The MSL:
- sAviOr's famous "defend with nothing" almost worked, but Canata called his bluff. That hatch was crucial, and while the Maestro stayed in the game the whole way, it just wasn't enough. Also spamturrets are gay.
- firebathero is really bad at TvP.
- fOrGG's first game against Much was awesome. His second game against Pure was silly, although I was amused at the effectiveness of Pure's "do nothing with my goons" strategy.
- Flash is still (again?) on ez-mode.
The trip:
- Metro is awesome.
- Although apparently it shuts down at 11, made the trip home complicated when I went a station too far as the trains stopped running.
- People keep talking about these Tmoney cards, but the two machines I ran across today (I was in a hurry though, my sense of time is bad) were out of order. Fail.
MBC's studio is really really small and stuff. I swear the black box theater at my college is bigger. Also the lighting is really obnoxious - huge props to NeverGG because I would hate taking pictures in there.
I ran into a Korean elementary school teacher who spoke decent English, so we talked a little bit about the game. Argued the relative merits and obnoxiousness of seige tanks vs storm. He was sort of impressed that I knew the Hangeul writing, but I still felt terrible because my actual knowledge of the language is very close to nonexistent.
Also, it needs to be said again: fbh's TvP is terrible.