That is really, really cool!
Dothraki are really imba though.
Wow, man this is pretty awesome. Like not only did you do a great job with (btw i thought the camera felt fine, not really jerky at all), but I'm really impressed with the SC2 map editor.
thanks for sharing it. really really liked it! Would be cool to see some more stuff if you continue to play around with this style!
Awesome man, Game of Thrones rules.
Wow what looked really nice. What would be really cool if you could include the exact same battles, but also having a sort of First-Person view of the thing, like you're a marine or zealot. You could probably pull it off by simply watching each battle unfold a few times, and finding out which units survive 'till the end, then putting the camera in their heads
On May 09 2011 00:01 bITt.mAN wrote:Wow what looked really nice. What would be really cool if you could include the exact same battles, but also having a sort of First-Person view of the thing, like you're a marine or zealot. You could probably pull it off by simply watching each battle unfold a few times, and finding out which units survive 'till the end, then putting the camera in their heads 
I've been thinking about doing a first person-ish picture series of what a unit might be seeing during the average game. You know. Marines staring up at collosus. Marauders looking at phoenixes while lifted. Lings staring at a depot wall. Banelings staring at dirt while burrowed. Etc, etc.
I'll play around with the editor some more and see if I can get good enough to get those shots.
It's a game based on a TV show based on a book. I'm suspicious of it on principle :p
Is that tilt shift effect built into the editor as well or was that something you did afterwards?
your post to awesome ratio is shockingly high. TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH, MAN. you're making the rest of us look bad.
Wow, this needs to be Spotlighted!!
On May 09 2011 00:41 Gfox wrote: Is that tilt shift effect built into the editor as well or was that something you did afterwards?
It's built into the editor. SC2 in-game cameras have depth of field controls, which you can modify to get that effect.
Braavos36372 Posts
Moved this out of blogs.
I love the Game of Thrones Intro so this was super cool.
Great job!
i love that the character models look like little moving warhammer miniatures in that view, reminds me of my childhood playing tabletop games :D
very nice. just disappointed that nukes and mothership didnt make an appearance. also unclumping the units might it look bettr for some of the battles.
On May 09 2011 01:14 OopsOopsBaby wrote: very nice. just disappointed that nukes and mothership didnt make an appearance.
There was a mothership in that last battle with the collosus and ultralisks, though it was probably hard to see.
As for nukes, I tried (you can even see a single ghost in the final battle in the top right corner), but after spending 45 minutes trying to script a ghost so that it launches a nuke, I gave up :p
This is so awesome! Great work man! I would love to see a smoother version, but this is just so cool!
whoa, sick! how long did that take you to put together? how much of the fighting is scripted vs ai amoving? (e.g. I saw scripted storms in one screenshot)
Disregarding the original intention of recreating that TV show intro....
using the tilt-shift photography technique on Starcraft II shots works surprisingly well! I love it, great job.
Wow, it looks real. It's almost like it's some kind of miniature Starcraft model set. If you made a real life one, I'd buy it.