Happy 2000th post to myself!
Time spent making my TL account: 3 minutes.
Time passed before my first post: 1 month.
Time spent making my first post: 30 seconds.
Time spent making my first FPL team: 10 minutes.
Time spent traslating my first winner's interview: 30 minutes.
Time spent on my latest winner's interview: 45 minutes.
Time spent getting the star since my first post: 7 months.
Time passed before I got my first ban since my first post: 6 months.
Time passed before it was changed to a warning: 2 minutes.
Time spent writing my first blog: 15 minutes.
Time spent getting 1000 posts on TL: 9 months.
Time spent writing it: 1 hour.
Time spent achieving a blue rank since I started iCCup: 1 year.
Time spent subbing the Nate MSL Group Selection: 20 hours (over 1 week).
Time spent subbing each episode of Hyungjoon Becomes Progamer: 4~5 hours.
Time spent watching over the noob league: 4 months.
Time taken for ClouD to own me: 10 minutes.
Time spent owning ils 3-0: 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Time spent writing this 2000th post and blog: 2 hours.
Time spent on TL, the #1 site for all your StarCraft information with a wonderful community: Priceless.
There are some things that one person cannot do no matter how much time he spends;
Thank you to zatic, Hot_Bid, Kennigit, Manifesto7, Plexa, riptide, SonuvBob, Waxangel, Pangshai, Zulu, ghostWriter, infinity21, konadora, MrHoon, Smix, Chill, Mystlord, Pholon, Ver, LordWeird, Kentor, Solinren, Roffles, T.O.P., ilikestarcraft, Harem, Lyriene, GTR, NeverGG, RaptorX, Saracen, EvoChamber, Grobyc, Caller, Chaos-, Stupidity, Pokebunny, KawaiiRice, the TL staff, and everyone else that my brain is too dumb to recall right now for making the time here at TL very enjoyable. I look forward to contributing even more to TL and to meet more interesting people!
P.S. The list is in no specific order. Please do not be offended if you are not on the list.
TL is awesome.
Damn, forgot to add that I predict I will be a Mutalisk as of this post!