"http://www.iccup.com/gamingprofile/firebird[lod].html" Sorry I can't make it a hyper-link because of the ] in my tag =/
Well, I got B- iCCup finally. I've known I was around that skill level for a while now, but never actually went and played the games.
This season is significant for me because I officially picked up tvz as a main matchup over zvz. I always played tvz and pvz for fun, but decided to just focus on tvz.
I started the name as a terran only name, then played tvz only on it once I decided to play tvz as a main mu.
I went: 8-0 D+ 19-6 C- 28-6 C 36-6 C+ 65-33 B- But the first 14-5 games were t only. I almost hit B- near 44-10 or something, but hit a rough patch where I was losing a lot due to insisting on blindly using some build or tactic because it worked in some other game, instead of actually playing and focusing on the game. That's why I hate laddering, makes me lazy =/
I was hoping to get B- during the night (when the Koreans are on), but everytime I'd get close I'd throw a game or let myself get cheesed or something. I was 1-3 games from B- for so long tt. Today I somehow dropped to ~5300 playing foreigners -_-
Ironically enough, when I was 1 game from B- my zvp and zvt failed, and the game that got me B- was tvz. The zerg was 1 game from B- too and tried to cheese me with 9pool + sunk rush on colosseum2, but I blocked it pretty well, went 2port wraith (only made 3 wraiths) and expo'd. He just did an all-in hydra attack which failed, and he left. Was a pretty easy game since I blocked his rush.
My matchlist is pretty pathetic
Sorry but here is how it works, if your good enough to earn b- and make a blog like so many of us have, then you post your winning replay, or a few gems that show something unique or fun.
B- without a replay is like a banging a model and never having anyone see!
Good job, put a replay up, until then Your blog will be unrated by me!!!
Haha alright I'll post the winning rep, and look through to find some fun replays.
lol gratz. TvZ is ez mode :p
On May 25 2009 15:31 Piy wrote: lol gratz. TvZ is ez mode :p
Hell no man. I was frustrated zvz so i attempted some tvz (mind you im about C rank) and it's so damn difficult. I think zvt/tvz are the hardest matchups but i am biased after all
65-33 ... your losses are more than my wins. 1/10 blog >:o
United States11390 Posts
Calgary25959 Posts
On May 25 2009 19:19 unSpeake wrote:Hell no man. I was frustrated zvz so i attempted some tvz (mind you im about C rank) and it's so damn difficult. I think zvt/tvz are the hardest matchups but i am biased after all
TvZ is hard shit. But its also very good to play and watch.
Congrats on the B-
how many games do you play a day?
Does this mean my ZvT is B- ???! :D
16946 Posts
Haha nice...for some reason I always thought you were a mapmaker only and pretty awful at the game itself. Obviously I was mistaken :D Congrats!
[url blocked] Ok here are 13 replays of me at C+. Some of these guys are C, I don't feel like looking up who's C and who's C+, but I think most are C+.
3278 is the replay that got me B-. 3250 is probably the funniest / most worth-watching replay.
I don't think the games are very good, I look so bad in replays