I'd like to practice everyday and get better to smash my friends at a LAN we will play in 3 weeks.
I'm D- on Iccup, I only know Python, Blue storm and Lost Temple.
I Play Terran.
I'm willing to lose and learn against decent opponents who could teach me a few stuff.
I like to proxy because I'm a real man.
I live in France so I can practice everyday during lunch time 12pm, 2pm.
I can play on Garena or Hamachi, perhaps I should download some chaos launcher stuff ?
you don't have iccup? if your playing, pm me and I'll play with you now!
I'm downloading it now. I'll pm you as soon as I'm ready :D
Pm me if you want to play anytime, I'm ready to play whenever.
Edit: on iccup. :D And I should be available for the next few weeks between 12 and 2 your time.
Hi dude.
We can train if you're up to, but only on week-ends. I play Protoss and I'm D, and french also ^^
PM me.
If you got three weeks and your friends isn't that good, with teamliquids help you will indeed smash them 
Good luck! add me to friends on iccup
BW-Zoler & Zoler and msg me whenever I'm online
Msn : saikage@hotmail.com iccup: 6Dragonz garena: kage
get on im learning as well and i'm p and some times z. We can play a lot.
Hey, i'd sure like to game with you too! I'm JonsaBoy on ICCup as well, add me to friends
icc ID: Art.VadeR or VadeRo3
I'm around D+ level Protoss with D level PvT so I can practice some with you. It's GMT +3 in Bahrain so I'm not too far from your time zone  Friend add me on icc and msg me sometime if I'm online if you want some games.