caught LordB's tanks transferring to help Jdog & Mike, but I needed to quickly run away from Goliaths.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lkD7FVO.png)
DJB's DTs outside Mike's base
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FW9IClZ.png)
...and my mutas flew straight into more of LordB's goliaths.
22:30 zac & I pushed out with the intention of fighting eScapegoat's growing tank lines. In the north, LordB consolidated his forces with Mike and Jdog.
23:00 I sent two control group of zerglings to flank eScapegoat's tanks.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jOVZ3z1.png)
My flank ran into LordB's attacking forces that ran into DJB's DT squad.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oVuDonv.png)
A three way battle broke out, wiping out tanks and zerglings alike.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/riWxi8X.png)
At that exact same time, I had sent the bulk of my army with zac's zealots into eScapegoat's army. LordB's tanks were destroyed by DJB's DTs, but my entire army was lost to eScape's Terran deathball.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hduwXSu.png)
Those two extra control groups and defiler might not have won the battle, but it couldn't have hurt

26:00 Mike sends some late arrival marines into eScape & DJB's massive army.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KHX00y3.png)
With my army cleared out, eScape began his relentless push across the map to my base, building turrets to protect his giant tank army. His maxed 200/200 army sat just out of range of my 3rd.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/W4O5drw.png)
After that disastorous assualt, I remassed to 160 supply with ultras, lings and defilers with Dark Swarm and readied for the oncoming Terran army.
In the north, the Triple Alliance of Jdog, Mike, and LordB had gathered up their armies and fleets and were now ready roll down into the south.
Supply at 27 min
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/59sui57.png)
Who will win the multi-front war?
Tune in next time for the continuing story.
BW is for Newbs Part 2
BW is for Newbs Part 3
(Sorry, I am trying to keep my word count down and this is a long game.)