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IdrA to be deported from Korea
Greg “IdrA” Fields of Team Evil Geniuses announced last night that he will be leaving Korea and heading back to the United States. He explained that he was moving back to be a part of the Western Starcraft 2 scene which is poised to explode. However, many were suspicious as the timing is right before the new GSL season. This morning, these suspicions were confirmed as information was leaked from the Korean Immigration Bureau that IdrA is actually being deported for his bad manners.
The leaked information contains a 9723 page report documenting all the instances of poor manners by IdrA, both in and out of game. In Korean culture, people are respectful to each other and especially their elders, so many feel IdrA's deportation is well-deserving and has been coming for a long time. Ever since Greg so rudely corrected The Emperor, BoxeR, he has had a target on his back as correcting the great Lim Yo Hwan can be an arrestable offense. It is believed that IdrA's airport send off next month will have more Korean attendance than all the GSL finals combined, which really isn't a whole lot, because SC2 is clearly dying in Korea.
It is unclear what finally tipped the scales to actually deport IdrA, but many feel it is related to his and Artosis' new show, “Imbalanced.” An Immigration Buereau worker, who spoke under anonymity, said that the show factored into the decision. “In Korea, it is rude to talk about imbalance, much less create a show called “Imbalanced,” in which all the discussion is about imbalance. Hell, the show itself is imbalanced. Two Zerg players? And don't tell me Artosis plays Protoss now. I've seen his Protoss, it's awful.”
During the announcement, it was revealed that IdrA had already decided to return to the US when GomTV had the Code S group selections. IdrA purposely selected TSL_Clide, who picked oGsZenio, both rivals of IdrA. Greg also chose a group right next to IMmvp's group which also has oGsMC, meaning Clide and Zenio may have to play a GSL champion should they advance to the round of 16. This revelation shows that IdrA is not only good at bm, but also trolling. In response to IdrA superb trolling, GOSUTrolling.com, a SC2 news website that doesn't break any significant news, has completely inaccurate articles, and does some truly atrocious interviews, announced that because of his efforts, Greg has been awarded the "Athene Award for Artistic Excellence in the field of Trolling".
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IdrA during the Code S group selection. Somehow, everyone missed Greg's troll face, which further demonstrates his masterful trolling skills.
Despite his trolling prowess, IdrA is not immune to trolling as he agreed to move in with Bryce “Machine” Bates when he returns to the US, only to be later informed that their other roommate is a 45-year-old porn enthusiast. IdrA could not be reached for comment.
However, not everyone in Korea is happy to see IdrA go. It is rumored that TSL_Clide and oGsZenio will be holding a tearful vigil tonight in memory of their nemesis.
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Bleh. Kind of rushed another article out, hopefully it's decent. Recent revelations and laziness have made me adjust my plans for articles and I wanted to get one out this week. I'll probably have a couple planned out articles this weekend/next week.
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