Our team just won the national qualifiers. Free trip to Singapore! I'm happy cakes. We played pretty steadily considering
1. It was our first time playing as a team (all 5) 2. I was on a eurotrip for 3 weeks with no dota whatsoever and I had to play after the day I got back
Finals Replays:
Game 1 necro/rhasta/zeus/abaddon/lich vs es/wl/chen/doom/pugna me necro We had much stronger late game potential so we stall the game until we (I) get fat. I played kind of sloppily at times, not managing my mana pool intelligently and running into fights with poor judgment and coordination
Game 2 rhasta/es/puck/lich/tide vs sandking/potm/necro/bane/zeus me puck Quite the reverse of game 1 where we need to force team fights and push asap. Annoying lane but top lane got raped harder so whatever Not much to say except that our lineup is packed full of rape in teamfights and we made good use of it, keeping the pressure on.
We definitely need to improve on certain points and practice more as a team now that there are no scheduling conflicts. But I'm pretty excited and think we can be a solid team even vs foreign powers.
what do u mean free trip to singapore? the finals are held in singapore?
Singapore66065 Posts
Edit: Btw I thought Koreans all play Chaos...
Yes, the actual nation-vs-nations will take place in Singapore and basically free trip to singapore since WCG sponsors our trip there instead of us having to pay for the free with our own money.
I can only estimate but there are at least 20 times more Chaos players than DotA players which is why Korean dota is pretty weak since there are no ih leagues or vouch/safelist so even the best of Korea play regularly in pubs. Need bigger player base -> more communities -> more education for stubborn bfury first going noobs and higher lvl play promoting league in general
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
Congrats! Looking at replays right now.
Grats sounds awesome! Where do you usually play?
Congrats! How did your team form itself?
Seychelles2061 Posts
No sadist? Vs nether ward too? WAT A NOOB
Not really, but isn't sadist imba good, esp if youre going out of your way to buy regen (blood stone) and it looks as if you have mana problems all game.
Singapore66065 Posts
Come meet us living in Singapore!
Can't wait to watch Singapore's qualifiers unfold. Should be some great matches.
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First time play as a team and won national qualifier? You guys must be really good or the others really suck.
better watch out.. singaporeans take their dota very seriously. Good luck
good stuff heenie weenie
watching the reps now, judging by the lineups i'll be watching game 2 first
Cool! Sorry I'm a huge newb, but what's Chaos? Is it a standalone game?